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The center had its annual flea market this last Friday and Saturday. There were loads of things to pick from and the shoppers were steady. During one “lull” Suzanne Lawson grabbed an old Hoola Hoop from a vendor. She, Brian Boyle and Nancy Thompson showed their “stuff” (or not) out in the parking lot. Suzanne even got a “wheelie” salute from a passing motorcyclist. She said she once Hoola Hooped for 30 minutes until stopped. She said she could have done it for longer. We also had three pianists Brian Boyle, Nancy Thompson and Suzanne Lawson who entertained us with solos, duets and even a “triplet” during the flea market. We had a great time.


CELEBRATION OF JOE EARL PACE Saturday shone sunny & clear with temps reaching the upper 70's. It was the day to celebrate long-time Cedar Mountain resident Joe Earl Pace at the Family Life Center building from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Over 100 folks turned out for this special event! Joe was so pleased to see everyone and especially to be hugged and spoken to personally by each. He felt great that day and had a sparkle in his eyes; he always did love a party!

On Sunday we reminisced about the wonderful day Saturday; he told of how much he loves all his friends & family; nieces who put it all together(and Jane),; the Bishop Brothers for sharing their special talent in song, and the well-laden tables of scrumptious food, even though Joe had stopped eating week's ago. The three cancer's Joe has had taken many enjoyments from him, including the taste of food. But it didn't take away his love for all who were present on this special day.

Unfortunately by Monday morning Joe was no longer able to completely wake up, and the Hospice nurse Joni worked with Joe & wife Christine a long while in order to make Joe as comfortable as possible as he transitions from this world to a greater world in the presence of Jesus. "Only God knows the day & hour" when dear Joe Earl Pace will depart from our midst, and he will be missed. Prayers are welcome now, for Joe & Christine and all their many family & friends. Thank you!

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Celebrating another year older this month are Bruce Fortner on September 2nd; Tom Beeker on the 3rd and his daughter Emily Beeker on the 15th. Jeanne Hayes celebrated on the 19th and Liam Bishop on the 20th. Today, Thursday the 21st is Wallace Dunbar's big day. Mary Jane Howard is "in her 90's" now as she celebrates on the 24th; Antje Owen will gain a year on September 30th and Joe & Christine Pace's granddaughter Calla Harris will become a teenager on September 26th!

ANNIVERSARIES? Didn't anyone get married in September? I have no listings for September anniversaries! If you have one, or a September birthday not listed today, please let Christine know at or call her at (828)885-2103. It's not too early to tell of your October celebrations too.



After our BBQ Monday October 9th the CMCC program will feature photographs and maps of the next section of the historic Johnstone Turnpike. Charles and Elke Burden, Brenda Wiley, Doug Pace and Patty Stahl hiked and mapped this old roadway from the Jones Gap Turnpike into Brevard and will present the section from the entrance to Sherwood Forest through the Seeshore area and continuing to Connestee Falls. Several of the old homes, businesses, railroad grades and original rock culverts will be a part of the conversation.

The section of the Johnstone Turnpike from Sherwood Forest to Connestee Falls will be portrayed with photos and maps during the October 9th meeting and barbecue at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. The Sam Lance home, located near the Sequoyah Woods entrance, is one of the oldest in Cedar Mountain. Sam Lance lived in this home for fifty years and more information about his life, home and its location beside this old road will be shared along with other homes, businesses and railroad grades.


September 18th - Tee to Green, Back 9 - Retha Lynch - 17. Low Net - Gloria Clouse - 25. Low Gross - Nancy Waclawek - 34.


Except for a lot of ground up leaves and a few small branches my home was unscathed by “Irma”. I know this was not so for some of you and I hope you are OK. My family in Florida near Tampa were also spared.

My sister, Kay’s birthday day was Sept 11th. On her birthday, she was hiking in Yellowstone National Park when she tripped hitting her knee on a rock. Her knee was broken in 4 places and she spent 5 hours in surgery. Happy birthday Kay! She is, however, continuing her vacation on crutches. That’s determination.

Looking out the window this morning I noticed my big stump is sporting some Oyster Mushrooms for the second time this year. I missed getting some of the first batch. This time I will freeze some.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by 6 pm on Mondays (or earlier if there is a holiday) for inclusion in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.

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