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A big thank you to everyone who showed up for our BBQ fundraiser. We sold out in an hour and a half. Thanks, also, to all of you who chose to donate to CMFD despite the fact we were sold out. We really appreciate the support from our small community.


The descendants of Janie and Solomon Jones will hold their family reunion on Saturday, July 3, at noon at the Rocky Hill FamilyLife Center. Lunch will be pot luck. All members of the family, as well as close friends of the family, are invited to come to share good food, fellowship, and the retelling of old family stories.


Join us for a zero-waste potluck gathering and learn from MountainTrue about being a good neighbor to the river.

We will host our first potluck of 2021 on Thursday, June 3rd at 6 pm. Please bring a covered dish to share and your own non-disposable place setting. Plant-based meals are encouraged and all dishes are welcome. Everyone is welcome to join us. We look forward to getting together.

At 6:30 pm we will enjoy a presentation from Anna of MountainTrue on how to be a good neighbor to the river. The Little River runs beside the Canteen and we are excited to learn ways we can be good stewards. Here is some information about Anna:

Anna Alsobrook, Watershed Outreach Coordinator

As MountainTrue’s Watershed Outreach Coordinator, Anna facilitates volunteer water quality monitoring and restoration programs in the French Broad River watershed. She can be found all over the watershed taking samples, removing invasive species, planting live stakes, maintaining our riverside campsites, and picking up river trash.

Anna’s passion for water really started during her semester abroad in South Africa when she became sick after a big rainstorm. She did not realize then the connections between water quality and health. After earning a B.A. in Global Studies, she spent 2010-2012 as a Peace Corps

Volunteer in rural Senegal. As a preventative health and environmental education volunteer, she spent much time promoting water conservation and sanitation practices within her village. After her time abroad, she continued her studies at the University of Tennessee, where she earned an M.S. in Geography with a minor in Watersheds. Her thesis research pertained to the environmental and social effects of a large reforestation project happening in Senegal. Anna loves spending time outdoors, whether by the river or on the trail.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER by Christine Pace

Pictured is Candy Gray wearing her Memorial Day "uniform" which shows a patch proclaiming her as a "Blue Star Mother". Blue Star's national support for our troops was begun around WWII and consisted of care packages and letters, etc., sent to our troops serving in the armed forces. Candy herself was the daughter, and wife, and is the mother of former Army Sergeants. Candy wore this outfit Sunday at the Faith Memorial Chapel opening service of the year.

Each year Faith Memorial Chapel opens from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, with Rocky HillBaptist Church being the first to serve. Each Sunday thereafter, a different preacher and a different denomination bring their message at 11:00 am. All are welcome to attend this lovely open-sided chapel set about 3/10 miles up Stone’s Lake Road in Cedar Mountain, NC.

The pastor of Rocky HillChurch, Dr. Leland Holland, recognized the services of our military at Sunday's service before bringing his message. Choir leader, Lenoir Bishop, led the Rocky Hill choir in two specials. Organist, Suzanne Lawson, played Faith Chapel's beautiful organ before, during, and after the service. The weather was great; the music was great, and the message well-received. Seeing the attendees after a long year was wonderful!


BIRTHDAYS: Celebrating his birthday on June 11th is Marshall Duke; Kathy Ambrose will gain a year on the 13th, followed by Evie Rackley on the 14th. Doug Pace will turn 83 on June 22nd, while choir leader Lenoir Bishop will celebrate many years younger on the 23rd.

ANNIVERSARIES: Bobby & Lucy Jones celebrate their wedding anniversary on June 5th; Allen & Nancy Cadora will celebrate on June 11th, as will Ron & Barbara Tecza.

GRADUATES Emily Beeker has graduated from high school and will be attending college in Tennessee in the fall. Austin Neal graduated from college!

Congratulations & best wishes to all celebrating in June. If you have someone to include please email me at or call me: (828)885-2103


Sherwood Forest Ladies League results for May 31: The game was Blind Partners played on the back 9. Everyone played her own ball and then partners were randomly selected. The winning team was Nancy Waclawek and Diane Hodson with a winning gross score of 71. The partner scores ranged from 71 to 95. Low gross: Peggy Baldwin with 35. Low net: Susan Marsee with 20.


My honey and I became acquainted with the Pardee Urgent Care facility over the weekend; me with a sinus infection and he with chills and fever. We were both tested for Covid as well even though we are fully vaccinated. Tests were negative. That was comforting. We are recovering but it certainly called to halt anything we planned to do the last few days. We missed the opening of Faith Chapel and participating in the CMFRD BBQ. All we were able to do is buy a pound of BBQ and leave. Bummer.

Earlier in the week, my honey finished installing the new stair treads to the basement. He did a beautiful job. Thank you, sweetie.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News! All local businesses are up and running and already very busy; they would love to have you visit them so they can tell you of their new offers and such. If you have any news please let Linda Young know. You can email me at the above email or Linda at


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