BLOOD DRIVE HERE! Saturday, April 18th from 8:30a 12:30p at the Cedar Mountain FD. Special arrangements have been made for donor safety. Everyone will need to park behind the fire station and be screened before coming in the back door.

There is a critical need for blood now as many are not leaving their homes. It is strongly encouraged to come to donate in this time of great need. EASTER CHURCH-BELL RINGING Many churches have coordinated to ring their church bells on Easter Sunday morning at 7:00am. They will ring their bell for 33 times representing Jesus' years here on earth before His resurrection. If you do not live near enough to hear your church bells maybe you will take a few moments, at 7:00 am, to reflect on what Easter's meaning is.

ROCKY HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Many members are coming to the church for a drive in service. The church has a radio station that has a limited reach so folks are listening to the service via their car radios in the parking lot.
For those who have been attending the Wednesday evening Bible Study on Job. I plan to finish that study this Wednesday on Facebook Live and over the radio transmitter in the church, 87.9. It will begin at 6:00 pm.
Each Wednesday that we cannot gather together, there will be a short Bible study at 6:00 pm as well. I hope y'all are staying healthy, and I look forward to the day we can again gather together for worship and Bible Study. Dr. Leland Holland
TC Schools are delivering lunch for kids at the community center from 12:10 pm - 1:10 pm on weekdays.
Whistle Stop is selling curbside orders and you can still get Boo Boos.
Creekside Market is taking orders and going to the store for residents.They will deliver to your front door.
Many volunteers have joined the effort to sew face masks for medical personnel but are in need of elastic. If you have any you can donate please contact me at cedarmountainnews@gmail.com and I will notify those who need it.
John Wiseman and Kim Coram have offered to make sure that if anyone in Cedar Mountain is in need food or conversation to call them at home 828-966-5367.With schools out we are concerned that some local children may be going hungry, especially on the weekends. We are concerned about those who are laid off too. We want to help those in need in our community.

In April of 1904, Joanna Thomas Brown visited her son William Macajah Brown in Jocassee, SC. Joanna was the daughter of Micajah Smith Thomas and Anne Hightower Thomas. Micajah owned and operated the Buck Forest Hotel and was given the contract for the US Post Office there. (The name Micajah is spelled both ways in the family papers.) The hotel, built in the 1850’s, was in today’s DuPont Recreational State Forest. Joanna, widowed during the Civil War and with three small children, lived near family in the Buck Forest and Cedar Mountain area for many years.
In the following letter to the editor of the Sylvan Valley News, Joanna describes the early flowering trees such as the Sarvis or Serviceberry that is blooming now, the crimson maple and the mild March weather. She also mentions that her son William is adding a wing to his home and business, the Whitewater Inn.
While researching the Inn and the Jocassee community of 1904, I came across a book titled Lake Jocassee. I found there a photo of the Whitewater Inn which was also known as the Brown Hotel. The author, Debbie Fletcher, is a descendant of Joanna and shares the story of the Inn. William Brown lived in and operated the Inn until 1922. He then leased the building and property to be used as a camp in 1922, the year after his mother’s death. He built a new home on Main Street in Walhalla and the Inn became a part of Camp Jocassee. When Lake Jocassee was completed in 1973, the location of the Whitewater Inn was flooded.
The two stone pillars and picket gate in the photo of the Whitewater Inn are now under 318 feet of water and are the only underwater reminders of the Whitewater Inn. Photos taken by divers at the site are shared in the book. Divers have also located the steel bridge that led into Jocassee valley and the Attakulla Lodge, the author’s family homestead.
While I was learning more about Jocassee and the Whitewater Inn from Debbie Fletcher, she became aware that her Brown family members were once landowners in Buck Forest and Cedar Mountain. I have shared with her the photos of the Brown family gravestones at Rocky Hill Baptist Church. More historical information and photos of the Jocassee Valley are given in Debbie Fletcher’s book as well as the details of the origins of Lake Jocassee. It is available at the Transylvania County Library and can be purchased online.
In her letter, Joanna offers her sympathy to the family of her dear friend, Mrs. Landrum Cox. Rebecca Evelyn Osborne Cox was the daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca Fletcher Osborne. She is buried in the Osborne Cemetery in Penrose.
Joanna returned to her home and family in Cedar Mountain. It was reported, in the April 1910 edition of the Sylvan Valley News, that Joanna’s other son, Noah Marion Brown, had sold the family lands to the Coxe estate and had moved from Bridal Veil Falls to Etowah. The 1910 census lists Joanna as living with the NM Brown family in Etowah. Here is Joanna’s letter.
From Jocassee Sylvan Valley News April 08, 1904
Several weeks ago, when the maples blossomed (and then the plum trees) I thought I would scribble a little to your readers through the columns of your valuable paper and now April is on. The peach has nearly shed their blossoms, the maple instead of the beautiful crimson is now getting green, the apple tree puts forth her buds and the white service adorns the woodland. March for once in the world has come in and gone out like a quiet little lamb – you all know that, but you don’t all know that this beautiful southland is full of flowers.
I am having a good time and hope to be home in May. Miss Eva Tollison is governess here for the Brown children.
W. M. Brown is building a wing to his Whitewater Inn. There will be 12 more rooms and a large lobby.
I hope the people in Transylvania County are all doing well. God bless them; they have my heart’s good wishes.
Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Landrum Cox. She was a very dear friend of mine and her many bereaved loved ones have my sympathy.
Mrs. Joanna Brown
BIRTHDAYS Ann Cleveland reports that her sister, Hallie Stone Waxon, will turn 102 years old on April 19th. Happy Birthday Hallie and many more!
Sarah Yarborough Dearbaugh just celebrated her 40th birthday. Congratulations to both.
CHRISTINE'S "SEQUESTERED" CORNER by Christine Pace I'm not going out much and when I do I take precautions. Saturday morning I took my two pups to a deserted walking trail behind the Pisgah Forest elementary school, wearing a mask and gloves, where we went for an invigorating walk. It was the younger pup's 1st birthday and I had promised him (ahem).
Several places in Brevard have special parking spaces cordoned off for folks coming to pick up an order that was called in. The Library has several; their number is (828) 884-3151 then push option 2 to order books or CDs. Harris Ace Hardware has a long parking space in front of their store and they too will bring your order out to you. Their number is (828) 883-2103.
Many churches have their sermons online now; most on Facebook or You Tube.
On Saturday afternoon I received a phone call from my 11-year-old grandson, from Matthews NC. Not having any siblings he called me saying he was "so bored." Before I could take offense he added that I always had such interesting things to talk about. Two hours later I said "I better let you go" to which he replied, "I don't have anywhere to go!" We made plans to Face Time each other on Sunday afternoon and work more on his drawing techniques. Levi is turning out to be a good artist!
Let me or Linda know what you are doing during this month of quarantine. I pray you are all doing well and staying safe during the Corona virus and that this COVID-19 leaves our country soon.
I say “around the holler’ because I haven’t been much of any place else for a spell. My friends, neighbors and I have been helping each other out by picking up needed items for each other when one of us goes to town. That cuts exposure a great deal.
I have a long “to do” list but am rationing my time. I don’t want to end up with nothing to do (fat chance). My current project is shampooing my carpet. I can only do small areas at a time due to “issues” with my shoulders but it’s coming along little by little.
My cats are enjoying the added “lap time” during this crisis. In fact they beg me (yowl) to sit down so I can become a cat bed for the evening. I wish my needs were so few.
Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d love to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by Monday evening.
Take care of yourselves.