Board meeting 4pm Thursday July 7th at the center.
COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING - TALENT NEEDED Join your neighbors at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on Monday July 11th for the annual "Talent Show". Bring a covered-dish to share by 6:15pm as we eat at 6:30. The great cooks we have here in Cedar Mountain are a talent all their own.
If you want to "perform" at the community program on Monday please let Christine Pace know by calling her at (828)885-2103 or email her at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com It will be a great night. One new talent will be Nancy Cadora, who will tell a story about her mother, Dixie Lane. This will be Nancy's debut in story telling. Nancy and her husband Allen recently moved to Cedar Mountain permanently, from Atlanta, Ga. I (Christine) saw Nancy at the Jones' Family reunion Saturday and she says she is excited. While sitting outdoors talking, a friend came and asked Nancy to take a dip in the nearby lake, to which Nancy replied "I would, but my swimsuit has a hole in the knee". That's Nancy; come meet her Monday.
Connestee Falls Annual Art in the Park is to be held Saturday, July 9 from 10am – 4pm. Come out and enjoy a stroll along the strip between Connestee Falls Park and Connestee Falls Real Estate on Hwy 276 just South of Brevard – view the beautiful work done by The League’s (and others) artisans, visit with your neighbors and perhaps find a lovely Christmas gift for that special person. Rain date – July 10th – same times. For more information call 883-8410
History of the Cedar Mtn. Area in the 19th and early 20th Centuries presented by Charley Burden. Held at the Robin Hood barn Tuesday July 12th from 7 – 8pm
One talent that I (Christine) don't have is in cooking, but that may change now as there will be a new service offered at the community center beginning Wednesday July 6th: cooking lessons. The gals from Whistle Stop Market will be teaching folks to cook on Wednesday's from 5:30 to 7:00pm at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Cost is $20 /person per class. The next class will be held on July 13th and will teach "Cookie dough"; how to make for later use; table cookies, pecan crescents, shortbread and more. They will teach how to make the classic chewy cookies too such as Snickerdoodle, peanut butter, chocolate chip, etc. Also included in this class is meringue (Gluten free) and drop cookies. July 21st will cover seafood; the 28th will be on tarts, and August 5th will be vegetables. Later classes will include custards, potatoes, appetizers, and cakes and cake fillings which will be a two-day class. To sign up for any of these classes or for more information you may drop by the Whistle Stop Market Tuesday's through Saturday from 10am to 6pm or on Sunday's from noon to 4pm. Or call them at (828)877-5081.
Coming attractions include July 16, Chicken Fried Opossum playing Old-time/new-grass and July 232016 Point of View Country playing, classic rock, Southern rock.
CMFR held elections for the Officers and Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting on Thursday evening.
The following Officers were re-elected to new two year terms for their respective office: Chief Davie Summey, Deputy Chief Adam Summey Assistant Chief Landon Leonard, Fire Captain Bryn Harmer, Rescue Captain Chris Holroyd, and Medical Lieutenant Martha Leonard.
The following were elected to two year terms for the listed office: Fire Lieutenant Jentsen Rackley and Fire Lieutenant Michael Snipes
The following were re-elected to two-year terms on the Board of Directors: Gina Summey, Don Greene, Joe Teixido
The Board of Directors elected the following Board Members to their respective offices: President Jimmy Jones, Vice-president Jim Dunlap, and Secretary/Treasurer Gina Summey
The Board set its regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month at 7 PM at CMFR with the exception of July, where it will be held on the second Monday due to a conflict.
Both the Cedar Mountain Community Center and Whistlestop Produce are collecting Cans for the Community. Pet food is also needed along with pantry items such as cereal, sugar & flour. Bottled foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise etc. are also welcomed. Foods slightly past their “sell by” dates are acceptable. Look for the big blue tubs at both sites.
Ribbon Cutting Scramble, Back 9 - Team of Peggy Baldwin, Linda Johnson and Char Weaver - 22
The new Parkway booklets are and available for free at the "Changes In Altitude" gift shop across Hwy. 276 from the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. The Cedar Mountain Cafe has a limited number of copies too.
Later this month children will be "Submerged" as Vacation Bible School at Rocky Hill Baptist church gets underway. On Sunday July 24th at 5pm all children and their family members are invited to a slip 'n slide on the church grounds followed by a family hot dog dinner. Monday through Thursday the children will enjoy lessons, singing, crafts and snacks from 6:30 to 8:30pm each night. Please call the church at (828)862-5611 to leave a message for Patty Stahl, the coordinator of Rocky Hill's VBS.
A reunion for Heath family descendants will be at the Family Life Center building this Sunday, July 10th at 1:00pm. Bring a covered-dish to share, old photos and old stories. For more information you may call Christine Pace at (828)885-2103. Tommy Taylor, from Effingham SC and "Sun River" here in Cedar Mountain is coordinator of this fun family event; thank you Tommy.
Classes are now posted for the 6th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering" which is held right here in Cedar Mountain. Dates this year are Thursday afternoon, August 18th and all day Friday & Saturday August 19 & 20th. Call host, Christine Pace for more information, at (828)885-2103. Better still; please go to the website http://mountaingourdgathering.weebly.com to see classes offered and sign up. The public is invited to come by the Family Life Center during this gourd event and take a look at all that can be created on the hard-shell gourd.
Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Cedar Mountain Community website is www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com. The website has a wealth of information about Cedar Mountain; a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more.
I have family visiting from Florida (they have a place in Lake Lure). We went to see the fireworks and we are going tubing on the Davidson River this week. I have a great niece and nephew who will just love this. I’m going to attempt to go too if I can manage to get myself into a tube (and my swim suit). Ha. More on that next week.
What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times
Please email cedarmountainnews@gmail.com with any news or questions.