Cedar Mountain News for Thursday 2-11-21
Saturday, February 20th from 8:30a – 12:30p at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept.
Come on down. The life you save may be yours, a stranger, or someone you know.
If you have an event or meeting scheduled or need to schedule one, please check with Caroline Chambers regarding reservations. Her number is 828-290-9662 or you can email us at cmcc28718@gmail.com.
During the next few months, several parking access areas across DuPont State Recreational Forest (DSRF) will undergo some needed maintenance and repairs. In the interest of public safety, NCFS forest officials will close individual parking lots temporarily to complete work efficiently and safely while minimizing impact to visitors. Affected parking areas may include Hooker Falls access area, High Falls access area and Lake Imaging access area. Visitors planning to access trailheads from these parking access areas may encounter closures and may need to adjust plans. Closure days and affected parking access areas may change due to weather conditions and the type of work scheduled. During your visit to DSRF, please pay attention to signage and barricades related to possible parking access area closures. For more up-to-date information about affected parking access areas and closure times, visit www.dupontstaterecreationalforest.com.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while these improvements and repairs are made. The first parking lot to receive work will be Hooker Falls access area/parking lot. As of Monday, February 8, the Hooker Falls access area/parking lot is temporarily closed. The work is being done for repair and renovation of the heavily used Hooker Falls access area to improve degraded infrastructure, improve visitor safety in the lot, and improve water quality in the parking lot area. We are sorry for any inconvenience and will work to get the parking lot open as quickly as possible.
Cheers are being sent to you, Judy Patrick, who celebrated another birthday on February 10th. Many, many more!
No one looks like they’ve aged any from this time last year. Maybe it’s because they’re wearing masks?
Happy Valentine’s Day this Sunday, February 14th! Though mentioned in the “celebration’s” list earlier this month, Sunday is also Beth Owings’ birthday. If you see her out & about on her birthday please give her a smile; she won’t see it behind your mask, but in your smiling eyes.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
In the mail this week I received a fabulous new book by Stanley Bishop titled “Recollections; Memories from My Youth”. It’s brand new from Dorrance publishers. The subject is indeed about our Cedar Mountain Bishop families who came here following WWII. They settled firstly on Hwy. 276 near Rocky Hill Baptist Church.
Stan is in his 70’s now, one of 8 boys & 1 girl. Stan’s older brother Brigadier General Charles L. Bishop (retired) published his book “From Heritage to Destiny”, an autobiography, less than 2 years ago. There is so very much exciting history of our Cedar Mountain to tell!
Speaking of “history”, I mentioned in last week’s column that I have a mystery of my own, and here it is: For all my life I have known that the majority of my family on my dad’s side is buried in the Crab Creek Baptist church cemetery off Kanuga road. Including my dad(Newman G. Jones), his dad & mom, and many more. Mostly my Jones side, but also Tankersley & Anders & Hamilton & Patterson.
Whenever I spent time at the Crab Creek cemetery I paid tribute to my great-great-grandfather Levi Jones and his wife Rosanna. Indeed, on Levi’s tombstone, it says “Captain“ Levi Jones, and next to him his wife’s stone says “Wife of Dr. Levi Jones”. But wait! Only recently, and with the help of historian Terry Ruscin of Hendersonville, I learned that my “real” great-great-grandfather is actually buried at Crossroads Baptist Church in Zirconia, next to where he lived(and where he discovered Zircon, later sold to Thomas Edison). Terry sent me photos of Levi’s tombstone at Crossroads church and on it it says “Captain” Levi Jones; besides this, his wife’s stone says “Wife of Rev. Levi Jones”. Terry is checking into this further, which is proving most interesting. Thank you Terry Ruscin for your help!
In doing research for an updated booklet I hope to write, about the “Kingdom of the Happy Land”, which was compromised of up-to-400 freed slaves following the Civil War, I am hearing from older relatives and indeed even strangers who have more to add to this real event which took place in the Green River community, now called Tuxedo, and lasted & “thrived” for almost 40 years! My grandpa Phillip Jackson Jones was born in Green River/Tuxedo in 1891 and told me great stories of growing up next door to ‘Happy Land. I pray this event is never forgotten.
I had a bag of large rolls that got a little bit of mold on them and was about to put them in the garbage but had second thoughts. Instead I threw them out in the yard for any interested wildlife. All of them were gone within a day.
Monday I was at the kitchen sink looking out the window when this very large blackbird landed in the snow and started poking around as if looking for more rolls. I was startled by its size and by checking the Audubon Society web site I discovered it was most likely a Raven. Of course, it was gone by the time I fetched my camera. It was quite a sight to see while it lasted.