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Many inquiries have been made as to when our next flea market at the Cedar Mountain Community Center will be. It was agreed that we will the flea market on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Watch for further details. You may call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. Your name will be placed on the list for notification. Six tables are already reserved and there is a 2 table maximum per vendor.

COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING The first gathering of the community at the Cedar Mountain Community Center was held this past Monday, April 11, 2016 with about 30 in attendance. Newly elected president Clint Owings opened the meeting after everyone had time to taste the many scrumptious dishes. First mentioned was a new initiative he called "Cans for the Community".

Here's how it works:

Every second Monday of each month there is a community meeting and folks attending are invited to bring non-perishables such as canned goods to the meeting. These will be distributed to charities such as Sharing House in Transylvania that helps meet the food needs of those who may not otherwise have enough to eat. Also welcome are pet foods! The Whistle Stop produce will have a collection area for donated canned goods during their business hours too, and will also be donating their extra or unsightly vegetables and such. What a great idea!

Secretary, Linda Young reported that the first community center flea market will be held at the community center on Saturday, September 17, 2016. On the same day of the Cedar Mountain Community Center flea market there will be the Sherwood Forest "Barn Sale" (flea market), Sept. 17th, so folks coming to Cedar Mountain for one can spend the day shopping at both!

The next community meeting will be on Monday May 9th. Bring a covered dish to share by 6:15 and we will eat at 6:30pm. Following the meal there will be a program by Alan Cameron capturing wildlife on camera.

The program this past Monday was very interesting in that Annette Raines from the Transylvania County Tax Office delivered a talk about the re-appraisals on county property. Four folks from the tax office in Brevard were with her. Here is what Annette had to say: The Transylvania County 2016 Reappraisal has been completed. The majority of the county totals went down this year. This means your home or property may now be valued as high as previously. You have only until this coming Monday to voice your concern if you do not agree with your appraisal! On May 16th your appraisal will be "set" and will not be able to be altered until January 1, 2020, "unless you take out a building permit for improvements" before that time. Appraisals have been done every 7 year's in the past few year's but now will be done every 4 years. A Realtor may not use exactly what the tax appraisal's office used in appraising your property. The Realtor knows what other homes "in your neighborhood" have recently sold for. Anyone can look to see what their neighbor's house sold for, if interested: This may help if you are considering listing your property. In North Carolina there are 100 counties, and Transylvania County is listed as the 12th lowest tax rate of all! One item that helps is that there was a 99.87% collection rate of taxes (last year). Our county has undeveloped land, such as state and national forests, consisting of 54%. A question was asked about someone coming to your door asking to be admitted to evaluate your home's interior. Annette replied that, unless you initiated the call to have someone from the appraisal office come out and do this, "Shut the door and call the cops." When the appraisal office personnel come out they only look around the outside of your property. They also go by building permits taken out for improvements to your property. Another question was asked about the evaluation of doublewide's verses singlewide's, to which Annette responded that doublewide's "may" increase in value, as they are considered real property, whereas a singlewide is not and may in fact decrease in value. What about exemptions? If you (at least one of a married couple) is age 65 or over, OR permanently disabled, and make a total of under $29,001/year you may be exempt from 50% of the evaluation of your permanent resident; one home only. But you must apply for this exemption, by June 1, 2016. There is also a Disabled Veteran tax exemption. How many homes/buildings are in our county, and how many appraisers are there? That was the final question. The answer: There are 18,000 homes/buildings with 7 appraisers to do this, a fabulous job! Thanks to Annette Raines for an informative and fine program.


April 11th - Pink Ball Rotates - Back 9 - Team Of Gloria Clouse, Joy Seelinger, Karen Gleasman and Georgia Osterc – 34. On April 4th - Best Ball Scramble - Front 9 -team of Aki Lindsay, Lois Bollini, Kathy Harris, Roz Banks – 28

BLOOD DRIVE The Cedar Mountain Fire Department will host a Blood Drive this month on Saturday April 23rd from 8:30am to 12:30pm.


Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center between 3pm and 5pm the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website includes The Cedar Mountain News, a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more. Check it out.


I only recently learned of the passing of former resident Joe Farino, husband of popular oil painter Kay (Kinchen) Farino. Kay and Joe Farino owned "Granny's Restaurant" before selling and it becoming Grammy's restaurant, now known as Cedar Mountain Cafe. Kay used to give oil painting classes in their restaurant after hours, using the William Alexander method. I took lessons from her in 1990. Kay lives in Brevard, Joe and I stopped in to extend our sympathies. While there we were able to visit her sister Lynne Pittard who is here briefly, to help Kay. Perhaps you've heard of the TV show of several years’ ago, "Painting with Pittard"? That's her! Lynne Pittard had a summer home here until a short time ago, which had been her and Kay's grandmother's home when they were growing up: Mrs. Juliette Courtney. It is located on the road next to the community center. Lynne Pittard lives in Lake Worth, Florida now full time, and her art can be seen by going online She hopes to get the TV segments back up one day soon. Kay too hopes to get back painting as well; she is quite prolific at doing a whole painting just using the palette knife!


The meal at the community center was fabulous this past Monday, as usual. I waddled back home after the meeting! Beth Owings brought her "famous" chocolate cake in honor of her Uncle Joe's birthday!

Remember eating the delicious fried chicken from "The Clock of Brevard"? They moved after losing their long-time lease and now have a Facebook page called the "Clock at Cedar Lane". They are located on Cedar Lane in Greenville, SC. Now they have begun delivering their chicken to Brevard every few weeks! If you wish to order from them you should "like" them on Facebook and get notifications when they will deliver here. They delivered in Brevard for the Super Bowl and again the first week in April.

The annual BBQ festival held in Tryon, NC will be held on June 10th and 11th this year. This is huge! At this festival there will also be a Nascar vehicle and a classic car show, crafters/artists and other vendors and super fun. You can read more at

Joe and I enjoyed a delicious lunch at Outback in Greenville, SC this past Saturday with Pastor Dan and Martha Ray. Pastor Dan was interim pastor at Rocky Hill Baptist Church for over two year's before Dr. Holland came to be with us permanently. The food was great but the fellowship was greater!

STEEPLE CHASE On Mother's Day weekend is the annual Steeple Chase races at Harmon Field in Tryon, NC. More is listed at .


I visited a couple really nice residents at the Cedar Mountain House this past Monday. They have written a cute children's story I am helping to add illustrations to. We had a great visit and I was impressed with the smiling faces and a big, full calendar of events planned for this month!


I relied again on my GPS to get me to a doctor’s appt at Park Ridge Medical last week. It was an interesting journey and I finally gave up and stopped for directions at a Dollar Store. A nice lady, who was in the front of the building, gave me directions. She had worked at Park Ridge for 32 years. I had no trouble finding it from there. I think I will go back to good old fashioned maps.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share.

All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

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