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The Cedar Mountain Fire Department will host a Blood Drive on Saturday April 23rd from 8:30am to 12:30pm.


Par Threes - Roz Banks - 18. Low Net - Rita Schiff - 24. Low Gross - Georgia Osterc - 34.


The Cedar Mountain and Dunn's Rock Democratic Precincts are sponsoring a barbecue to be held April 30th 11:30 am – 2pm at the Dunn’ Rock Community Center. Meet the Democratic candidates; enjoy fun and activities, a great BBQ and music by the Bold Grey Mares. Suggested donation is $5.00


The Cedar Mountain Community Center has scheduled a flea market for Saturday Sept 17th.

Call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. Six tables are already rented/reserved. There is a 2 table maximum per participant. All table rental proceeds go to the community center.


Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center between 3pm and 5pm the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website includes The Cedar Mountain News, a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more. Check it out.


APRIL BIRTHDAYS: Ruby Skerrett will be turning 97 or 98 year's old this month, and her daughter-in-law Sandy Skerret will be celebrating an April birthday too! Happy birthday ladies,

On Sunday, following church, the Rocky Hill Baptist Church and family of Gail Smith surprised her with a luncheon birthday party at the Family Life Center building next door. Other friends and family members joined us too, and it was a great time of love and fellowship for a truly wonderful friend.


As a child, my family visited New Orleans and I never forgot it. After moving to Transylvania County my husband I traveled to “Nawlins”, as the locals call it, and had a good time. I decided to visit once again while I am still able to drive long distances.

I felt a little regret at missing my exercise classes but after spending 3.5 hours walking the Audubon Zoo, 1.5 at the Audubon Insectarium, 1.5 hours at the Audubon Aquarium of the America’s, and 3 hours walking the French Quarter and French Market. I think I have the walking part covered.

Parking lots were expensive. One lot I saw was $8.00 per hour. Luckily I found free parking spots at the corner of Bourbon and Canal Streets for my Bourbon Street adventure and then again at the intersection of Peters and Canal for the Insectarium and Aquarium. The only parking I paid for was $3.00 per hour at the French Market. I was there for 45 minutes. It was amazing how much stuff there was that I didn’t need.

The Audubon Insectarium was interesting but not geared for senior citizens. Most of the signs were posted at about knee height from the floor. I enjoyed the butterfly nursery and butterfly garden the most.

My sister and I shared a nice inexpensive little apartment in Chicago once. The first night we learned why it was so inexpensive. Midway Airport was across the street, a railroad behind the apartment and an incline on Cicero Ave. next to the apartment. So it was trains hooting, planes going over and semi’s grinding up the incline 24-7. We got used to it and couldn’t sleep when it was quiet. In addition we didn’t have ordinary dust, we had soot.

My motel here in New Orleans has trains, traffic and ships! There is a drawbridge nearby and the ships hoot several times as they go through. Ah nostalgia. More details next week.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share.

All news for next week has to be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

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