The next meeting and potluck will be Monday, July 12th. Please have your dishes to share on the serving tables by 6:15 pm. Serving will begin at 6:30 pm. Covid protocols will be followed. Face masks are encouraged but not mandatory.
Following a brief meeting after the potluck, the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue department will present a slide show of the Jaws of Life used on a donated car. There will not be a live demonstration. You will be amazed at how quickly this equipment can free an injured person from a wrecked car and save a life. New extrication equipment is sorely needed. The current equipment is over 20 years old and worn-out parts must be fabricated. If you can help, donations are needed to help purchase the new equipment.
Rocky Hill Baptist Church will have Vacation Bible School this year for three days: July 18, 19, & 20th. On Sunday, July 18th the kickoff will be the popular Slip ‘n Slide on the cemetery side of the church grounds. Members of the Cedar Mountain Fire Department participate in this fun event. Weather permitting the water slide starts at 5:00 pm and is followed by a hot dog supper for the whole family. Be sure to bring a towel and a change of clothes for your child and you if you decide to slide!
On Monday & Tuesday you may drop off your child by 6:30 pm and pick them up at the Family Life Center at 8:30 pm. VBS is open to children in pre-school thru 8th grade. There will be bible lessons, music, crafts, food, and play each day. The theme this year is titled “Destination Dig”.
For more information, please call VBS director Patty Stahl at (828)885-2498 or Rocky Hill church at (828)862-5611.
BIRTHDAYS this month include three on July 7th: Sherry Brown, Adam Pace, and Jackson Raines. Jackson’s great uncle Myron Bishop celebrates his birthday on the 8th. Missie Duke gains a year on July 13th, Lorrie Smith on the 22nd, Sherry’s son Cameron Brown on the 25th, Martha Ray on the 26th, Anita Goldschmidt on the 27th, Miriam Pflug on July 28th, and Rosemary Carter on the 31st. Two others had a birthday this month are Atlas Davis and Margie Smith, though I don’t have their exact “day”. Happy Birthday to all!
ANNIVERSARIES this month included Clyde & Patty Stahl on July 2nd; Marshall & Missie Duke on Missie’s birthday - July 13th; Toney & Joy Murr on July 19th, and George & Nancy Mayer on the 30th. Two couples celebrate their wedding anniversary on July 28th: John & Hilda Riddick, and Dr. Leland & Deb Holland. Congratulations & best wishes!
You may notice different church groups handing out water and snacks on Thursday’s & Saturday’s at the DuPont State Recreational Forest this summer. Rocky Hill Baptist Church will participate on July 15th & 17th. For more information and locations please call Rocky Hill’s pastor Dr. Leland Holland at (828)862-5611
SINGING AT CREEKSIDE This coming Saturday, July 10th, our own Cedar Mountain native talent Wayne Bishop will be singing at Creekside Market, beginning at 6:30 pm. “There will be some great musicians there,” says Wayne. This is a free concert! Bring your lawn chair and a cooler and join with your neighbors!
Sherwood Forest Ladies golf league results for July 5: Sixteen women played the front nine in a Ribbon-cutting scramble game. Winning team: Peggy Baldwin, Charlotte Albright, Ida Smith, and Sandra Eidson with a score of 24. CHRISTINE’S CORNER:
I have seen more honeybees this year than in recent years, which is exciting! But the “busy bees” I’m mentioning here are three gentlemen who tackled an overgrown landscape at Rocky Hill church; encouraged by energetic Tommy Taylor of Sun River, Randy Pace, and Mark Burdette pulled weeds, trimmed shrubs, and beautified the grounds of our church. Thank you! (By Christine Pace)
Pastor Leland Holland and wife Deb attended the State Southern Baptist Convention last month in Tennessee and decided to visit Gatlinburg and “Dollywood” for several days on their return. It was sunny & hot those 3 days. “Food courts were everywhere at Dollywood” said Leland “but all the public water fountains were turned off due to Covid-19.” That was unexpected; food vendors sold a lot of water at $3.50 per bottle. If you’re planning a visit to any public attraction it’s a good idea to pack some water!
The week of June 21st I visited my son & family in Matthews NC, and then brought my 12-year-old grandson Levi Jones back with me for a week. An experienced tennis player, Levi signed up to play Monday thru Thursday at the Brevard Health & Racquet Club from 10-noon each day. When paired with pal Christian Girolamo, they were unbeatable!
Each afternoon Levi & I picked up his cousin, 7-year-old Cooper, at 3:00 and we’d explore areas from Brevard to Cedar Mountain. We played kickball on the Brevard College campus one day and after youth church Wednesday evening at Rocky Hill church we stopped at Creekside Market and enjoyed the cool river in the back. While there I took a photo of the two of them on the old fire truck parked on the picnic site at Creekside.
On Levi’s last day here he got to dig a huge hole off Solomon Jones road for my friend’s rose bush, and then he mowed my front lawn in less than 10 minutes! Remember the days when we were young & strong and the heat didn’t bother us? Add to that my grandson’s willingness to work hard and do a good job. What a great week here!
What was YOUR week like? Did I miss your July birthday or anniversary? Let me know your news at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com