Candy Gray recently celebrated her 75th birthday and thanks to Suzanne Lawson, family members and friends she received the surprise of her life.
Suzanne lured her to the Rocky Hill Baptist Family Life Center to practice a hymn or two for church and when they came out fire trucks and a whole traffic jam of cars filed by the center with sirens blaring and horns honking. She was handed a rose from each car along with birthday greetings. She was completely surprised and you never saw a bigger smile. Her family was there along with her best friend from Florida who arrived in a convertible.
Candy’s original birthday party had to be canceled due to the quarantine, but this was even better.

Jane Stone (age 93) was Grand Marshall of a “walk by” birthday parade for Anne Cleveland for her 94th birthday. Happy birthday, Anne.
To Our Fellow Parishioners,
We hope all of you are healthy and safe given the recent events with COVID-19. This whole situation has caused us to prayerfully contemplate our path forward for this season. Top of mind has been the health of each of you as members of our parish balanced with the needs to join together in faithful worship. This is an evolving situation which could change over time and we met today to plot an initial path forward. Due to the uncertainty right now, we have decided to take the following steps:
We hope to begin services the weekend of July 5th. That gives us May and June to see what the government and other churches are recommending before we open up. We will meet the second week in June to determine if we can open up and what policies we should put in place to guard everyone’s safety.
We will not hold a picnic in July. We are discussing other possibilities in the late summer and we will make a determination later in the summer.
We plan to offer Sunday school when we open which is currently planned to start the weekend of July 5th.
We will not hold Children’s Church this summer. We felt that given the current circumstances, we would wait until next season to determine how we move forward with that.
We do not plan to offer refreshments after the services this season.
We will continue to monitor the situation and we will communicate any changes as they occur.
Our revenues will be down this year, but some of our expenses will go on. All non-profits need your support, and if your budget would allow you to help with a gift to Faith Memorial Chapel, that gift would be gratefully received and prudently used. A gift can be mailed to Faith Memorial Chapel, P. O. Box 10444, Greenville, SC 29603.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. Please stay safe and we hope to see you later this summer!
The Board of Trustees
Sherwood Forest Friends has postponed our programs through May. We do plan to have information available on our website about each of the originally scheduled programs. We want everyone to know that Sherwood Forest Friends is still here and we are still providing entertaining and informative ways for you to spend your considerable time at home! Like every other group/individual on the planet, we are trying to figure out how to do our jobs in this unusual and unprecedented environment. We hope you check us out at www.sherwoodforestfriends.org . Thank you for your support!
The center is closed until further notice. We are looking at June for our first potluck.
John Wiseman and Kim Coram have offered to make sure that if anyone in Cedar Mountain is in need food or conversation to call them at home 828-966-5367. With schools out we are concerned that some local children may be going hungry, especially on the weekends. We are concerned about those who are laid off too. We want to help those in need in our community.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
BUSINESSES RE-OPEN: Driving down Hwy. 276 this past Saturday, following the birthday drive-by for Candy, I noticed most of the businesses on the road were back open. And there were cars at each! Creekside Market was busy, staying within the limits set, as was Cedar Mountain Pottery. The tennis courts at the Cedar Mountain Community Center hosted a group of four playing Wiffle Ball. The Dollar General was busy as expected, and at the bottom of the mountain I noticed Mud Dabbers Pottery was open and active as well! Stay safe, and stay well, please. I spoke with one lady who had ordered more masks but said they would not be delivered to her until June, and she was running low. Does anyone know where one can get some masks sooner? LINDA'S PLANTS Last Thursday, the day before my birthday, my daughter & I drove to Edneyville to get my annual "annuals" at Linda's Plants, which was a tradition back when my husband, Joe, was alive too. I wore a mask and they only allowed three folks at a time inside the greenhouse. I got my few plants and have them inside my house now as the weather is still too cold to plant them outdoors!
EXCITING LIBRARY NEWS The Transylvania County Library in Brevard announces a new program, "NC Cardinal", beginning live at noon on May 21st. The NC Cardinal program will offer networking with 48 libraries across the state, where we'll be able to access materials that are not kept at our own library; we will be able to ask to have them sent from one of the NC Cardinal libraries to the Transylvania County library where we may check them out using our library card! Also, while traveling, you will be able to return items to any NC Cardinal library in the state. Other perks include: Checkout lengths will increase for almost everything; you will be able to save your history of holds & checked out items by opting in through your account; materials will automatically renew 3 times if no one has them on hold. To make all this possible, the Library's online catalog and account access will be unavailable from 5:30 pm May 16 through noon on May 21st. Throughout this process, you'll still have full access to borrow and request materials owned by Transylvania County Library. Right now you can call them at (828)884-3151 and ask to have materials pulled for you, then when you arrive at the designated parking area at the library you call this same number and they will bring your books outdoors to a table where you can retrieve them, using the safe-distance concept. On May 21st your account PIN will change to the last four digits of your library card number. For the latest news and updates about the "Cardinal migration", visit: library.transylvaniacounty.org/cardinal or call them at (828)884-3151. We have the BEST library in the state as far as I know!
I went to town Monday for several errands. There was a bit more traffic because of the Phase 1 opening and it seemed there were more people (than I’ve seen before) wearing masks and gloves. Sadly, there were too many not protecting themselves (or others) at all and I don’t quite understand why the liquor store is open but my hair salon is not.
My computer is on the fritz. This is a huge concern because of the need to get the Cedar Mountain News done. My fan motor is making a buzzing sound and overheating. When I boot up I get a message saying that my fan is “fried” and I could lose data etc. So I am shopping for another computer and hope this one holds out. The Computer Tech Squad is helping out.
This quarantine has caused me to try to do some stuff “(in and) around the house”. I actually finished a project the other day. I have a cup collection that I display on the top of my kitchen cupboards. The cup collection consists of cups with extraordinary handles. One of my favorites is a cup with elephants where the elephant’s trunk serves as the handle. This one came from Disney World a long time ago. I bought one in New Orleans that has a musical notes and a saxophone for a handle. My most recent acquisition is one of a black cat on a white background with its tail as a handle. Since kitchens produce oils in the air these cups become sticky and attract dust. I wash them once a year. When I started the project, the first few cups were fairly clean but further down the line they were “hairy”. So I guess I started the project once before and didn’t finish. All is nice and shiny again.
Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by Monday evening.
Take care of yourselves.