Preparation for the BBQ last Saturday started Friday evening and lasted until 10:30 am on Saturday morning. BBQ was served from 10:45am to 2:30pm. We started early and ran late. Members of the auxiliary and fire department spent the night roasting pork butts on the big cooker, making cookies and other preparations. The fun started about 9:30am when we all began pulling the meat from the bones. This is a tricky task since the pork butts are smoking hot coming off the cooker. We wore cotton gloves under the rubber ones. After cleaning off the bones, Chaplin Don Greene used a bucket and a “paint’ mixer to further shred the meat for easier serving.

The next meeting the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department Auxiliary will be Monday June 6th at 7pm at t
he fire station. The scheduled meeting for the 7th was changed due to the election. Anyone interested in the auxiliary is urged to attend. New members are always welcome.
St. Timothy’s United Methodist Church at 1020 Asheville Hwy is sponsoring an antique appraisal on Saturday June 11th from 1-3 pm at the church. Appraisers will be Stan Shelley and Joette Humphrey of Shelly’s Jewelry in Hendersonville and estate specialist Beverly Nash. Appraisals are $5 each with a limit of 3 items.
Creekside after 5 Memorial Day Celebration - May 28th - Day Band (1pm-4pm): Black Mountain City Limits. Night Band: Sliding Rockers Creekside after 5 is a weekly (Saturday) festival-style gathering in the Cedar Mountain community for area residents, friends & vacationers. Saturdays are family-oriented. A live band plays each week for your toe-tappin' pleasure. Bring your coolers and chairs, set a spell, visit with old friends and make new ones while the magic of the mountains hooks you forever.
CEDAR MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY CENTER NEWS The next community center program will be on Monday, June 13. Please have your covered-dish on the table by 6:15PM. The program will be about the original road that ran from here in Cedar Mountain to Brevard, NC, known then as the "Johnstone Turnpike". This will be one you won't want to miss. Mark your calendar too for July's meeting, which will be our annual "Talent Night". Call Christine Pace at (828)885-2103 and let her know what you'll be showcasing that evening, and come and enjoy the other great variety of local talent too. This event will be on Monday July 11th following our covered-dish dinner. Very casual; bring your neighbor and enjoy a great "show". Have you noticed our new "Cedar" tree in front of the new stone patio at the community center? It's a beauty.
Next year’s calendar will depict life in Cedar Mountain then and now. If you have any old photos of the area you can share please let Clint Owings know so he can copy them. They can also be scanned and sent to him by email at cmcc28718@gmail.com. His number is 828-883-9707.
Both the Cedar Mountain Community Center and Whistlestop Produce are collecting Cans for the Community and a large donation was recently made to Bread of Life. Pet food is also needed along with pantry items such as cereal, sugar & flour. Bottled foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise etc. are also welcomed. Foods slightly past their “sell by” dates are acceptable. Look for the big blue tubs at both sites. The next donation will go to Sharing House.
Anyone who would like to reserve a table at the Cedar Mountain Community Center Flea market Fundraiser Sept 17 is urged to call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. As a community service, we will open our doors to those who don’t have the opportunity to have garage sales at home due to location. The community center is offering our building for anyone who would like to bring garage sale items to sell. This also helps recycle items that may otherwise go to the landfill. Call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. All table rental proceeds benefit the community center. We are limiting the tables to two per participant.
Stringball, back 9 - Lynda Camenzind - 25
FAITH CHAPEL Dr. Leland Holland, pastor at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in Cedar Mountain, NC will officiate at the 11:00 AM service at the Faith Memorial Chapel on Stones Lake Road in Cedar Mountain this Sunday, May 29, 2016. The Rocky Hill choir, lead by Lenoir Bishop, will lead praise in song prior to Dr. Holland's message. Everyone is invited to visit this remarkable open-sided wood and rock church, surrounded by beautiful landscape and sounds of birds singing. Faith Memorial Chapel is open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend each year, and sponsors a different pastor from various denominations throughout the summer.
On Sunday evening 25 gathered at Rocky Hill Baptist Church to watch the movie "Woodlawn", in what pastor Holland calls "Snack & a Movie night". A member of the Gideon's presented a short message at the morning's service. On Sunday June 5th Dan & Julie Snyder, missionaries to Brazil, will bring a report to Rocky Hill; one of their sponsors. All are welcome to attend this and any of our services at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in beautiful Cedar Mountain, NC.
The summer folk are coming back; many are from families that have lived here for several generations. One such family who is here now, and soon will live here permanently, is Nancy Cadora, the daughter of Dixie Jones Lane. You may remember Dixie as one of the three Jones' sisters which included our own Vera Jones Stinson and Annie Jones Wickliffe. They were the daughters of Solomon and Janie Jones. All three of these sisters lived many years: 98 to 102 when they passed. The oldest, Vera, was a story-teller and has been recorded on film and as the author of her book “Stumbling Blocks Were Stepping Stones in Appalachia ". But back to Nancy ... Nancy and her husband Allen Cadora bought Rev. Alton Taylor's home here off Solomon Jones Road a few years’ ago, and are in the process of selling their home in Atlanta to be able to reside here "In God's country" permanently. They recently adopted a wonderful dog from local "Friends for Life Forever" and sends cute stories of how he is fitting in with his new family. Nancy and Allen have two sons, Scott and Matthew, and Scott has a 4-year-old daughter Charlotte, who told her teacher that her grandparents were going to "See the mountain". The teacher asked Scott what mountain his folks were going to see and he laughingly replied "She meant they were going to Cedar Mountain". Cute. Little Charlotte will be making memories here too as she visits her grandparents. Then Nancy wrote about her growing up year's here; "Cedar Mountain always meant nature, security, safety, family and love. And it didn't hurt that God lived at Pretty Place, or at least that's what I thought." Sudie Mulligan, wife of Camp Greenville's Munk Mulligan, led Nancy to believe this as well. "They were marvelous people who touched so many lives." Welcome back "home" Nancy Lane Cadora (you too Allen). We all look forward to your stories.
Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Cedar Mountain Community website is www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com. The website has almost everything you need to know about Cedar Mountain - a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more.
When I heard about the antique appraisal at St Timothy’s on June 11th it brought to mind the time Sotheby’s came to my old home town years ago. I love old stuff and had a piece of pottery that I thought might be worth something. So I painstakingly wrapped it up and carefully transported it. When my turn came I proudly sat my treasure down in front of the appraiser. He laughed. It was old but barely worth what I paid for it. He said thousands were made. So much for getting rich. I keep hoping.
What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share. All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times
Please note email change to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com.