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FOUR flea markets will be held along Greenville Hwy on Saturday Sept 17th.

Dunn’s Rock will be from 7am to 1pm, See Off is from 9am – 1pm, and Sherwood Forest at the Robin Hood Barn is from 9am - 1pm. Watch for the signs.

The Cedar Mountain Community Center’s flea runs from 9am – 12noon. Donations are needed for the community center table and may be dropped off between 3pm and 5pm on Friday the 16th. Space is still available outside the front of the building and there are 2 picnic tables on the patio. Donation is $10 per table or table space. Call Linda at 877-5407 for more information.

Watch for a big classified ad featuring all 4 fleas in this week’s classified.


On September 17, 2016 from 4pm – 10pm at “The Hay Barn” 714 Reasonover Road in Cedar Mountain, there will be a silent auction, live auction, live music, food and drinks. Come and give your support.

Signature handlebar mustache aside, Peyre Cleveland, a life-long Cedar Mountain resident and owner of the Cedar Mountain Canteen, is one in a million. The cancer he has been living with (Urachal Adenocarcinoma) has an occurrence rate of roughly one in 1 million people. Peyre was diagnosed with this disease in early 2014 and he and his family can use our help. For his story and more information go to and Facebook “Handlebars and Hairbraids”.


A number of tennis fans gathered at Cedar Mountain Community Center Monday evening for a Christening or Grand Opening of the newly refurbished Sport’s/Tennis Court. It was a fine day with only a rumble of thunder in the distance.

This 50-year old court was recently completely resurfaced by Mike and Josh Vandergrift and their staff as well as numerous Cedar Mountain Community Center volunteers. The work was a gift from the Brevard Health and Racquet Club. The court is suitable for many court sports such as basketball and Pickleball and will be enjoyed by many. The Cedar Mountain Community is eternally grateful for their contribution and generosity. A special thanks to Billy Hagler for his efforts in making this project happen. Tennis players Jonathan Walker and Josh Vandergrift showed us how it’s done. They had a little help from a “ball boy” named Ranger. Ranger is owned by Candy Gray and loves playing ball. He tried to retrieve every ball that came his way, running to the fence each time. He even grabbed a stray ball that happened to be hit “out of the park”.


We had a wonderful meal as usual and Beth Owings was complimented by our speaker, Jason Guidry, for her wonderful chocolate cake and BBQ sliders. Beth is famous for her chocolate chip cookies as well. Jason Guidry, Superintendent at the DuPont State Recreational Forest brought us up to date on what is going on with the forest. Along with mushrooming attendance (over 700,000 visitors) incidents are mushrooming as well keeping the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue and other rescue personnel busy all season. Hunger Games fans also continue to visit the site of the major motion picture mostly filmed in the park. Parking is a problem and there is no place to add additional parking. Visitor vehicles line the roads where parking is allowed and many begin their long hikes from a long way down the road. During question and answer period following the presentation questions were asked about improving cell phone service. Unfortunately the state does not allow cell phone towers on state land. The question also came up about rumored park fees and there are no plans for that at present. Jason said that three million dollars has been appropriated by the state to add 9 additional personnel and provide more services such as education. Eventually much needed public bathroom facilities will be added at Hooker Falls as well.


CMFRD has packaged BBQ for sale at a special sale price. Price is $8.00 lb or $35.00 for five pounds. Please call Don or Cindy Greene at 828-862-3342 and leave a message if you want to order BBQ.


Do you realize that as of Thursday there are only 100 days till Christmas?

ROCKY HILL CHURCH IS ACTIVE Last Thursday a group from Rocky Hill Baptist Church traveled to Clyde, NC to attend the annual Open House & BBQ at the Broyhill Baptist Children's Home. To say it was spectacular would be putting it mildly. In all there were at least 100 children of all ages, and as many adults or "House Parents". The parking lot was full of church vans and other vehicles and in total there were about 700. The weather couldn't have been better! And there were lines & lines of picnic tables set up under huge tents for the delicious meal. The thing that really stood out to me is how everyone got along so naturally. Kindness, and doing for others was the theme. The older adults were always being asked if we wanted something more, such as a soda or desert. And the music was outstanding! Singers and instruments would interchange and all was done live. A piece of heaven for sure!

MESSAGE OF GRACE After having four baptized the week before, following a great vacation bible school, we had a new lady come forward this past Sunday and gave her life to Christ. I invite all residents and/or visitors to come to Rocky Hill Baptist Church on hwy. 276 in Cedar Mountain at the 11:00am service on Sunday's to listen to pastor Dr, Leland Holland's fine messages. If not Rocky Hill, there are plenty more in our community!

WHERE'S ELMO? WHERE'S DORY? OK, so they are a puppet and a fish. You wouldn't think you could lose these items right? Yet here it is almost two week's since Joe and I moved, or "downsized" as they put it, and we are still hunting for items we thought we had packed so carefully. As I go through boxes and bags I gather items to donate too. So far I have made two trips to Friends for Life Forever gift shop and to Sharing House; made one before the move to Safe. I'll be going to the Goodwill truck with a load soon. There are so many great places to donate items you no longer use or need.

HOSPITALIZED We are in prayer for Mildred Bishop who is in a hospital in South Carolina. Also prayers for Howard Riddick and family as Howard continues his battle with cancer. Joe Pace had a 5-hour "infusion" of iron on Monday and is doing well after that so far.

JOE'S SCHOOL CHUM While at the Brevard Cancer & Infusion Center Joe was in a chair next to one of his best school chum's whom he hadn't seen in fifty years! They enjoyed their time together and promised to keep in touch a bit better now.


I “have” to park under an oak tree in my driveway and the deluge of heavy acorns a couple of years ago damaged my Jeep so extensively it even had to have its hood replaced. Well, I gave a lot of thought to the situation and considered putting up a carport. I really didn’t want the expense or the damage it would have done to the esthetics of my log home. A light bulb lit up in my weak little mind this week and I did the only thing I could. I backed the Jeep up far enough to avoid the acorns. As the old saying goes “sometimes you are too soon old and too late smart.”

An avid fan recently told me that he reads the Cedar Mountain News before he reads the obits. I think I am flattered?

The Cedar Mountain News depends on your input. If you have news to share or announcements to make please let me know. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

Please email with any news or questions.

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