The AOTC bicycle event is Saturday April 9th. One major stop will be the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Those who wish to cheer them on at this point are asked to be at the community center between 10 and 10:30am to greet the first cyclists. Please watch for bicyclists coming through our neighborhood and on into Brevard. Avoiding Hwy 276 (Greenville Hwy) for awhile on Saturday is something you may want to consider.
The first potluck and meeting of the season will be held Monday April 11th at the Cedar Mountain Community Center 10635 Greenville Hwy. The program will be a discussion on Transylvania County’s Property Reappraisal, presented by the Transylvania County Tax office. You are asked to please have your dish to share on the table in the senior room by 6:15pm so we can begin eating at 6:30pm. The program will start about 7pm. Everyone is invited and you don’t have to live in Cedar Mountain.
Many inquiries have been made as to when our next flea market at the Cedar Mountain Community Center will be. It was agreed that we will schedule one for later in the summer. Watch for further details. You may call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. Your name will be placed on the list for notification. Six tables are already reserved and there is a 2 table maximum per vendor.
The Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League is seeking new members for its upcoming season. The league plays 9 holes every Monday morning from now until October 10th. The April starting time is 10 am. The league is open to any lady golfer, any age or ability level who is interested in fun, yet competitive 9-hole play. New members are welcome at any time during the season. For more information, please call Lin at 828-884-8465 or email lk3596@yahoo.com.
Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center between 3pm and 5pm the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Cedar Mountain Community website is www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com. The website includes The Cedar Mountain News, a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more. Check it out.
SATURDAY The big news Saturday (April 9th) is that Joe Earl Pace is turning 81 year's old. Joe and I will begin celebrating in Greer, SC starting with lunch with Pastor Dan and Martha Ray. That evening we will sup with our daughter Carri Harris, Jimmy and the girls. We will also be celebrating our youngest grandson's birthday as well. Granddaughter Cassi Harris turned 15 on April 2nd; making her "one week older than me" says Grandpa Joe.
Besides "Uncle Joe's" birthday the 9th, his favorite niece Patty Stahl has a birthday April 21st. Rocky Hill's nursery worker Gail Smith will celebrate "a big one" on April 19th, though she doesn't look any older than when I saw her last Sunday. Claire Skerrett has a birthday the 27th and her niece Angie Beeker turns another year older on the 11th. Young Cody Brown will gain a year the 28th. Let's not forget Brandon Bandhauer who is advancing a year himself on April 13th. Finally, not only is Gayle Rich celebrating her birthday on April 30th but she and Fred will have celebrated their anniversary on the 8th. Congratulations to all.
TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY We celebrate Pastor and Deb Holland who came to lead us at Rocky Hill Baptist Church two year's ago last week. They came from northern Indiana to "escape the snow", and then fell in love with the community as we did them. Thank you for two great year's, with many more to come.
A large oak tree toppled over onto Reasonover Road on Saturday, blocking those trying to enter or leave. Just as I turned the corner past the old Rabb's place Kitt Garren rode by on his bike. While Kitt went to his home for a chainsaw, I backed up to the Kisemore house and made a few phone calls. None of the young guys were home Saturday morning. So I called dear hubby, Joe. He along with a neighbor from Idlewild sawed away enough of the tree for vehicles to pass single-file. Joe says a gust of wind blew the tree over; it was already leaning from too much moisture in the ground.
CORVETTES ABOUND After reading the Connestee News column last week about the many Corvettes residing there, some of the neighbors remarked that there are many more Corvettes, Porsches and even a Viper here on the back roads of Cedar Mountain. These are fun cars to drive in the mountains. I've had a ride in a few of them myself.
ALL COOPED UP? The gift shop "Changes in Altitude" now has a little white picket fence in their display window full of (my) Christine's gourd chickens. A new antique shop is due to open soon in the Cedar Mountain Business Park, between The Cedar Mountain Canteen and Rob Travis's Photography gallery.
Celebrating the start of an active spring & summer means entertainment at Creekside Market. Starting with a kick-off on Saturday April 30th, there will be live music and an open grill. Popular singer, Wayne Bishop, will be entertaining. All who wish come please bring a lawn chair and your neighbor. Music begins at 6pm.
GOURD GATHERING AT CHEROKEE It's time to sign up to attend the annual "Gourd Gathering at Cherokee” which will be held June 2nd thru 5th on the large Indian Fairgrounds in beautiful Cherokee, NC. If you are interested in taking a class, or just seeing what is offered, please visit their web site at www.gourdgathering.org. This will be (my) Christine Pace's 13th year attending. On April 16th there will be a one-day gourd festival at the Ghost Creek Gourd Farm in Lauren's, SC which you can see at www.ghostcreekgourds.com.
I have often “joked” about having a spook at my house. Spook has done things around the house that are otherwise unexplainable. Well Spook was back this morning. I was standing near my stove when I heard it start beeping. I hadn’t touched it yet. The cleaning cycle had come on all by itself and I could not turn it off no matter how many buttons I pushed. To reset it I had to make two trips to the basement electrical box. First to throw the switch, run up the stairs to make sure the electricity the stove was off (it was) and then run back down to turn it back on. Then run back upstairs to make sure it was reset. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t been home. I need a new stove but it’s one of those slideins that cost 3 times what a regular stove does.
What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share. All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times
Please note email change to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com.