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Cedar Mountain Community Center Thursday October 5th at 3pm. Board members please note change in time.


The Cedar Mountain Community center is having a BBQ fundraiser on Monday October 9th starting at 6:30p. The suggested donation is $5.00 for children and $10 for adults. No covered dishes are needed.


Following the fundraiser our program will feature photographs and maps of the next section of the historic Johnstone Turnpike.

Charles and Elke Burden, Brenda Wiley, Doug Pace and Patty Stahl hiked and mapped this old roadway from the Jones Gap Turnpike into Brevard and will present the section from the entrance to Sherwood Forest through the Seeshore area and continuing to Connestee Falls.

Several of the old homes, businesses, railroad grades and original rock culverts will be a part of the conversation.

The section of the Johnstone Turnpike from Sherwood Forest to Connestee Falls will be portrayed with photos and maps.

The Sam Lance home, located near the Sequoyah Woods entrance, is one of the oldest in Cedar Mountain. Sam Lance lived in this home for fifty years and more information about his life, home and its location beside this old road will be shared along with other homes, businesses and railroad grades.

Be sure to attend the BBQ and this historical program. Everyone is invited.


October 5th Ladies meeting Thursday at 6:00pm at the church.

Saturday October 28th 5pm at the church, treat bags, hot chocolate and activities for children and chili for all. Come and enjoy the fun evening.

Sunday October 29th. 2RMORE will be our worship service guests. Come and be inspired by their music ministry. Then stay for our fellowship Pot Luck dinner. A Love offering will be taken for 2RMORE.

There will be no evening service.


October 2nd - Best Ball Scramble, Back 9 - Team of Peggy Baldwin, Caroline Fitzgerald and Gloria Clouse.


RESCUE! A one-car accident on Reasonover Road Sunday evening brought the MAMA helicopter out, plus Joe Pace's old tractor; driven by Iler. The car turned over and Joe's old tractor was able to help in the rescue of a young lady who, after being flown to the Greenville hospital, will be alright. There were several on the scene, all who helped in a successful recovery. The young lady involved may have a long road to recovery and we all wish her well. OCTOBER IS HERE Seems the summer just flew by and now, along with slightly cooler temperatures, folks are beginning to look toward fall holidays & events. The leaves will soon be turning more brilliant then fall to the ground, "multiplying as they do" it seems. MAIDEN VOYAGE Christine reports that she took her first trip to the grocery store since her sweet Joe Pace passed, and says she now shops in a whole different way. "I never knew it would be so different" she says. On the way to the store Christine was wondering if she was now a widow or a widower, but says she decided she is instead a "Maiden". Having taken her "maiden" voyage to the store, and learning all kinds of new things, such as how to work the leaf blower and change its battery, etc., she says everything worked the first time. She considers this her "maiden" time. Well, I think that sounds pretty nice! Taking her time, yet having time on Monday to gather many of Joe's winter shoes, she decided to call ahead to the Sharing House in Brevard where she wanted to donate them on Tuesday. They said they do not open until 11:00 am but that they do remain open until closing at 5:30 pm. It's good to call ahead. "I had three large boxes of winter shoes" she said, "and I am glad they will help someone who is in need of good warm shoes this winter." Sharing house has other needs too, and if you want to find out more please call them at (828)884-2866. OCTOBER EVENTS In next week's column Christine will report the October birthdays & anniversaries she has on her list. If you want to add yours please email her at .


I recently turned on my ceiling fan in the living room from a wall switch. I then went to turn off the light on the fan. When I pulled the string, mayhem erupted. The ceiling mount disintegrated and my fan was flinging plastic missiles everywhere including at me. I ducked for cover and ended up on the floor between the coffee table and the couch. No harm done but my friend and I were picking up pieces of plastic everywhere. The largest piece was really close to the TV screen. After many calls I finally found someone to come install a new one.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by 6 pm on Mondays (or earlier if there is a holiday) for inclusion in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

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