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CMCC Board meeting Thursday, 11-10-16 at 4pm

Monday November 14th will be our annual Thanksgiving feast and social. The center will be furnishing the turkeys. You are asked to have your favorite Thanksgiving dish to share on the serving table by 6:15pm. There will be no program; just time to enjoy conversations with your neighbors and friends. This will be our last meeting until next spring.

The center will remain open for other events during the winter months. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information on rental. You may also visit our website at for rental, upcoming events and local information. Reservations can be made online.


An important election will be held for new board members about 7pm.


Jimmy Jones of Cedar Mountain has retired from the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office after 30 years of service. He went to work with the Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Sheriff in March of 1986 and was the Court Officer or Bailiff assigned to the Courts. He worked there until August of 1995 when he was assigned as the DARE Officer at Pisgah Forest Elementary School and the Criminal Justice Class Instructor at Brevard High School. In October of 1996 the School Resource Officer program was created and he became the first SRO permanently assigned to Brevard High School. He remained at BHS until August of 2006 when he was transferred back to the Courthouse as the Court Security Supervisor. Jimmy officially retired on November 1st. His last day at work was Friday, October 28th.

Thank you Jimmy for 30 years of service to the citizens of Transylvania County.


The auxiliary needs volunteers to help with fundraisers. The auxiliary helps the fire department buy needed equipment which benefits us all. Help is needed to prepare for these fundraisers which includes preparing for in-house BBQ dinners’ with all the trimmings as well as catering dinners. We will be catering the DuPont Experience November 12th. Please call Cindy Greene at 828-862-3342 for more information or to volunteer.


The shop is open through Christmas. The shop has furniture, estate jewelry and Majolica! It is presently featuring an open studio of resident, Richie Wilkinson's, paintings. Telephone 828-966-5107


Part time Cedar Mountain resident and writer, Dr. Hilda Dulin Lee, is the author of In the Labyrinth of Binge Eating which was written primarily at her cottage here. In fact, one chapter is set when she and her husband first bought the land and discovered the cottage (which they then restored). She will be doing an author talk and book signing at Highland Books in Brevard on Sat Nov 12 at 1 pm. Check her out at

CHRISTINE'S CORNER WHAT A WEEK This week has been so very busy, with elections Tuesday for those who didn't vote early. And the weather remains so very warm that many folks are doing more & more outdoors in prep for a cold winter; will winter ever get here? No rain in so long too, and that is a worry. Hope everybody turned their clocks back an hour last Sunday. I know of one wedding that happened on Sunday and I was hoping no one in the wedding party got mixed up. My dear hubby Joe Pace began getting chemo intravenously this past Monday, with all kinds of cautions and instructions given to both of us. First, Joe has to stay away from sick people, as his immune system will be compromised; and he must drink a lot more water. The worst news was for me: I have to change the kitty litter box now! Joe is not allowed to do so while getting chemo. Ah well, it's an easy job. Joe appreciates your prayers.

ON THE AIR If you live within two miles of Rocky Hill Baptist church you should be able to tune in to their broadcast live on Sunday mornings at 11:00am, on FM radio station 87.9. If you were not at your church Sunday I hope you tuned in, as a beautiful solo "Sinner Saved by Grace" was performed by choir leader Lenoir Bishop. Lenoir is one of the three "Bishop Brothers" of Cedar Mountain that are well-known for their incredible singing. Lenoir is offering his talent for weddings and such now, as a solo artist; otherwise he is singing some with his brother's gospel singing group "Isaac's Well". Dr. Leland Holland is preaching and teaching from the book of Acts and does an incredible job of explaining and inspiring. A new lady came forward this past Sunday to ask for baptism, which is highly celebrated.

CHRISTMAS CANTATA Choir Leader at Rocky Hill church Lenoir Bishop announced choir practice has begun for this year's Christmas cantata and anyone is invited to join the choir for this cantata if you're able to attend practices on Wednesday's at 7:30pm. Soon we will also have Sunday afternoon practices. Call the church at (828)862-5611 if interested or you can call Christine Pace (885-2103) and she will let Lenoir know.

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS If I miss your birthday please let me or Linda know so we can celebrate you! My email is . Pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist church Dr. Leland Holland celebrated another birthday on Nov. 2nd; Clint Owings on Nov. 3rd, and Wayne Bishop, one of the popular singing Bishop Brothers, turned another year older on Nov. 12th. Myron Bishop's wife Sandi (Myron is another 'Brother) turned a year older on Nov. 7th. Coming soon will be Joanne Malavenda, who is turning a year older on Nov. 17th, and Elizabeth Fortner, celebrating on the 23rd.

NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Lenoir Bishop and his wife Faith will celebrate their anniversary on November 15th; Myron and Sandi Bishop on the 11th. Congratulations all!


Good to be back around the house. I spent some quality time with my daughter and granddaughter last week. Thanksgiving came early and we had turkey with all the trimmings on Sunday. My daughter made a pear pie. I didn’t know you could but it was delicious. Christmas came early too. My granddaughter, Alayna, desperately needed a new mattress so I got one for her. She accidently locked her cat in her bedroom all day and the cat used her bed for a litter box. She was sleeping on the box spring. Maybe she will think of grandma every time she crawls into bed?

Trip home was uneventful except for all the smoke in South Eastern Kentucky. You couldn’t even see the mountains at times. Being supersensitive to smoke I was anxious to get out of the region even putting off getting gas until the air cleared. I feel sorry for residents who are fighting this everyday right now.On arrival at home I expected my Kallie Kat to be glad to see me but as soon as I opened the door she wanted outside. Later she realized Mom really was home and I got lots of kitty smooches.

The Cedar Mountain News depends on your input. If you have news to share or announcements to make please let me know. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

Please email with any news or questions.

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