CEDAR MOUNTAIN NEWS for Thursday 2-18-16
OUR ROB TRAVIS Photographer extraordinaire Rob Travis was contacted by the design team of a new four-story building in Asheville, NC called "City Centre" which is being built on the corner of College and S. Charlotte streets in Asheville. The BB&T bank will move its retail location and regional offices to the City Centre building when it’s completed in March of 2016. The Roberts & Stevens law firm and the Clark Nexsen Architecture firm also will relocate there. Travis will have eight of his photos in large format, printed on metal, at key locations on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The designers selected four of his images taken of the Blue Ridge Parkway and four images of the Asheville skyline taken at dusk. The largest photographs are 24”high by 48”wide; the smallest ones are 24" by 36". If you haven't already seen Rob's photos-on-metal prints go to the second floor of French Broad Place in Brevard, on the corner of French Broad and N. Broad streets. Or visit his gallery right here in Cedar Mountain! Rob Travis’s "Blue Moon Gallery" is located in the Cedar Mountain Business Park at 10771 Greenville Highway (Hwy. 276) 10 miles from the Brevard courthouse. Besides Travis's photography the gallery celebrates the work of some of the areas top artists. It is open for business Wednesday thru Saturday from 10am-5pm. Appointments are available during other times. Just call Rob at 828-565-2566. Blue Moon Gallery is in full swing with their custom framing business and have done several jobs since announcing this new service in October of last year. They do all sorts of framing, from needlepoint, photography, prints and other work. The gallery will also be doing a series of classes in 2016.
BY SPECIAL INVITATION: Blue Moon Gallery has also been invited to participate in the Cradle of Forestry’s Field School Tour starting in April of this year and will continue weekly through August. The activity is called “Cedar Mountain Arts Tour - South 276” and features a group called The Cedar Mountain Artisans. The website for this project is: http://cfaia.org/pisgah-field-school-brevard-nc/ COMMUNITY NEWS
PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Cedar Mountain Fire & Rescue Auxiliary will be holding a fundraiser in the form of a delicious pancake breakfast on March 12th from 8:00 to 11:00am. Non breakfast eaters are encouraged to stop by and leave a donation too; thank you!
COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL Please call Deborah Perkins, facility events coordinator for the Cedar Mountain Community Center, for reservations or more information. Her number is (828)885-7878.
VERIZON CELL PHONE USERS There is no cell phone coverage in Cedar Mountain except a few select places that offer this service as a courtesy. You may make or receive a call from the Rocky Hill Baptist Church parking lot, at Creekside Market, or the parking lot at the Cedar Mountain Community Center; only Verizon cell phones will work. The community center also has free Wi-Fi available in their parking lot. AROUND LINDA'S HOUSE ... The news this week is being sent in by me, Christine Pace. I usually send my news segment to Linda Young, who then adds hers and sends it all to the T-Times newspaper office. This week however Linda is without her computer which is unfortunately "in the shop". It is ready, says Linda, but due to icy conditions on Monday the repair shop closed early. So Linda said "write something for me". Here goes: If you have never been inside Linda's house you probably imagine it to be a huge mansion of sorts, only without the hired staff to answers doors, cook for her, and drive her to appointments. I heard this from a reader one time while in Brevard. This reader told me she reads all the community news columns and always notices the many, many activities Linda has going on in and around her house. "She must have lots of rooms, and lots of floors" said she, because "Linda is always 'doing". She refurbishes and redecorates and is always clearing out the old, and even considers it a fun thing to do when her sister visits. She has enclosed a sun room, tinkered in her basement, finding all sorts of treasures she then whisks down to the community flea market to sell And, she has interesting neighbors and exuberant pets! Linda has hobbies too, such as photography, walking three days a week with a local exercise group, singing with the Rocky Hill choir during their Christmas and Easter cantatas, and writing poems and books. She is an auxiliary member of the fire department here too. And if there is a work day at the community center you will find her there. When she travels Linda always has something exciting to report in the following week's Cedar Mountain News column. To tell the truth I would not want to be with her for some of those trips! They are a bit too exciting for me. All in all, Linda leads a relatively busy life, stays mostly local, and is interested in the welfare of friends and neighbors, as it should be. And she does a great job writing this column each week so for that I say “thank you" our own Linda Young!
Please send Linda YOUR news at: www.cedarmountainnews@hotmail.com