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At our last meeting Marilyn Compton and Sheila Bayles were elected to the board of directors for the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Officers include Clint Owings, President; Beth Owings, past President/Advisor; Suzanne Lawson, Vice President/Programs; Linda Young, Secretary; Helen Lee, Treasurer and Deborah Perkins, Facility Events Coordinator. Board members include Dave Schweikert, Deborah Corn, Lucia Gerdes, Sue Russell, Sheila Bayles and Marilyn Compton.


At the Western North Carolina Communities Luncheon at Biltmore Hilton last week the Balsam Grove, Cedar Mountain, and Lake Toxaway communities received Communities of Promise awards and checks for $1000 as a reward for their achievements in improving their communities and community centers this year. 64 Western North Carolina Communities participated. Congratulations to all.


Come join in singing carols both secular and sacred at the historic (1872) McGaha Chapel at 2 pm on Sunday, December 4th, 2016. Ring in this wonderful season with 45 minutes of singing of old favorites in the wooded setting along the ancient stagecoach and drovers’ road Johnstone Turnpike. This is one of the few times of the year that the Chapel is open to the public. Just like the olden days, the Chapel has no heating, so dress warmly. Then let’s all retreat to the warm Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center (which alternates hosting the drop-in with the Cedar Mountain Community Center) for hot apple cider and coffee, with delicious homemade Christmas cookies and cakes. Park early at the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center and take a shuttle to and from the Chapel. The Robin Hood Center is located on US 276 South with roadside signs identifying parking. This celebration is a cooperative effort of the Transylvania County Historical Society and the Greater Cedar Mountain Community. Questions: contact Charles Burden 884-8728, or the TCHS.

CEDAR MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Youth program on Wednesday night. Pizza or a prepared supper will be served at 5:30-6:30pm. Followed by Sanctuary time for the children and teens at 6:30pm then off to classes, game time and more, after clean up about 7pm the adults attend a Bible study. All classes end around 8:00pm. Stay tuned for more youth news and events. The Wednesday night programs follow the school calendar.

CMBC has started a new Bible study for Men and Women. Time is 6:00pm for both classes. The Ladies class will be studying Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself and the Men's class will be studying Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. The Bible studies, at this time, are in place of evening worship. Come join us. The Lighting of the Greens will be Sunday December 6th at the 11:00am service.Plans are underway for our Christmas play “Shining Stars" and fellowship dinner on December 18th at the 11:00am service.

Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Family and friends worship on Sunday morning starting with Sunday school for all ages at 9:45am then morning worship service at 11:00am. Come back for Sunday evening Bible study at 6:00pm. Rev. Dr. Gordon Benton is our interim Pastor. He has already made himself and his family part of our Church. You are invited to meet a loving, praying, worshiping body of believers. A Blessed Thanksgiving is prayed for each of you.


This forest fire emergency has caused me think about my priorities. If I have to evacuate, I’ve decided on the 4 C’s; Computer, Camera, Cat and Clothes. If there is time after that I have a secondary list. I would probably take photo albums, my art work etc.

I am getting exasperated and cold. I had the heater in my Jeep checked by yet another garage in Brevard Friday. They said there was no problem and pretty much indicated I didn’t know how to run the controls. I’ve had it for over 3 years - I think I know. Anyway I made an appointment with another garage after driving 15 miles to church with numb fingers Sunday. I checked online (what did we ever do without Google) and found that the temperature at the heat vent should be 130 degrees. Using a meat thermometer it ranged between 98 degrees and 102 degrees depending on which vent it was in. Not enough to heat a vehicle.

The Cedar Mountain News depends on your input. If you have news to share or announcements to make please let me know. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times. Please email with any news or questions.

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