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The church has resumed Team Kids and Impact on Wednesday night. Pizza or a prepared supper will be served at 5:30-6:30pm. Followed by Sanctuary time for the children and teens at 6:30pm then off to classes, game time and more, after clean up about 7pm Pastor Steve Cooke leads the adults in a Bible study ending around 8:00pm.


The Steep Canyon Rangers Return to the Porter Center. Mountain Song Productions and Brevard College present two performances by the Steep Canyon Rangers at the Porter Center for Performing Arts on the campus of Brevard College on Sunday December 13, 2015.

The Steep Canyon Rangers are returning home to perform an intimate evening of their original brand of music. If you asked the question,”What does North Carolina sound like?” the response might be the Steep Canyon Rangers. For the 4:00 pm matinee show, doors open at 3:00pm. For the 7:30pm evening show, doors will open at 6:45 pm. Tickets and more information are available online at:


Christine Pace is a member of the "Palmetto Gourd Patch", which meet monthly in Greenville/Greer, SC the second Saturday of each month. There are nine regular members just from our area that attend now! Photo above is of 'Patch president Marianne Barnes' woven gourd art that won First Place in the Open media Division Fine Arts Professional Division and a $500 award! The title of this gourd is "Woven Beauty", and has wood-burned turtles around the large outside walls, and is woven using philodendron sheath and jacaranda pods for the rim. Marianne had two art gourds juried in for a fine representation of our gourd patch. If interested in attending one of our meetings please call Christine at (828)885-2103. "We car pool" she says.


Joe and Christine Pace enjoy a quick trip to Matthews, NC Saturday to watch their grandson Levi Jones play soccer in beautiful weather! Son Matthew Jones is the coach. "All the trees were (still) green there" remarked Joe. We are ahead of them on fall color changes.


We are hearing from a lot of folks as a result of our informational website. Many folks are contacting us with a variety of questions and to inquire about our community and community center rental.

For more community news and calendar of events check out


Our community center calendar is filling up so call now to be sure to reserve your date. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


More from my New England vacation

From Bar Harbor, ME I tried to go to Montpelier, VT because I wanted some maple syrup made in Vermont from a place that bottled it. I gave my GPS the address of the motel and settled back to enjoy the countryside. It soon became apparent that my GPS wasn’t taking me where I intended. I resorted to asking for directions. Twice I was told “you can’t get there from here!” If you look at a map of that area you will see that all major roads run north and south. Determined to go there regardless I inched my way cross country. Lost again I pulled into the Casco Federal Credit Union in Gorham, ME and asked again for directions. The two ladies at the desk were terrific. They even printed off turn by turn directions to Montpelier for me. They said I was their second “customer” for directions that day.

Time was growing short by this time and I needed to be in Montpelier before dark. I can’t drive in the dark so was in a sweat to make it to the motel by dusk. I barely made it.

When I went to the desk they said they had no reservation for me, but upon rechecking they said they found it but it was for the next night and that it had been canceled? (That’s a whole story by itself) They were able to accommodate me at least.

I hadn’t eaten and asked where the closest restaurant was. It was only a few blocks but my GPS again got me lost - I ended up in a construction zone. Retracing my route I turned right instead of left as the GPS wanted me to do and with a sigh of relief finally ended up back at the motel - still hungry. I had prepared for just such an emergency and had crackers and canned fish for supper.

This motel is definitely not recommended and it’s a shame I can’t name it. However it was being remodeled and was a mess. Light fixtures were being held up unsuccessfully with duct tape and that’s only the beginning. At least the bed was clean and comfortable and that was all I needed. I also did not have the option to go elsewhere.

When I checked out I asked when they were going to remodel the room I was in? They said it had already been remodeled. My skin crawls to think what it might have been like before. Incidentally I paid more for this motel than any other I stayed at. Price does not insure quality.

More next week.

What’s going on in your life or the community that you would like to share? Please send all news to If need be, you may also call Linda Young at 828-877-5407. If no answer you may call Christine Pace at 828-885-2103.

All news needs to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

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