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  • May 18thBenefit Bingo for Relay for Life from 7 – 10 at CMCC

  • May 25thSquare Dance at Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Barn

  • May 26thSpring Flea Market at Sherwood Forest Robin Hood barn

  • June 2 McGaha chapel sing Saturday June 2, at 2:30 pm.

  • June 11thA continuation of the Turnpike presentation.CMCC

  • July 9thYvonne McCall-Dixon. The history of Cherokee Indians in our area. CMCC

  • July 28th Chicken Dinner - CMCC

  • Aug 13thAuction CMCC


Monday June 11th will be the next potluck and program at the Cedar Mtn Community Center. Food must be on the serving tables by 6:15 pm. After a brief meeting our program will begin at 7 pm.

In 2013, a group of five Cedar Mountain residents set out to trace the old Johnstone Turnpike from the S.C. state line to the city limits of Brevard before the old route entirely disappeared. This turnpike connects with the Little River and Green River Turnpikes as it travels through Cedar Mountain.

Doug Pace, Charles Burden and Patty Stahl have presented at previous meetings maps, photographs and GPS data that trace the old road from the trailhead of the Jones Gap Turnpike through Cedar Mountain and on to Connestee Falls.

On Monday June 11 the section of the Johnstone Turnpike that moves along the curves beyond Connestee, down Mill Hill and through the historic community of Dunn’s Rock will be highlighted. This section is also identified as the Mill Hill Turnpike on some of the old maps of the area and its path relative to NC 284/US 276 will be shown. Families, businesses and buildings that existed along this old drover’s road and stagecoach route will be a part of the discussion. A few of these structures will be mentioned in next week’s column.


Cedar Mountain Community Center is beginning to gather historic pictures from the Cedar Mountain area for its 2019 calendar. If you have any pictures you would like to submit, please email them to in "high quality" jpeg, tiff or similar format. You may also mail photos to P.O. Box 152, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718. (Please send copies as we cannot return them.) You may also contact Clint Owings at 828-883-9707. The deadline for submissions is June 15th.


The Women's Workshop group in Sherwood Forest is pleased to report they are sponsoring two wonderful Memorial Day weekend activities at the Robin Hood Barn.

On Friday night, May 25th, a square dance will be held from 7:30 pm to 10 pm, featuring live music and our very own Charlie Burden will be the caller. Admission is $8 per person or $15 per couple and children under 12 are free. Sherwood Forest members and friends are invited. There will also be a raffle of a quilt made by Sue Churchill at $5/ticket.

On Saturday, May 26th we are having a Flea Market at the barn from 9 am to 12 pm featuring wonderful items that you could use during this up coming summer. All are welcome. Maria Berin, Chairperson


Sing the old songs your great grandparents sang at this cheerful gathering at historic McGaha Chapel on Saturday afternoon, June 2, at 2:30 pm. There will forty-five minutes of songs about travel, work, love, and heartbreak followed by freshly sliced watermelon outside the Chapel.

This event is sponsored by the Transylvania County Historical Society, Sherwood Forest, and the Cedar Mountain Community. Shuttle service will be available from the Sherwood Forest Center parking lot to the Chapel.

WHITE SQUIRREL PIN This weekend is the White Squirrel Festival in Brevard and to celebrate Christine Pace has sent this photo above of a wonderful white squirrel "pin", made from two pieces of gourd and a few other materials. This is one of the classes being taught by Trinity NC artist Cara Bevan at this year's "Mountain Gourd Gathering". This class will be on Thursday afternoon, August 16th, at the Family Life Center building right here in Cedar Mountain! Cara provides the supplies including gourd pieces.

