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CEDAR MOUNTAIN DAY Come to play, stay the day! There is something for everyone on Saturday August 15 here in Cedar Mountain.


Come one come all. The Cedar Mountain Community Center will be overflowing with vendors and goods for sale on Saturday August 15, 9am – noon. There will even be vendors in the parking lot. Please call Linda Young at 877-5407 if you have questions.


There will be a blood drive at the station Saturday 8-15 from 8:30am - 12:30pm and an open house 8:30am to 2pm. A BBQ lunch will be served 11am to 2pm. Purchase a full plate or buy by the pound; pork butts cooked all night.


Each year during the third week in August there is the "Mountain Gourd Gathering" right here in Cedar Mountain. There are classes, with teachers and students coming from all over the southeast and raw gourds that are already cleaned for sale. This year there will be a gentleman demonstrating iron work out front near the gourd farm folks.

Indoors there are classes. Some of the most amazing things are created using the hard-shell gourd. And new this year the teachers will be offering completed gourd art pieces plus gourd books and drying racks, and other supplies for sale. Come see what we're about.

Though classes begin on Thursday afternoon, the public is invited to drop in all day Friday and Saturday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Christine Pace (me) is host, with Marianne Barnes (Greenville, SC) as co-host and scheduler, and the Palmetto Gourd Patch as co-sponsor.

You can get on our mailing list by visiting our website:


Top off the day with refreshments at Cedar Mountain’s bier garten.


There was standing room only Monday as the largest crowd ever gathered for the potluck and auction. There were many items on display to be auctioned before the large covered-dish dinner began and every chair was filled.

Mike Pace, a sixth-generation resident of Cedar Mountain was again the auctioneer, which in itself is a huge draw. Mike's quick wit and wisdom had everyone rolling in their chairs with laughter, and produced some very high bids, all of which go to the continuing upkeep, programs and improvement of the Cedar Mountain Community Center. “Mike Pace never gives up" said one. "If someone says he can't sell something he soon proves them wrong, by laughingly demonstrating the unique advantages of owning said item."

David Brown, retired Forest Supervisor of DuPont State Recreational Forest, brought three items for bid which he made using woods from his multi-acre homestead. These were incredible pieces and shows that David has not slowed down at all. One piece, a life-sized "Plot Hound" made from "Dog Wood" roots and branches, was a great find and would not disturb the neighbors because, as David said, "It lost its bark". Bids came in fast for that.

One of our 2016 calendars, autographed by the photographers, was a very popular item and went for a larger amount than we could have dreamed of.

Rob Travis offered two of his photography creations to everyone's enjoyment. There were many great and unusual items offered. The bidding was fast and furious and so much fun.

The funniest part was seeing a married couple bid for the same item. They were across the room from each other and one didn't see that the other was bidding. Mike kept quiet about this and really raised the bid, to everyone's laughter. This happened more than once.

When all was done everyone went home with great treasures or great tales to relay, or both.

The business meeting mentioned the new sign that was purchased and was recently installed. This will make it so much easier to announce up-coming events.

An update on the transformed Sports/tennis court was given by Bill Hagler. When all is done we will have a professional-quality tennis court for all to use.

Everyone was reminded too that they can use the parking lot to make Verizon cell phone calls and access free Wi-Fi, with no password necessary.


As a fundraiser our Community Center has put together a beautiful calendar for 2016. The calendar is composed of photographs from local photographers and highlight the beauty of our area. Our 2016 Calendar was ‘Made in the USA’ - Montana to be exact and will be for sale at local merchants, board members and at our next two potlucks. All proceeds will benefit the Community Center.


Everyone is invited to this year's "Homecoming" celebration at the Rocky Hill Baptist Church on Sunday August 23rd beginning at 10:30 am. The Rev. Tony Hemphill will bring a short message and there will be plenty of singing, followed by a covered-dish lunch. Then more music!


Cedar Mountain Community Center Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30am-11:30am. Classes for August are 8/3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31. Call Hiro Martin at 553-1164 for more information.


Churches are coming together in solidarity to show their support for the ISIS victims and persecuted Christians everywhere. Carr’s Hill BaptistChurch members plan to dress in orange and wear orange ribbons to show their support. They encourage other churches in the area to do the same or feel welcome to join them at Carr’s Hill. The "Orange Sunday" service will take place August 23rd at 11:00. It's time to take a stand in America!

CHRISTINE'S CORNER: ~ Christine Pace


I had an appointment on the second floor of French Broad Place in Brevard last week. When I walked in the ground level I spotted new art work by Cedar Mountain artist/photographer Rob Travis, but when I stepped off the elevator on the second floor I was amazed at all the incredible art he has displayed on their walls. I have been to the Smithsonian's Museum of Art in Washington, DC and yet couldn't remember going there on this day; it was as if I was in a museum, a hidden one, right here in Brevard. Once my appointment was over I spent the next hour going from framed and unframed canvas prints to metal photographs, which made me miss my next appointment completely.

Rob was invited to display his work on the whole second floor earlier this year. He has 15-20 large images, many of them on metal. The metal pieces are made from recycled aluminum; these images were first printed on paper, and then infused into the aluminum through heat and pressure, with the paper image then being discarded. The ink from the paper actually turns into a gas during this process and penetrates into the top laminate layer of the metal (dye sublimation). The colors last for decades and the image can be cleaned with commercial glass cleaner. These are incredible.

I encourage everyone to visit the French Broad Place "museum" on the corners of French Broad and Board streets in Brevard, NC.


Saturday, August 29, 9am – 1pm

All Connestee Residents and Guests are invited. If you’d like to attend the tour, call S. Sanger at 828-862-4971 to be someone’s guest. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members.Ticket sales – Aug 18, 25 – 10:00 to noon and Aug 13, 20, 27 – 5:00 to 6:30pm

Regular meeting of the League August 17 at 10am

Demo by Kurt Weiser, noted pastel artist. Kurt will conduct 1/2 day workshop after the meeting for a cost of $50. Guests are welcome on a space available basis.

Sept. 4-6 – Apple Festival in Hendersonville.

Connestee Art League member, Linda Richardson, will demonstrate use of acrylic and wax paper techniques on Friday Sept 4 from 2pm – 4pm at the Gallery ArtMob Studios and Marketplace.


August 10th Drop One Hole - Cherie Hennig - 28; Low Net - Joyce Seelinger - 23; Low Gross - Peggy Baldwin – 33


Since letting my Kallie Kat be an indoor/outdoor cat she is playing games with me. She will run to the door begging to be let out and then just stand there, look outside, sniff the door or floor and look up at me. She will do this 2 or 3 times until I grab her collar and dump her outside. She often does the same when wanting to come in. Silly cat.

What’s going on in your life that you would like to share? Please send all news to If need be, you may also call Linda Young at 877-5407. Contributions need to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

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