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On Saturday, August 31st the Cedar Mountain Fire Department Auxiliary will be having a fundraising cookout.  Hamburger plates will be $12 and hotdog plates $7.  Plates include chips, drinks, pickles, slaw, and fixins’.  Proceeds benefit the fire department.


Any and all war veterans, who would like to be represented and ride in the Apple Festival Parade in Hendersonville on September 2nd, are asked to meet at 12:30p at the lower parking lot at Ingles in Etowah.  Transportation to and from the parade will be provided.  If you have questions please call Charles Holden at 828-243-0748.

BLOOD DRIVE The next blood drive will be October 19.  Make your appointment at



The Sept 10 potluck at the Cedar Mountain Community Center will be regarding Hemlock Restoration.  Olivia Hall is the outreach manager for the Hemlock Restoration Initiative. She has been with HRI since 2023, originally serving as an AmeriCorps member, carrying out hemlock conservation on public lands and educating landowners about protecting their own hemlocks. She graduated with her Masters in Biology in May of 2023 from Northern Michigan University.  The objective of HRI is to restore Hemlock trees throughout North Carolina.  They use various methods to fight the infestation of the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.

Olivia will discuss the history and growth of HRI and the many educational programs and hikes they sponsor for home owners, landowners and the general public. She will explain the devastation caused by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid or HWA infestation and explain in detail the methods a homeowner can use to treat and save their Hemlocks.

You are asked to place food to share on the serving tables by 6:15p so we can start at 6:30p.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


You are invited to an ice cream social at the See Off Community Center 2021 See Off Mountain Road, September 22 at 6:30p to meet our local Democratic Candidates. This is an opportunity to meet and talk with Democratic Candidates for County Commission, Board of Education, and State House.  The social is open to all political leanings or none at all. Ice cream, cookies, fruit, decaf coffee and water will be served.   Everyone is welcome


Rocky Hill Baptist Church was organized 150 years ago next year, meaning there will be a big celebration for their sesquicentennial!

      The first building, built in 1875, was located where the cemetery is now; the current building was built in 1896.  They didn’t start having “Homecoming” celebrations until 1924.  “I guess they waited until some moved away before inviting them back on a special day each year” said one local historian.  The church built in 1896 stands in its original location, with the same thin-planked boards on the floors inside and the same pews.  Rocky Hill has been added onto over the years; the windows were replaced many year’s ago, and the carpets; air conditioning was added.  The large overhead hanging lights weren’t original either.

        Sunday’s Homecoming was blessed with beautiful weather.  The church filled up to hear the amazing choir and instrumental numbers and soloists.  Updates were given and a memorial read aloud remembering those who had passed away since last year’s Homecoming.    Bringing the message this year was Pastor Ralph Lee who grew up here.  Lee “brought down the house”!Pastor Lee's reminiscences from Matthew 16:13-20 were a thrill for both old-timers and newbies. The altar call lasted through four verses, and many went forward to reclaim grace and salvation. After a prayer, everyone walked next door for food and fellowship.


There are plenty of unclaimed tables still available at the Cedar Mountain Community Center for our September 14th Flea Market!  If you want a table please contact Christine Pace at (828)556-5238 or  Tables are provided for $20. Set-up will be the day before.     This special sale is already being advertised in the Transylvania Times newspaper thanks to Doug Poad of See-Off who wrote the Press Release posted in last Monday’s edition.  We will have additional advertising both in print, posters, and local radio stations prior to the sale.     Besides the Cedar Mountain and See-Off community centers, the Canteen will be holding a flea market that day, as will Sherwood Forest in their huge Robin Hood Barn.  Jump on the band wagon and sign up soon!  Don’t have a band wagon?  There may be one for sale September 14th!


Greetings, neighbors and friends,

Our Community Center at 2021 See Off Road will be one of four coordinated yard sales on Saturday, 14.  Four of us should generate some good traffic, so get your stuff ready to display… and sell.  Tables rent for $20 each.  Reserve tables: call 828-883-5673 or email Set up will be from 4pm – 8pm on the 13th.  Our flea will be open from 8am – 2pm. 

We’ll have our regularly scheduled potluck on Sunday, September 15 starting at 5:30p.  We’ll have two folks from the DuPont Forest staff with information about the forest’s history and future, along with opportunities to join their fun-loving team of volunteers.  Watch for more details in early September. 

Circle October 12th on your calendar.  That’s when we’ll be having an old-fashioned barn dance at the community center.  This will be a celebration of the Crooked Pine Band’s 50th anniversary.  This popular old-time string band was formed right here on Becky Mountain.  It’s always great when they ‘come back home’ and bring their instruments.

THE CANTEEN IN CEDAR MOUNTAIN (10771 Greenville Hwy) will be open 9 am – 9 pm, with the yard sale open from 9 am – 1 pm with 7 tables. Free plant-based beans and rice available. Bringing your own reusable bowl and silverware is appreciated. Dishwashing station available. Proceeds from this sale will benefit Transylvania Shares, a community sharing club (info at They will also be hosting a Bluegrass Jam beginning at 2 pm that day.


Folks of all denominations are welcome to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM.  We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest.  Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message!

On September 1st, we welcome Bishop L. Jonathan Holston.  Bishop Holston is the resident Bishop of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Prior to his election and consecration in July 2012, he served as the Senior Pastor of St. James United Methodist Church in Atlanta.  Bishop Holston holds a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from The Interdenominational Theological Center, Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta. 

Our soloist this Sunday will be Wayne Bishop.  Wayne was born and raised in Cedar Mountain, NC.  He went to high school in Brevard and majored in music at Brevard College. He traveled across the country and Canada singing a variety of music for 20 years with his brothers Myron and Lenoir Bishop. They played shows with The Beach Boys, Reba McIntyre, Inspirations and many others. 


It's that time again! It's time to get organized for the Cedar Mountain Community Center Craft Show! The show will be the 2nd of November from 9am until 3pm with setup on Friday afternoon/evening (times to be determined). We have a full slate of crafters already.  If you would like to sign up to be on a wait list, contact Kathy Treadwell at

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.  Above all – BE SAFE.


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