Dates of this year's Mountain Gourd Gathering are Thursday thru Saturday August 16, 17 & 18, 2018. There are many great classes offered and they are posted now on the web site: Sign up quick! If you don't want to take a class the public is invited to stop by and see what can be made using the hard-shell gourd. There will be raw gourds, already clean, for sale out front and other vendor items indoors, including gourd-art books and some finished gourd pieces. . Hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Friday & Saturday; Thursday classes begin at 1 pm.Admission is free

KELLY'S RESTAURANT OPEN Today, Thursday May 24th is the opening day of the "new" old Kelly's Restaurant! Past owners Doug & Thelma Pace taught their children Regina and Randy well, and they will continue the tradition of offering great home-cooked breakfast & lunch in a pleasing location in Brevard. The new location is 20 McLean Road, which is directly across the street from the Ingles market, next door to the Wesleyan church. They open at 6:30 am with a familiar menu plus some bonuses. "We even have the same phone number as before" says Regina, which is (828)884-3725. Now everyone will know how good these Cedar Mountain cooks are.

FAREWELL ANGIE There were tears all around this past Sunday as Rocky Hill Baptist Church celebrated their pianist and life-long member Angela Skerrett Beeker's new job in a town near Charlotte, NC where she will be the new city attorney. All will miss Angie, not just because of her extraordinary musical ability on the piano, but because she has been part of the Rocky Hill "family" all her life! A lifelong resident of Cedar Mountain growing up, she is the daughter of Rev. Butch (Oliver Jr) Skerrett and Sandy Skerrett; granddaughter of Ollie & Ruth Skerrett. A huge covered-dish luncheon was provided to celebrate "our Angie" and well-wishes abounded.

FAITH CHAPEL SERVICE SUNDAY This coming Sunday, May 27th, the pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist Church, Dr. Leland Holland, will open Sunday services at the Faith Memorial Chapel located on Stones Lake Road. It is a tradition that Rocky Hill church opens services on Memorial Day weekend. Choir leader Lenoir Bishop will lead the Rocky Hill choir in a special song as well.

Service at Faith Memorial Chapel is at 11:00 am every Sunday through Labor Day, where there will be a different pastor and denomination each week. This is a lovely open-sided chapel with its roots going way back. Everyone is invited to attend services. There will be a schedule available at the Chapel. To get there turn right off Hwy. 276-S onto Stones Lake Road; just past the Cedar Mountain Fire Department on your left. Come early and enjoy this tradition of our beautiful mountains.


Drop One Hole, Back 9 - Lin Kolb - 32. Low Net - Retha Lynch - 29. Low Gross - Peggy Baldwin - 37.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER Having been referred to Dr. Amal Das in Hendersonville for hip(s) replacement it has been decided that I will have both hips replaced at the same time, near the end of June. A few days at Pardee hospital followed by another few days at Transitional Care in Brevard should have me back on my feet soon enough. My hips are "as bad as they can get" said the first doctor, who sent me to Dr. Das because of the "challenge". Having heard from Ms. Wilson and Ms. White, both of whom had hips replaced by Dr. Das, I feel much better. It's all about positive thinking, I think. Thank you kind ladies for calling me.

Friends & family will be house-sitting because of my dogs while I'm away. I'm trying to foresee any needs prior to my leaving then returning from such a surgery as this, and I welcome any encouragement from you.

On a happy note I am pleased to say that I have now reached my Weight Watcher's "goal", so now plan to remain a lifetime member. All other doctors were telling me that I should not lose any more weight at my age, in order to have some reserve if hospitalized. Then I saw Dr. Das and he said "lose 10 more pounds" before surgery, to be in the right BMI range. And I have already done this! Though I have switched from attending weekly meetings to being a member of WW online, until after surgery and when I can drive again, I am happy with this new program of theirs, and am really looking forward to attending the friendly meetings again once able.


I have a new captioned telephone (by CapTel) for the hearing impaired. It’s pretty cool but the live interpreters sometimes have trouble interpreting what is said as well. I think the most annoying thing is that they insert “um” while typing when my caller doesn’t say “um”. I think it will be most helpful for messages left on my answering machine. There are many calls that aren’t returned because I can’t understand what they are saying, their name or the telephone number they are leaving. Closed captioning on TV isn’t perfect either. I am sometimes amused that the “captionists” add words or dialog that wasn’t even said. It’s extremely helpful otherwise.


What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by 6 pm on Monday next week. Photos are welcome as well.

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