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Due the weather, work is progressing much faster than anyone ever thought it could. The rain has been a setback and the center currently has a pond next to the building where the patio blocks are to go. We are looking forward to the completion of this project in early spring in time for wedding receptions and other activities that are on our calendar.


We are hearing from a lot of folks as a result of our informational website. Many are contacting us with a variety of questions and to inquire about our community and community center rental.

For more community news and a calendar of events visit our website at


Our community center calendar continues to fill up and calls keep coming in. Several receptions have been booked for 2016 already. Call now to reserve while your date is still available. Call Events Manager, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


Christine Pace is recovering surgery but took time to share a critter adventure with me. There are two houses on her property and she went to the “big” house to wrap Christmas presents because she could leave the mess and come back to it. Among the gifts were some candy canes and M & M’s. When she went back the next day the candy canes were gone but the empty wrapper was there. When her son opened his Christmas gift there was supposed to be a bag of M & M’s with it. The bag was in there but the candy was gone. So she has a mystery thief with a sweet tooth. Her husband Joe set up a live trap to see what unwanted visitor they have in the “big” house.

At my house I discovered I too have one or more unwanted visitors in my attic. So instead of doing any last minute Christmas shopping in Brevard Christmas Eve I was purchasing a special “meal” for my guests. I put both sticky traps and DCon cubes up there. I nailed both the sticky pads and the bait down so whatever it is couldn’t drag them away. It was more work than I thought because I kept missing the nails and getting the hammer stuck in the goo.

We’ll let you know the results.


Who thought you could sit on your porch with an iced drink the end of December? My Hyacinths have big buds on them and my chive plant is sending out new shoots. The Hyacinths will open in a couple of days.

What’s up with you? We’d love to hear what’s going on in your life or the community if you would like to share. Please send all news to

All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

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