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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 It is already January 5th when this issue comes out. Time really seems to be going fast. "I didn't know growing old would happen so quickly" says Christine Pace. She and Linda Young each wish everyone a very Happy New Year.


The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) will give a presentation on efforts to restore this iconic tree and chestnut plantings that have been carried out in DuPont State Forest. Members of the Friends of DuPont Forest and Sherwood Forest Nature’s Nuts will join TACF at this outreach event.

The event will take place at 1 PM on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at the Cedar Mountain Community Center located at 10635 Greenville Highway, Cedar Mountain, North Carolina and is open to the public. People are encouraged to contact Ed Schwartzman with TACF if they have any questions about the program at 828-281-0047 or


The Cedar Mountain Community Center will host our now 3rd annual chili cook-off on Saturday January 28th, so mark your calendars for this fun and tasty midwinter event. More details soon.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER Where Joe and I live now, closer to Brevard than Cedar Mountain, we have a huge population of white squirrels. Surrounded by forest trees, we see them often jumping from limb to limb, especially now that the leaves are gone. "It's like we're still in Cedar Mountain" say Joe. We DO still attend functions in Cedar Mountain, including church at Rocky Hill. The community center is still out place to hang out, and I may enter the chili cooking contest this month. One thing I learned from one of Joe's nieces is not to stock up on canned goods like I did when the grocery store was so far from home. But I could always pick up milk or bread (and even hot food) at the Quik Stop or Creekside Market. And the Cedar Mountain Café’ even has evening meals offered some evenings.

My dear hubby Joe continues his monthly chemo appointments in Brevard, which is one reason we moved closer; the doctors, hospitals, grocery stores and family are important as we get older. Joe has a long chemo day this Wednesday, yesterday. It lasts 6 hours, but the nurses keep him entertained and offer him snacks throughout his procedure. Thursday and/or Friday will be short sessions of chemo, then nothing for another 28 days. This weekend he will be tired, and most vulnerable to infection, so we will spend it quietly at home. Call Joe if you'd like, at 885-2103. He'd love to hear from you.

January 14th is the second Saturday of the month, which is the day of each meeting of the Palmetto Gourd Patch which currently meets in Greer, SC. There are nine or ten of us from this area who are members and those who go form a car pool. The meeting this month will be to catch up on unfinished projects, or begin a new one. I hope to go this month, as I've missed that past two. If interested please give me a call.

Speaking of gourd-art events, the 7th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering" will again be held in our community of Cedar Mountain, the third week in August which will be August 17, 18 & 19, 2017. The web site is or you can contact me: (828)885-2103.

JANUARY BIRTHDAY'S Celebrating birthday's this month are Becky West and Tommy Taylor, both on January 8th; Husband & wife James and Joee Taylor celebrate theirs on the 15th & 18th respectively. Joy Murr turns another year older on the 19th; Linda Young will celebrate on the 22nd, and Debbie Williams on the 23rd. Joe Barksdale ages gracefully January 25th, while young Ben Beeker grows a little taller on the 26th. There are three birthdays on January 31st: Carri Harris, Shawn Raines, and we remember Elizabeth "Libby" Heath Pace Shipman, who always loved a good party. Did I miss anyone? Birthday blessing to all.

STILL ILL? Some in our community caught a "bug" in late November and December that is still hanging with them. It is suggested that some of the lingering coughing may be due to the heavy smoke we encountered during the wild fires and drought?

ANNIVERSARIES Seems January first is a popular day to be married, and there are three couples in our neighborhood that did just that many years ago: Rick & Claire Skerrett, Jentzen & Margie Rackley, and Tommy & Pauline Taylor celebrated New Year's Day getting married. Congratulations and Best Wishes to each couple.


On Sunday 1-3-16 here in Cedar Mountain we woke up to about one-half inch of lovely snow, which mostly did not stick to the roads. 1-7-16 my pink Hyacinth is in bloom in the garden although it looks a little dubious. Another stalk of buds is coming up too. I imagine it will be “nipped in the bud” by the belated winter weather.

There was a record snowfall of up to 12 inches in Cedar Mountain Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 (my birthday). I was still snowed into my subdivision as of Tuesday morning 1-26-16. Just thankful the power stayed on.

Because of the weather the chili cook-off scheduled for 1-23-16 at the Cedar Mountain Community Center had to be rescheduled to Saturday January 30th. It’s peculiar that the weather this season is mimicking 2016 so closely although my pink hyacinth is hiding underground. Maybe it is a harbinger of things to come.

I have repurposed a vintage vanity I was about to donate. It worked out perfectly an entertainment center. All I had to do was use a hole saw to cut a hole in the back for the wires to come through. All my components fit perfectly in the space where the top drawer had been. The vintage chest that was used previously is now a great night stand in my bedroom. I couldn’t have done it without Matt Huter’s help. He had everything taken apart, rearranged and working perfectly in a little more than an hour. My surround sound and DVD player are also working again. Many thanks Matt.

We’d love to hear what’s going on in your life or in the community if you would like to share. Please send all news to All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

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