The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Auxiliary held a pancake breakfast for the firefighters and the public on Saturday. The firefighters were preparing for a controlled practice burn and training nearby. The auxiliary also took a BBQ lunch to the fire scene before noon for the participants.
Doug Corn is now beginning his rehabilitation from coronary by-pass surgery (4 by-passes) on March 2nd. Please continue to remember him throughout his long-term recovery. Thank you to everyone for all of the thoughts, prayers, phone calls and visits. ~ Deborah Corn
LIBRARY MEETING AT THE CAFE Library There was a full house at the Cedar Mountain Cafe last Wednesday evening for the meeting. Heavy hors d'oeuvres prepared by Lucia and her staff, were served. They were so very tasty, as is anything you get from "our cafe" in Cedar Mountain. There were three such meetings throughout Transylvania county and Brevard, with Lucia catering each one! Our library is seeking input on how better to be of service to and for our communities. Each participant on Wednesday evening offered varied suggestions that were quit interesting and needful. It was said that everyone left, after about 90 minutes, feeling satisfied and hopeful. So many also expressed a desire to serve; that's how we are here! If you wish to add your suggestions, or want to volunteer some time at the library, please contact Marcie Thompson at the library, upstairs in the history section. Or call (828)884-3151; when prompted please press 5 on your phone keypad to be directed to Marcie's desk.
UPDATE ON PASTOR DAN Pastor Dan Ray had a lung biopsy that was negative for cancer, as reported here last week. He then had a PET scan which was inconclusive other than showing some fluid in his lung. He is very happy not to have signs of cancer though still asks for your prayers to be healed of whatever is going on. Thank you!
This Friday thru Sunday is the first time Country Living magazine's "Vintage Market Days" is coming to our area; termed the Asheville-Metro area, it will be held in the large Davis building at the WNC Ag Center, across from the Asheville Regional Airport. Over 100 vendors will be there and the theme is "Barn Dance" though an official barn dance is not on the schedule. Lot's of fun in looking at vintage antiques and at reproductions and hand-crafted items will provide great fun and plenty of ideas. Food will be available too. For more information visit www.vintagemarketdays.com
Call now to reserve while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
I decided to “play” with an anonymous nuisance caller from 000-000-0000 or so my caller ID said. I picked up the call and said nothing – just listened. Then a girl said “hello?” to which I replied in a very realistic “MEOW?” and then continued to imitate my cat for several minutes each time she said something. The caller said “GARY”?? to which I softly mewed. She was in stitches. I finally just hung up. She called back! I resumed mewing but couldn’t contain myself any longer and started laughing. I nicely asked her to please remove my number from her call list. She was still giggling when I hung up again. Gotta have fun with them sometimes.
What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share.
All news for next week has to be received by Tuesday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times. Please send all news to cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com. Thanks