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Authors Charles Burden, Doug Pace, Patty Stahl

Copies of the book, The Village And The Turnpike: A Whimsical Cedar Mountain Historical Adventure From Then To Now, are now available at these businesses in Cedar Mountain – Cedar Mountain Café, Creekside Market and Grill, and Whistlestop Market. They will be sold at Studio 276 when it reopens. The book can also be purchased at Mud Dabbers Pottery on Hwy 276 in Dunn’s Rock and Highlands Books in Brevard. “Come join five hearty individuals as they take a historic hike, sometimes climbing and crawling, from then to now along an old abandoned early road, a turnpike, to capture life in the NC Blue Ridge Mountains from earlier times.”


Following the Pot Luck on Monday, Sept 13th, at the Cedar Mountain Community Center, the Transylvania County Library will give a slide presentation.

Please have your dish to share on the table by 6:15 pm. The potluck will start at 6:30 pm. Masks are encouraged.


Wow, what a turnout. All of the BBQ was sold out by 2 pm. Thanks to all who purchased BBQ and those who made additional donations to our cause. The proceeds will go toward the purchase of extrication equipment for the fire department. We didn’t quite make our goal but we are very close. One neighbor arrived with his guitar and serenaded those who chose to eat in. Two children dressed in authentic-looking firefighter gear danced to the music. It was so cute.


BIRTHDAYS: Bruce Fortner begins the September birthday list as he celebrated his birthday on September 2nd. Following close behind was Brandon Baines with a birthday on the 3rd. Kathy Guffey gained a year on the 7th, and Linda’s sister, Kay Clark on Sept 11th. Looking ahead, Emily Beeker will be celebrating on Sept. 15th, Jeanne Hayes on the 19th, and Liam Bishop on the 20th. Wallace Dunbar will gain a year on the 21st, followed by a double celebration on September 25th of Shandra Sentelle and Charlotte Jones. Another two share the same birthdate of Sept. 26th: Calla Harris and Zane Justice! Antje Owen finishes the list with a birthday on September 30th.

ANNIVERSARIES: Chris & Renee Baines celebrated their wedding anniversary on September 4th. Charles & Katherine Guffey will celebrate on the 25th and Eric & Dana Huskey on the 30th. Best wishes, Congratulations, and Happy Birthday to all celebrating in September 2021. If I missed yours please email me with your name & date at or call Christine Pace at (828)885-2103


Results for Sept. 6: Fourteen women played the front nine in a team game called Step-Aside Scramble. Winning team: Nancy Waclawek, Diane Garvey, and Diane Hodson with 27.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

BBQ: I was happy to see bright sunshine on Saturday, September 4th as I arrived early at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. I thanked the 3 firefighters who stayed up all night cooking pork BBQ for the day’s fundraiser then joined others in pulling pork & other preparations for the day’s event. The auxiliary members worked well together in making this fundraiser a huge success. We started serving at 11:00 am and finished shortly after 2:00 pm to many satisfied customers. It was a great day.

The BBQ plate consisted of a bun, pork BBQ with choice of sauce, baked beans (extra bacon offered), Coleslaw, cookies, and a drink.


Twice this past week, when temps dropped to the 70’s, I took my two pups to our new Dog Park in Brevard at 824 Ecusta Road and had a most pleasant time both times. I am impressed with the large-dog and small-dog parks! There are doggie bags provided, freshwater, shade with benches, a double-gate enter & exit for safety, all in large, level high-fenced acreage. My dogs were thrilled to have the freedom to run in such a large place! They frequented the water “hydrants” and made friends with much larger dogs through the fence (we were in the small dog park). We hope to visit at least a couple of times a week. We are truly blessed to live here.


Remember that Constitution Week is celebrated each year. This year it is from September 17-23. Fly your red, white, and blue during the celebration and every day of the year.

Please take time to visit the Veterans HistoryMuseum of the Carolinas in Brevard at 21 E Main St, (next to the courthouse) in Brevard. The City of Brevard Proclamation is also on display.

You can also see the exhibit by The Waightstill Avery Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR). Note the 13-star Betsy Ross flag as you enter the museum, as well as a copy of the Constitution along with a painting depicting the signing on September 17, 1787. y –


Mah Jongg is played from 2-5 pm every Monday and Thursday at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Several attended a class early this summer. All players with some experience are welcome. We collect $1.00 at each visit which is donated to CMCC in appreciation for the use of their facility.


This year, responsibility for the BBQ at the fire department has been almost fully turned over to the auxiliary. A couple of the volunteers who have barbequed the pork for years have retired from that duty. The auxiliary has enjoyed the dedication of these fine folks for many years and we celebrate them. However, change is inevitable. The auxiliary has had to learn the ropes for barbequing the pork butts for the BBQ. We are thankful for the firefighters who pitched in to BBQ the pork overnight with only an hour or so of sleep. Great job, guys.

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