There is a blood drive June 20th starting at 8:30am at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. There will be food and refreshments following your donation.
The old-fashioned sing-a-long at the historic McGaha Chapel last Saturday was a success. Beth Owings, one of the song leaders, said there were over forty in attendance. A big thank you goes to Charles Burden for submitting his unique write-ups each week leading up to the event.
The McGaha Chapel began as an idea in 1854 and was completed in 1872, and remained active until 1930. Joe Pace remembers attending a service there after that, as it was then owned by the First United Methodist Church in Brevard. In 2007 the chapel was turned over to the Transylvania Historic Society.
At the July 13th community meeting we will have a Talent Show. Anyone and everyone who wants to share their particular talent is invited to do so at this meeting, held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. "We eat first" says Christine Pace who is the program coordinator for the talent show "then enjoy the show." A covered dish supper begins at 6:30pm Please have your dish on the table by 6:15pm. The talent show will begin shortly after 7pm. Call Christine at (828)885-2103 to sign up or with any questions. Walk-ins welcome on the day of too. There are no age restrictions, of course. As an added incentive Christine has promised NOT to play her harmonica if enough folks sign up. Children are encouraged to show off as well. There will be prizes for all "kids ages 12 and under".
Host: Rob Evans at the Cedar Mountain Community Center in Cedar Mountain, Transylvania County. July 29 - 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Join us for an evening discussion of mountain bogs of the southern Appalachians and what the NC Plant Conservation Program (PCP) has accomplished in our attempts to restore one such site.
The Cedar Mt Community Center has a like new Stainless Steel Bertazonni Propane Range for sale. It is 36” wide, has 5 burners and a convection oven. This new stove’s oven proved to be too small for center use and a new 48” commercial convection range will take its place. The Bertazonni purchase price was $3600 but we will sell for $2000. Call 828-885-2831 if interested.
Our new sign is to be installed sometime this month making it much easier to make announcements.
The center is installing Wi-Fi and a Verizon cell phone booster to the center as a service to the community by June 24th.
The Center is developing a 2016 Calendar consisting of photos from the Cedar Mountain Area. Entries will be accepted until Friday July 3, 2015. The calendars should be available for sale at our August 10th potluck.
Entries are open to all. Please note there is a limit of 3 photos per entrant and they must be of the Cedar Mountain Area. Subject matter can include: sights, events, history, etc. Digital photos are preferred. JPEGS will be accepted by email submission for review. A high resolution image will be needed if your submission is selected.
The deadline for submissions is Friday July 3, 2015. To submit an entry, email the image to cmcc28718@gmail.com. Photos may also be submitted by mail to: Cedar Mountain Community Center, Calendar Committee, PO. Box 152, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718.
Our annual fundraiser Chicken Dinner will be held at the Community Center Saturday July 25th from 5 – 7pm. $10 adults, $6 for children.
Our next flea market will be August 15th. Call 877-5407 for table reservations and information.
The bookmobile visits the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6pm on the second Thursday each month.
With a capacity of 160 (75 seated) and a commercial style kitchen our center is the perfect place for your small reception, party, business meeting and other activities. It can also be used as a dressing room for outdoor weddings. Call Deborah Perkins at 885-7878 to reserve the center.
Welcome to all who come through our lovely community in the summer months. Christine reports that at Rocky Hill Baptist last Sunday there were Lenoir Bishop's sister Brenda and her husband Doc, from Virginia; Tommy and Pauline Taylor and their daughter and son-in-law, from Florence, SC were at Rocky Hill; Jane Bishop Jones has been here for two Sunday's all the way from New York. Angie Skerrett Beeker's younger sister Stephanie (daughter of Butch and Sandy Skerrett) was here from Charlotte, NC with her beautiful little daughter. And Joe and Christine's son Matthew Jones plus his wife and son visited the DuPont waterfalls, escaping the heat from Matthews, NC.
Rocky Hill’s Vacation Bible School starts on Sunday July 12th and goes through the 16th. Rocky Hill Baptist Church, on Hwy. 276-S welcomes all to fellowship with them during this week of fun and games and learning. The kick-off begins Sunday evening with a water slide and hot dog supper for kids and adults alike. Monday through Thursday classes and programs are 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Patty Stahl is the team leader of Rocky Hill's VBS. More info will be in next week's column. Please mark your calendar now for July 12th through 16th
Vacation Bible School starts Wednesday June 17. We’ll have a Pizza meal and dessert at 5:30pm. Then it’s off to guided classes and fun and game time /activities from 6:30-8:30pm. Continuing June 24, July 1, and July 8 and ending with Church Picnic and water slide. Plan to attend Camp Courageous.
Get ready to play Ball. We have a church softball team and are ready to play the other churches in our community. Thanks to all who signed (22) up to play. We are still in the game. Rained-out and losses cannot detour our spirit. Come on out and watch the fun.
William “Bill” Jameson will be in Cedar Mountain, NC on Wednesday, July 1 to conduct a one day workshop. He is an accomplished artist (Check out his website: www.williamjameson.com) and, in addition, he is a wonderful teacher. Bill welcomes students of all levels, from absolute beginner to the advanced. All participants will receive one to one instruction in the medium of their choice: oil, acrylic, watercolor or pen and ink sketching. This workshop will be held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on Hwy 276. There is room for ten participants and the cost is $110 per person, excluding lunch. The Cedar Mountain Café is within walking distance or you can bring your own lunch.
A registration form is available on the website. If you have questions, please contact: Helen Warren, 843-696-6614 or hswarren@bellsouth.net or Bill Jameson 843-729-0593 or billj@williamjameson.com
June 15th - Low Gross - Helene Levesque - 32, Low Net - Linda Wehler - 22
A Robo Call I actually answered.
This one had quite the approach. The caller said that I was hard to reach and I don’t know what my reply was but she said. “Well, Ms Young you’re just cuter than kittens with mittens.” How did she know? I have to admit that it was an original approach. I still ended up having to hang up on her. They just keep going no matter how many times you say no.
Mushroom season is upon us. I had a Gilled Bolete and some Hen of the Woods sautéed in butter and sprinkled with garlic salt for breakfast. Yummy.
If you have a tale to tell or news you would like to share please email it to me at cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com or call 828-877-5407. All news must be received by Monday evening each week for inclusion in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times. Ads for businesses can only be included if they are offering a new service, photography display, change of business hours, etc. Nonprofit organizations such as the community center and fire department are exceptions to the rule.