The newly refurbished Sports/Tennis court at the community center is open and ready for use. A variety of sports can be played including tennis and basketball.
A paver patio between the center and the Sports court is planned for later this fall.
Our monthly pot luck, meeting and program will be on Monday Sept 14th. Our program will start around 7 and will feature Paul Vis from the Transylvania County Animal Shelter.
Our new 2016 calendar featuring local photographers and scenes will be available for sale at the potluck. They are going fast so get yours now. Please bring a dish to share; casserole, salad, dessert or whatever your culinary specialty is and have it on our serving table by 6:15pm.
Our center is open to everyone no matter where you call home.
Our community center just keeps getting better and better and is available for rent for almost any event. Call Deborah Perkins at 885-7878 for information or reservations.
We are hearing from a lot of folks as a result of our updated and informational website. For more news and calendar of events check outwww.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com
There were lots of visitors in Cedar Mountain this past Labor Day weekend; Joe VanHook had a family reunion of his side of the family and most attended Rocky Hill Baptist Church on Sunday. Same with Pastor Leland Holland's family; wife Deb Holland had all three of her sisters at church as they were in town for a visit. Scot and Jan May arrived from Ohio on Saturday. Matthew, Daniela and Levi Jones came from Matthews, NC just for Labor Day on Monday. The three of them went with mom Christine and papa Joe Pace to visit the Cradle of Forestry.
All Cedar Mountain community residents are invited to "Dinner and a movie" in the Family Life Center building and Rocky Hill Baptist Church on Wednesday, September 16th. Dinner begins at 6:30pm and will be an old-fashioned country "comfort food" plate consisting of beans and cornbread, ham and the fixings.
Not a movie this time, but instead there will be hundreds of slides shown of past memories from Rocky Hill and the Cedar Mountain area from year's gone past. This should interest those who are new to the neighborhood and those who have been here for years. There is no charge for this fun evening; however reservations are needed so we can plan the meal preparation and quantities. Please call Rocky Hill church at (828) 862-5611 and if no answer please leave a message saying how many in your party plan to attend. Hope to see you there.
When the birthdays were listed last week Christine mentioned there were no known anniversaries. Since then she got a call from Betty Bessette saying that she and her husband Larry will be celebrating their 40th anniversary this month. Congratulations and best wishes to Larry and Betty Bessette.
Part-time resident Tommy Taylor is in the hospital near Florence, SC following a quick heart operation where five arteries were unblocked.
Howard Riddick has been in the hospital as well, fighting a battle against an illness. God bless you and your family.
Just a reminder "Tour De Falls" will be held in September this year instead of October, as in past years. Dates for this year's Tour De Falls at DuPontState Recreational Forest are September 26 and 27th. The 12-mile shuttle and tour of DuPont is a great opportunity to see all of our neighboring waterfalls and lakes. Park at the Buck Forest parking lot off Staton Road to board one of the shuttles, which will be leaving approximately every 30 minutes between the hours of 9:00am - 2:30pm both days. A donation of $6 for ages 6-17 and $12 for ages 18 and up is requested, payable by cash or check please. Bring a snack and water, and your camera, and enjoy an exciting three-hour (or more) tour of our local state forest.
Last week I wrote about the popular Queen Anne's Lace that blooms proficiently in our area. This week I want to mention the American bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), a climbing vine that can grow to 20 feet. A native to the eastern two-thirds of North America, from Canada to Texas, it prefers a sunny location and neutral soil. As a climber, it is a valuable ornamental landscape plant that can control erosion and harbor wildlife. Its orange berrylike fruits are produced in late summer and autumn; fruit-bearing branches and twigs are prized for holiday wreaths and dried arrangements.
If you plan to add this vine to your landscape be sure to choose the Native American bittersweet, rather than the invasive pest Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), which can girdle and smother trees and shrubs. In some states Oriental bittersweet is prohibited. But the American bittersweet is a kind plant that you will enjoy outdoors and later as a source for wreath and inside decorations.
Information was taken from China Bayles' "Native Plants for Wildlife Gardens" in chapter one of the book "Bittersweet" written by Susan Wittig Albert. Who in Cedar Mountain has this exciting plant?
Got some items sitting around that you don’t want? This website gives you the opportunity to find homes for your unwanted items or ask for items that you might need. There is no charge to be a member and all items are offered free of charge.
I recently gave away a number of Hosta Plants and some old furniture. My first WANT AD resulted in a few shingles to slip proof my handicap ramp and several emails giving me tips and alternative remedies. Google Brevard Freecycle or go to https://groups.freecycle.org/group/BrevardNC/posts/allto sign up.
A word of caution though, like Craig’s list you need to beware of someone coming to your home or going to someone’s home. If possible, arrange to meet the person at a public location like Wal-Mart’s parking lot. Never meet someone at a remote location. Although I have had nothing but positive dealings it can be a concern.
What’s going on in your life that you would like to share? Please send all news to cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com. If need be, you may also call Linda Young at 877-5407. Contributions need to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.