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The Cedar Mountain Community Center will be serving their annual Chicken dinner with all the trimmings on Saturday July 23rd from 5pm – 7pm. The Center is located at 10635 Greenville Hwy next to the Cedar Mountain Café. Adults $10 - Children 12 and under $6.00. All proceeds benefit the community center.


All members, guests and other area residents are invited to attend a series of Tuesday night presentations about the natural and human history of the Sherwood Forest area. Remaining presentations include; Tuesday July 26th – The Dehon Era in Sherwood Forest – The Dream (1959 – 1990); Tuesday August 2nd - Local Natural History Context of Sherwood Forest Little River Valley; and Tuesday August 23 – Sherwood Forest, Our Area Ecosystem and How it Came to be That Way. All presentations are at the Robin Hood Barn starting at 7pm followed by a social time with light refreshments.


Odd Holes, Back 9 - Karen Gleasman - 14. Low Net - Linda Wehler - 29. Low Gross - Karen Gleasman - 34.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AT ROCKY HILL THIS SUNDAY It's that time of year again; Rocky Hill Baptist Church on Hwy. 276 (just past the Cedar Mountain Fire Department) is staged for a fabulous Vacation Bible School. Organized by Patty Stahl again this year, and her many helpers, our VBS always proves to be one of the best in the county! At least that's what Christine says. This year's theme is "Submerged".

Families are invited to come out this Sunday at 5:00pm to the side of the church, where the Cedar Mountain Fire Department will use their big fire truck hose for the annual "Slip 'N Slide" that kicks off VBS at Rocky Hill. Children should wear a bathing suit or shorts & a tee, and bring a towel and change of clothes. Following a fun "Submerging" the whole family is invited to a hot dog dinner next door at the Family Life Center, including S'mores on the fire pit. After supper children will line up at the church and begin a fun-filled five days of learning, crafts, music, eating and playing. Monday through Thursday VBS will begin at 6:30pm and last to 8:30pm.

For more information please call Patty Stahl at (828)885-2498. Hope to see you there! The attached photo features Ashlee Deal, Daughter of Deborah and Leland Holland of Cedar Mountain. The photo was taken and edited by Erin (Holland) Miller. Erin did some digital magic by superimposing her sister’s photo on the shark photo. It’s funny that both Ashlee and the shark have the same expression.

COMMUNITY AUCTION AUGUST 8TH One of the most popular community meetings each year is the Auction held the second Monday in August. Bring a great item to donate if you will, plus a covered dish to share and enjoy entertainment and possibly go home with a new "treasure"! All monies raised at this auction are used for upkeep and improvements to our fabulous community center.

We eat at 6:30 on the dot, so it is suggested you have your covered dish there by 6:15pm; even earlier if you have an item to donate. Christine knows of one super-neat item, a one-of-a-kind, which will probably be the hit of the evening! That may be disputed; only one way to know: come out to the auction at the Cedar Mountain Community Center Monday August 8th.

WORKS OF ART - ON GOURDS! The 6th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering" will be held at the Family Life Center building as usual, beginning on Thursday afternoon August 18th and going all day Friday & Saturday August 19th & 20th. Christine Pace is host and you are welcome to contact her at or by phone at (828)885-2103. Classes are posted day-by-day, with different afternoon and morning classes, at their web site at: Teachers and students come from all over the southeast! There are a limited amount of select art vendors too, including Dickie & Linda Martin, the owners of Ghost Creek Gourd Farm (Laurens, SC) with already-cleaned thick-shelled gourds for sale.

HOMECOMING AT ROCKY HILL Always the 4th Sunday in August Rocky Hill Baptist Church has their Homecoming, filled with music and stories, preaching and good eating! This year's homecoming date is August 28th. Bring a covered dish to share and leave it at the Family Life Center; the church is providing fried chicken. Homecoming begins at 10:30am. For more information call Dr. Leland Holland, Rocky Hill's pastor, at (828)862-5611. Everyone is welcome!


Creekside has free entertainment every Saturday night. On July 23 Point of View Country will be playing, classic rock, Southern rock.

Bring a chair a friend and a cooler for a great time.


Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website has a wealth of information about Cedar Mountain; a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more.


I am finally recovering from a serious allergic reaction to perfume recently. I had no idea how allergic I was until my nasal passages and throat started burning. I got hoarse, jittery and somewhat nauseas. I will have to be very cautious of exposure from now on.

We’d love to hear your story or news if you would like to share. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

Please email with any news or questions.

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