CREEKSIDE MARKET NEWS New owners/operators of the Creekside Market are Wendy and Jeff. Creekside will re-open on January 11th, and they ask for your patience as they transition, re-stock shelves and the grill. Winter hours are shortened but when warmer weather comes get ready for more outdoor Friday & Saturday entertainment and cookouts, which Wendy was so fabulous at organizing before. She and Jeff are ever so happy to be back with our community and look forward to seeing each of you again soon.
The Cedar Mountain Community Center board of directors met last Thursday and it promises to be an exciting season. There were lots of ideas for programs and events. Our next board meeting is Thursday February 11th.
Our Chili Cook off was the most popular event of the season at the center last year so we will have a chili cook-off on Saturday January 23rd starting at 5:30pm. There will be no sign up, just bring your pot of chili to share by 5pm. The menu will include corn bread, salad and dessert. Prizes will be awarded the winners. Admission is $5.00.
We will be preparing for the new season by giving the community center a good scrubbing on Thursday Jan 21st from 10am – noon. Help is needed and the more who participate the better.
We are having a great response to our website. Check it out at www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com. The Cedar Mtn News and calendar of events is included.
Our community center calendar continues to fill up with wedding receptions and other functions. Call now to reserve while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Manager, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
The Cedar Mountain Fire/Rescue Auxiliary will be holding a fundraiser on March 12th from 8am to 11am.
My season-pushing Hyacinth plant has put on the brakes. Hopefully it will resume growing when it warms up again.
I am going through boxes of “ancient” photographs going back to the 1940’s. I was hoping to get rid of a lot of them but a lot are still lingering. I threw out any that were badly out of focus or where I couldn’t identify the people in the photos.

The most “fun” one I found was of my sister and me floating in the water of the Great Salt Lake in Utah in 1958. Keeping your head above water in that brine is difficult to do. Parts of the lake are 10 times saltier than the ocean. It gives a whole new twist to the saying “bottoms up”.
We’d love to hear what’s going on in your life or in the community if you would like to share. Please send all news to cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com.
All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.