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Dear readers,

I received kudos for my “dear readers” bit last week so I will try to continue that. Not much to add except my honey went soda shopping at Aldi’s and again was offered a buggy for free. He tried to pay it forward when he left but nobody was coming in. Aldi’s is the only place that carries our favorite soda now.

The CM community center will be having a Crockpot contest in February. I’ll hopefully have more on that next week.


The Community Center is for rent! The center has a capacity of 150 standing and seating for 100. There is a commercial-style kitchen too. Our center is the perfect place for your reception, party, family reunion, business meeting, or other activity. Get married outside and have your reception at the Center or use it as a dressing room for outdoor weddings. Make food in the commercial kitchen or have it catered by local professionals. To rent, email Caroline Chambers at or call her at 828-290-9662.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

A new restaurant, “Cedar Mountain Outpost” opened softly just before Christmas. Formerly known as the Cedar Mountain Quickstop, they are located on Hwy. 276 just across the street from the Sherwood Forest golf clubhouse. Throughout months of remodeling, the new gas pump was operational and was very welcome way up here!

The remodel of the Cedar Mountain Outpost is incredible; bright and polished and very welcoming. Your choice of indoor or outdoor seating offers opportunities according to your mood or the weather. Hours are 7:00 am to 9:00 pm seven days a week!

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner wraps are made fresh each day, and a huge selection of chips is intriguing too. Beer and wine are sold along with other unique offerings. You need to visit this inviting & upscale restaurant yourself.

Eventually, there will be deli items offered for sale. If you’re wanting something special carried at the Cedar Mountain Outpost now is the time to ask the owner; her smiling presence adds to the beauty of this newest addition to our community. More information can be found online at Cedar Mountain Outpost. Or better still, do drop in!


BIRTHDAYS: No New Year’s babies to report here, so the first birthday I am reporting belongs to Tommy Taylor, whose birthday is Jan. 8th. Next, both James Taylor and Mary Kaye Dunbar were born on the 15th. James’ wife Joee Taylor was born on the 18th. Two Cedar Mountain residents share birthdays on January 19th: Joy Murr and Scott Russell. Terie Girolamo will gain a year on the 20th, followed by Linda Packer Young on the 22nd. January 23rd is Debbie Williams’ birthday. Two gentlemen will celebrate on Jan. 25th: Colton Rackley and Joe Barksdale. Ben Beeker will be celebrated on the 26th. There are three special birthdays on January 29th: Diane Lee Hemphill, Jim Dunlap, and Robert Lawson. Lastly, there are two birthdays on January 31st, the last day of the month. These belong to Shawn Raines and (my daughter) Carri Harris. Happy birthday to all!

ANNIVERSARIES: Three couples started the New Year with a wedding, each on a different year. Rick & Claire Skerrett married on the 1st day in January - year unknown. Tommy & Pauline Taylor also married on the 1st day of the New Year; again, “which” year is unknown to me. But I do know the year our 3rd couple was married: this year! This past Saturday, January 1 of 2022 Chase McKelvey & Cit were united in matrimony! Best wishes & congratulations to all!

MISSING PERSONS: If you celebrated or will celebrate a birthday or anniversary in January please send me (Christine) an email with your name and date(s), to: Or you can call me at (828)885-2103

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

As most of you know, the bad thing about decorating is the taking down and storing. We did manage to get most of it stashed the last couple of days. We still have to undecorate the mailbox too but it looks so nice I hate to do it. Maybe we can exchange the poinsettias with hearts and flowers for Valentine’s Day?

My honey is attempting to help me discard old papers that have accumulated over the years. He found manuals for items that are long gone. I found one manual that explained what an unidentified appliance was that I had found in the basement. It is a deep fat fryer that I haven’t used for probably 12 or more years. If I can find all the parts it will be finding a new home, I don’t deep fat fry anything anymore.

We had a great time at the Cedar Mountain Canteen on New Year's Eve. They had a potluck and a band for entertainment. We went home about 9 pm and were asleep long before the clock struck 12 midnight. We figured it could do it without us.

We are finally getting our driveway to the garage fixed up. We had a campfire after our wedding reception and it was an embarrassing mud hole. That driveway hadn’t been used much for years and was pretty much just grass and ruts. A truck and another car now live there. Only thing is that UPS and FedEx will probably try to deliver there instead of the upper drive. We may have to put up some signs.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please respond by Monday evening.


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