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Come join in singing carols both secular and sacred at the historic (1872) McGaha Chapel at 2 pm on Sunday, December 4th, 2016. Ring in this wonderful season with 45 minutes of singing of old favorites in the wooded setting along the ancient stagecoach and drovers’ road Johnstone Turnpike. This is one of the few times of the year that the Chapel is open to the public. Just like the olden days, the Chapel has no heating, so dress warmly. Then let’s all retreat to the warm Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center (which alternates hosting the drop-in with the Cedar Mountain Community Center) for hot apple cider and coffee, with delicious homemade Christmas cookies and cakes. Park early at the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center and take a shuttle to and from the Chapel. The Robin Hood Center is located on US 276 South with roadside signs identifying parking. This celebration is a cooperative effort of the Transylvania County Historical Society and the Greater Cedar Mountain Community. Questions? Contact Charles Burden 884-8728, or the TCHS.

ROCKY HILL BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS December is busy for members of Rocky Hill Baptist Church. All who read this are invited too to one or all services mentioned here: On Saturday evening, December 17th the RHBC Choir will perform for the residents of College Walk. On Sunday Dec. 18th at 6:00pm the Choir will perform their Christmas cantata, followed by a cookie social in the family life center next door. There will be a Christmas Eve service at the church on Saturday Dec. 24th, at 6:00pm. A Christmas day service will be held at 11:00am on December 25th. For more information please call the Rocky Hill Baptist Church pastor Dr. Leland Holland at (828) 862-5611.

CEDAR MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Youth program on Wednesday night begins with Pizza or a prepared supper served at 5:30-6:30pm. Followed by Sanctuary time for the children and teens at 6:30pm then off to classes, game time and more, after clean up about 7pm the adults attend a Bible study. All classes end around 8:00pm. Stay tuned for more youth news and events. The Wednesday night programs follow the school calendar.The Lighting of the Greens will be Sunday December 4th at the 11:00am service. Our Christmas play”Shinning Stars" will be on December 18th at the 11:00am service. It will be followed by our annual Christmas Fellowship Dinner. Currently the evening services have been suspended to allow for the rehearsal of the Christmas play.Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Family and friends worship on Sunday morning starting with Sunday school for all ages at 9:45am then morning worship service at 11:00am. Come back for Sunday evening at 6:00pm. Rev. Dr. Gordon Benton is our interim Pastor. He has already made himself and his family part of our Church. You are invited to meet a loving, praying, worshiping body of believers.


THANKFUL Having just finished another "Thanksgiving" celebration, I, Christine Pace, want to take a minute to say publicly how very thankful I am for lead-columnist Linda Young, who makes sure that all residents and some non-residents receive the local "news" each week, 52 weeks a year. She coordinates the column, fishes out several stories that may not have otherwise been printed and sends to the Transylvania Times for publication in their Thursday edition. And she hasn't had a raise, ever. Actually, there is no pay. So a big "thanks" is being given today, by me, and I encourage you to tell her so too the next time you see her. Thank you Linda Young!

CAUGHT IN THE RAIN? By the time you read this I can only hope one or more of you were "caught in the rain" this week. It was great, hearing all last weekend, that rain was definitely in the forecast for Monday night, Tuesday, Wednesday and possibly into Thursday. Many thanks to the hundreds of firemen and other personnel who have been fighting our wild fires during this severe drought. Praying the worst is over by now. We have also been having warmer than normal temperatures, yet with cool nights. What a beautiful area we live in.

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Joe Vanhook is celebrating his birthday today, December 1st. Bobby Jones will celebrate on the 4th, and Luke Smith the 5th.Bobby will have to turn around and gift his wife Lucy on her birthday on the 11th. Mark Burdette gains another year on the 13th, Sheila Bayles Dec. 15th and Ruth Whitson turns 90 on December 18th. Toney Murr celebrates on the 19th, and pastor Holland's wife Deb Holland will, I'm sure, be well-celebrated on her birthday on December 29th. Finally, we celebrate two birthday's on December 25th; one is Matthew Jones, son of Joe & Christine Pace; the other is Jesus, Son of God. Merry Christmas! Only one anniversary that I know of, and that is Jeff & Patricia Smith, who celebrate another year of wedded bliss on December 21st. Congratulations to all.

NEELY ROAD OPEN AGAIN For those who came to expect a short-cut when coming to town from Cedar Mountain, I can now say that popular Park View/Neely Rd. is open again to thru traffic. This is the road on your right at the light just past Brevard elementary school, and comes out across the street from CVS. It had been closed while huge new water pipes were installed. Well, Joe & Christine drove together after it was reopened and noticed so many changes in the months since it was closed. First, Christine pointed out that the "bright blue house" on the left now has its detached garage painted in the same color blue. A little bit further, on the right, is a whole new housing development. How did that go up so fast? These new homes are just before the entrance to College Walk, and are posted as "Craftsman style", with a starting price in the $270,000.00's. The road is bumpy but it is said that after the next water lines are installed, on old Hendersonville Hwy. (to the right off Neely Rd.) a crew will come in and resurface the entirety at the same time. These water lines were needed, but still isn't it a shame that for all the work and time and money, nothing can be seen? But that's progress, and much appreciated. Having our cut-through open again is much appreciated.

CORRECTION It was incorrectly stated that Balsam Grove had won an award as a Community of Promise in last weeks column. They actually received an award for Engaged Communities for which they received $500. Congratulations, Balsam Grove.


Whew! My Jeep is certainly taking me for a ride. I’ve been to yet another garage (this time in Horseshoe) in an attempt to correct my heater problem. They did a high powered flush of the system and I now have heat at 140 degrees at the vent. Much better than the 98 I had before. (I think they might have been amused at the meat thermometer I had stuck in the vent.) If this doesn’t work it’s going to cost a bundle to replace the heater core and radiator. The dash would have to be torn out in order to reach the heater core. They estimated it would be a 9 hour job. So keep your fingers crossed that this “blow out” fixed the problem. I had a low tire and they found that the computerized valve stem was so corroded that air could not be added. It could have malfunctioned at anytime resulting in a flat tire. I can change a tire, but would rather not. It was so great to hear rain on the roof Tuesday morning. The soot has been rinsed off my Jeep!

The Cedar Mountain News depends on your input. If you have news to share or announcements to make please let me know. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times. Please email with any news or questions.

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