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EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE The choir of Rocky Hill Baptist Church will present their annual Easter Sunrise cantata at Symmes Chapel, better known as "Pretty Place", on Easter morning beginning at 6:15am. Gates to the YMCA Camp Greenville, (caretakers of Pretty Place chapel), open at 5:00am. There will be a shuttle to take folks from the ball field to the chapel. The chapel fills up early and it is suggested visitors arrive early.

Dr. Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill church, will bring the message and the choir, lead by Lenoir Bishop, will bring the message in song. You may call Pastor Holland at the church for more information: (828)862-5611. Camp Greenville will have a buffet breakfast available to all, in their dining room following the Easter program. The Easter cantata will again be performed inside Rocky Hill Baptist Church during the 11:00am service. All are welcome!


The AOTC bicycle event is Saturday April 9th. One major stop will be the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Those who wish to cheer them on at this point are asked to be at the community center between 10 and 10:30am to greet the first cyclists. We will have bells to “clang” and voices to raise. Registration is closed for the 17th Assault on the Carolinas. 1000 riders have signed up for this ride. This Annual bicycle competition features 100K, 60K and 40K rides.


This popular produce stand is now open for the season. They are closed on Mondays.


Among other things discussed the following schedule of programs and fundraisers for the season is as follows:

April 11th – Discussion on Transylvania County’s property reappraisal.

May 9th – Program to be announced

June 13th – Patty Stahl, Charles Burden and Doug Pace will give an historical presentation on the old highways of the Cedar Mountain area.

July 11th - Talent Show

July 23rd -Chicken Dinner fundraiser

August 8th – Annual Auction with Mike Pace as auctioneer

September 12th – Fish Fry – Program to be announced

October10th – BBQ – Program to be announced

November 14th - Annual Thanksgiving celebration and social.

Community Center potlucks start by having food on the table by 6:15pm so we can begin eating by 6:30pm.


Many inquiries have been made as to when our next flea market will be. It was agreed that we will schedule one for later in the summer. Watch for further details. You may call Linda Young at 858-877-5407 to put your name on the list for notification.


The Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League is seeking new members for its upcoming season. The league plays 9 holes every Monday morning from April 4th - October 10th. The April starting time is 10 am. The league is open to any lady golfer, any age or ability level who is interested in fun, yet competitive 9-hole play. New members are welcome at any time during the season. For more information, please call Lin at 828-884-8465 or email


Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center between 3pm and 5pm the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website includes The Cedar Mountain News, a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more. Check it out.


I went square dancing again at the community center last Thursday. It was great fun and I guess my future if I choose to continue is to dance as a “guy”. After your first lesson you are considered “experienced”. Ha! The instructor thanked me for my mistakes and called them learning opportunities for everyone. I was so pleased to have made that contribution. Now if I can just figure out which hand is my right hand or left? Star Right means you put your Left hand up and go around in a circle to the right.

First of all let me assure you I do not own stock in SC Johnson. A few weeks ago I mentioned that Pledge Restore and Shine was better than anything I’d found for polishing up my stainless steel dishwasher even though it is only recommended for wood.

A leather purse I had stored under the bed in an “airtight” container was spotted with mildew so I wiped it down and touched up some slightly worn spots with black shoe dye. However I kept getting black residue on my cloth and didn’t want it coming off on my clothes. So out came the Pledge Restore and Shine. Not only did it remove the excess dye it cleaned the purse up so well it looked like I’d just brought it home from the store. I think the secret is the orange oil.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share.

All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

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