An end of the summer benefit concert featuring the Hogtown Squealers will be held Tuesday evening August 25th from 7:00 till 9:00pm at the CedarMountain Community Center. The event will benefit Safe and Sharing House. The concert is free but donations for these two fine charities will be greatly appreciated.
We are pleased to report that the CMFRD sold out of BBQ this Saturday due to the unprecedented crowd that was drawn to the area by the BBQ, Flea Market and Gourd Gathering. All three were very busy.
As a fundraiser our Community Center has put together a beautiful calendar for 2016. The calendar is composed of photographs from the CedarMountain area taken by local photographers and highlights the beauty of our area. Our 2016 Calendar was ‘Made in the USA’ - Montana to be exact and will be for sale at local merchants, board members and at our next two potlucks. All proceeds will benefit the Community Center. As of Saturday were in the “black” for calendar sales. Many were sold at the flea market.
Thanks to an anonymous donor we now have a brand new beautiful sign to post our events on. It is located between the Cedar Mountain Café and the community center. An attractive rock base is yet to be constructed.
Our September 14th potluck will feature Paul Vis from the Transylvania animal shelter. Mark your calendars to be sure you don’t miss this.
The court remains closed. It has been resurfaced but, due to the weather, painting has been delayed. Watch for updates.
For more complete news about Cedar Mountain, what is happening here and what’s coming up, check out our website at www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com.
Many thanks to our webmaster, Clint Owings, for a wonderful job setting up our website.
Even Holes, Back 9 - Georgia Osterc - 20; Low Net - Vicky Anthony - 28; Low Gross - Georgia Osterc and Vicky Anthony (tie) – 36. Photos attached are Georgia Osterc on the left and Vicky Anthony on the right.

Rocky Hill Baptist Church was founded in 1875, one-hundred and forty year's ago. This Sunday, August 23rd, will be the annual "Homecoming" at Rocky Hill, located just beyond the fire department (Hwy. 276) right here in beautiful Cedar Mountain. Everyone is invited to attend. Bring a covered-dish lunch to share as the doors to the Family Life building will be open by 10:00 am to receive your dish. Homecoming begins at 10:30 am. The visiting preacher this year is Tony Hemphill, of Edisto, SC, whose wife Dianne Lee Hemphill was born and raised "just up the road".
There will be plenty of singing and memories and music of all kinds. If you wish to be placed on the schedule to perform please contact Christine Pace at (828)885-2103 or call the church directly at: (828)862-5611. We hope to see you there.
Teachers and students from all over the southeast came pouring in on Thursday afternoon last week to begin the 5th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering", held in the Family Life Center building next to Rocky Hill Baptist church here in Cedar Mountain. The Gathering lasted from Thursday through Saturday. Local residents and folks driving through saw our signs and dropped in as well, making this year's festival the biggest and best yet. The weather was great too, and folks from Florida and southern Georgia were ready to move here because of it.
In the photo above is a gourd turtle created by teacher Cara Bevan of Trinity, NC. Using Creative Paperclay (air-dry clay) to sculpt on the gourd, she was able to create this life-like image. This was one of four gourd critters she taught this year. We also had classes on weaving, carving, dying and wood burning. There are endless possibilities when playing with the hard-shell gourd.
MISSING: KEY "FOB" - late breaking news Key FOB found!
On Saturday Joe and Christine lost their key-less key, or "FOB" to their Chrysler mini van, in the vicinity of the Family Life Center. It is black, (hard plastic) and is not on a key chain. If you have seen it, please call them at (828)885-2103. Thank you.
Cedar Mountain Community Center Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30am-11:30am. Remaining classes for August are 24, 26, and 31. Call Hiro Martin at 553-1164 for more information.
The center is available for rent for a variety of events, parties, receptions, meetings and gatherings of most any kind. Contact Deborah Perkins at 885-7878 or deboperkins@gmail.com for details.
I’m wiped out. I knew the flea market was going to be work but now I can really appreciate the work and efforts of Holly Goodspeed who has taken care of setting it up in past years. Thank goodness I did learn a lot from Holly by helping with the flea markets in prior years. Holly kindly furnished her records, names, phone numbers and email addresses of previous participants and other materials which were a huge help in filling the tables and outside spaces with vendors.
It’s difficult to hold a garage or yard sale out here in Cedar Mountain due to remote locations. The community center is pleased to be able to provide a venue for folks to “recycle” items they no longer want or need. Pickup service for Habitat for Humanity is also provided so folks don’t have to cart any unwanted items to town. We had a huge amount for Habitat this week.
The community center also had quite a number of items left over from our auction. Proceeds from the sale of items on the designated community center tables and our 2016 calendars benefited the center 100%.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this flea market a success.
What’s going on in your life that you would like to share? Please send all news to cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com. If need be, you may also call Linda Young at 877-5407. Contributions need to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.