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There is a change for the meeting location of the Heath-Taylor Reunion. We will gather at the Cedar Mountain Community Center at 1:00 pm this Saturday, June 25 for a covered dish meal and fellowship. The former meeting place, the Rocky Hill Fellowship Center, is undergoing some playground and air conditioning repairs. Come and join us as we share memories and a meal together.


Monday, July 11, 2022 at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Please bring a dish or dessert share and have it on the serving table by 6:15 pm. The serving line opens at 6:30 pm.


Following the potluck on Monday, July 11th the Cedar Mountain Community Center program will feature Didi Salvatierra, fiber artist, and her Quilts of Valor. A Quilt of Valor is a quality, handmade quilt that is machine or hand quilted. It is awarded to a Service Member or Veteran who has been touched by war. The Quilt says, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” Four veterans will be receiving quilts.


Vacation Bible School will take place at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in Cedar Mountain on July 10, 11 and 12 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The theme this summer is Spark Studios. More information will be shared later.


Philip Jones, who now lives in Pisgah Forest, recently put up several road signs in the Cedar Mountain area to bring more attention to Cedar Mountain and its beauty. The pictured sign is across the road from the Whistle Stop Market on Greenville Hwy (Hwy 276). Others are located on Cascade Lake Road, Reasonover Road, and Greenville Hwy near the state line. All are attached to other road signs.


“Why did I do it? Small communities struggle to maintain their existence in today’s fast changing world. I have always loved the smallest communities in this struggle. While Cedar Mountain seems to be thriving, it still needed designation to travelers.

I established my community (in Georgia) this way in 1972 at age 15. It took 45 years for the county to recognize the community by providing official signage after I hand made signs over this period. I am now working to get the community on the county map which will make it official to the world. The history of my small community can be studied by going to our website and then connecting to the community through the Facebook link at the very bottom of the page. I wrote “A Little Boy in Utopia, Georgia” over three years and it was published in 2020. It is a collection of 27 true stories from growing up in that small rural area in South Georgia. (This book was edited by Brevard locals, Hazel Hawkins, R.K. Young, and Alan McClung).

In Georgia, there are state maintained and county maintained roads. Utopia is on a county road. The battle I have had was convincing local government to recognize the community. It is still not on county maps. Opposite to this, Cedar Mountain is on a state highway. A simple request to the road department would get this designation for Cedar Mountain if someone would take the initiative. Cedar Mountain is already on all maps. It is only a matter of interest and time.

I wanted to make travelers, and there are plenty in this area, aware when they were passing through the beautiful, cozy area. If you go to the website, you will understand. I grew up in Utopia, near Nashville, Georgia. I worked ten years as a financial advisor for Prudential. Then I was an educator in the Valdosta City Schools. I retired in 2013. I moved to Pisgah Forest in 2018. I love Ireland and this area is very close to the feeling I get when I visit there.”


League results for June 20: On a beautiful morning, 18 women played the back nine in a game of Like Handicaps/Low Gross. Winner: Nancy Waclawek with 34. Low net: Georgia Osterc with 27.


Sherwood Forest Friends is sponsoring a family-friendly square dance event and you are invited. Join us for a Shoofly Summers Square dance called by Susan Brown on Saturday, July 2nd from 6-9 pm at the Robin Hood Barn at Sherwood Forest. It’s only $5 per person so dance on down for a great fun evening.


To rent the center please contact us well before your event. Please send an email to with your proposed date as soon as possible. You may also apply online at

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


The classes are available to see and to sign up to take at this year's 10th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering". When on the home page simply click on the bars on the upper left, which will take you to each class being offered. The web site is As the host, (Christine Pace), you are welcome to email me at or call me at home: (828)885-2103 with any questions. This event is held inside the Family Life Center building next to Rocky Hill Baptist Church just past the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. For those not taking a class admission is free.


Every year Rocky Hill Baptist church holds it's "Homecoming" on the 4th Sunday in August. This year's date is August 28th. Homecoming begins at 10:30am and concludes with a covered dish lunch. Everyone is welcome! For more information please call Rocky Hill's pastor, Dr. Leland Holland, at (828)862-5611


As you read last week, the Rocky Hill Baptist Church will host the annual Vacation Bible School on Sunday evening July 10th through Tuesday evening July 12Th. Patty Stahl is the coordinator and can be reached at: (828)885-2498.


The Transylvania County Library will hold its annual fall book sale in early October, in the spacious Rogow Room of the Library in Brevard. From now through September they are receiving good used books every Monday morning from 10am-noon just inside the front doors of the Library. A "Friend of the Library" will meet you at a table set up for your donations; a big Thank You to all who contribute! Your donations will be offered as part of the October book sale.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Our adventure is close to being finalized. We are doing a final inventory of items we need to take with us on the “Infirmary” (motor home). I found that I had duplicated some items and forgotten about other necessities. My computer/internet problem has made it hard to get on line, but I finally got the mail held. I have three lovely neighbors who are going to take care of the kitty kids while we are gone. That’s a relief. We had thought to take them with us but realized in insanity of that idea. They yowl all the way to the vet and back! Imagine that for over 2000 miles.

Post note: Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. We are here to make sure you know what is going on in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news. The deadline for submissions is Monday evening.


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