Cindy Greene was quite surprised Tuesday when a parade of Cedar Mountain Fire trucks and cars came through her circle driveway waving, yelling and brandishing happy birthday posters. It is a birthday she won’t soon forget.
In December Cindy was presented with the John M. McDaris Memorial Award for her outstanding service to the fire department through the auxiliary. This honor is normally reserved for FD members. All auxiliary and FD members can attest to her dedication in helping raise money for the fire department through BBQ sales and other fundraisers.
Thanks to Candy Gray this was quite the production with all the sirens and honking. Candy is the current president of the auxiliary.
Like many organizations and businesses that have had to postpone or cancel events in light of the Corona virus quarantines that are in place, Sherwood Forest Friends has postponed our programs through May. We do plan to have information available on our website about each of the originally scheduled programs. We want everyone to know that Sherwood Forest Friends is still here and we are still providing entertaining and informative ways for you to spend your considerable time at home! Like every other group/individual on the planet, we are trying to figure out how to do our jobs in this unusual and unprecedented environment. We hope you check us out at www.sherwoodforestfriends.org . Thank you for your support!
The center is closed until further notice. We are looking at June for our first potluck.
John Wiseman and Kim Coram have offered to make sure that if anyone in Cedar Mountain is in need food or conversation to call them at home 828-966-5367. With schools out we are concerned that some local children may be going hungry, especially on the weekends. We are concerned about those who are laid off too. We want to help those in need in our community.
To Our Fellow Parishioners,
We hope all of you are healthy and safe given the recent events with COVID-19. This whole situation has caused us to prayerfully contemplate our path forward for this season. Top of mind has been the health of each of you as members of our parish balanced with the needs to join together in faithful worship. This is an evolving situation which could change over time and we met today to plot an initial path forward. Due to the uncertainty right now, we have decided to take the following steps:
We hope to begin services the weekend of July 5th. That gives us May and June to see what the government and other churches are recommending before we open up. We will meet the second week in June to determine if we can open up and what policies we should put in place to guard everyone’s safety.
We will not hold a picnic in July. We are discussing other possibilities in the late summer and we will make a determination later in the summer.
We plan to offer Sunday school when we open which is currently planned to start the weekend of July 5th.
We will not hold Children’s Church this summer. We felt that given the current circumstances, we would wait until next season to determine how we move forward with that.
We do not plan to offer refreshments after the services this season.
We will continue to monitor the situation and we will communicate any changes as they occur.
Our revenues will be down this year, but some of our expenses will go on. All non-profits need your support, and if your budget would allow you to help with a gift to Faith Memorial Chapel, that gift would be gratefully received and prudently used. A gift can be mailed to Faith Memorial Chapel, P. O. Box 10444, Greenville, SC 29603.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. Please stay safe and we hope to see you later this summer!
The Board of Trustees
There are several birthdays happening this week, all to great gals (ahem)! Patricia Smith celebrated this past Sunday, May 3rd; Cindy Greene's birthday was Tuesday, May 5th; Barbara Streeper and Rick Williams each gained a year on Wednesday, May 6th (Rick's a guy). Today - Thursday, May 7th - is the birthday of Suzanne Lawson, Candy Gray, and Dottie Hutchins! And one guy: Rob Travis. On Friday, May 8th our own Christine Pace will get a year older! Tony Hemphill will be celebrated on May 10th; Megan (Owings) Bryan on the 14th; Hank Bayles on May 17th; Megan (Bishop) Raines on the 18th; Robbie Whitlock Warren has a birthday on May 19th; Calvin Guffey has a birthday on May 22nd, and Judy Barksdale gets celebrated on May 30th. Happy birthday to everyone! ANNIVERSARIES:
There were two anniversaries on Monday, May 4th: Joe & Jane Van Hook, and James & Joee Taylor. Clint & Beth (Lee) Owings will celebrate another year together on Friday, May 15th, while Tony & Diane (Lee) Hemphill will celebrate on Sunday, May 31st. Yes, the "Lee" girls are sisters; Beth and Diane. Congratulations! CHRISTINE'S CORNER Being sequestered means there isn't much "newsworthy" news. Thankfully my niece Patty Stahl fills in with her interesting Cedar Mountain stories-of-old. As soon as Linda or I learn of openings we will spill all. Luckily I have a huge carport, so I am able to do things under that in light rain or blazing sun. I've been sanding & priming a couple of wooden furniture pieces. And I have learned about my new-to-me lawnmower. I was going to mow my pitiful patch of grass last weekend (much of my front yard is moss) when I asked my neighbor where to put the oil. He not only added oil to the mower but checked to see if it had enough gasoline. It did. Then he asked if I had started this mower. I had not. He started it and pulled the bar that self-propels the mower and off he went! Ten minutes later my lawn was mowed. I gave my nice neighbor a cold Gatorade and we went our own ways. Didn’t wear me out at all! Thanks, neighbor Chris. Let us know what you're doing while centered around your home. Are you getting all those closets sorted? Fixing those minor repairs? Using this time to learn a new trade? Me neither. Hang in there neighbors!
In order to apply for grants or approach community partners, Sherwood Forest Friends needs to show that our programs are attended and evaluated. Since we are not meeting these days, our programs are online on our website, www.sherwoodforestfriends.org. Attached is an abbreviated evaluation that anyone can use after looking at any of our programs in the news section of the website. We would appreciate it if people would check out a few of the programs and complete the evaluation for each. You can return it to me electronically at pcmccullough@mindspring.com or mail it back to SFF, Box 212 Cedar Mountain, NC 28718.
Like every other organization during this unusual time, we are trying to adapt! There are some amazing virtual tours of gardens, museums and theme parks in the May Day program. We were supposed to have a field trip to the Arboretum, and while “virtual” is no substitute for the real thing, it is beautiful! Be safe and stay healthy!
During this quarantine, like you, I have spent an unusual amount of time at home. I have a whole list of things to do but I start one project, leave it unfinished, and go on to some other thing that has captured my attention.
The most current project is sprucing up my entryway to the house. It has required a lot of physical energy that I don’t have a lot of. I decided to redo an area that used to have beautiful hostas. The voles thought they were delicious. I have tried to pot most of them hoping the voles won’t get to them. It has worked with some I potted last summer.
My “secret” garden has unfortunately become a sea of potted plants.
This is one project am forced to finish because my entry way is a disaster of dirt, uprooted moss, plant and leaf debris. I am literally tearing up the earth out there.
Went to town the other day for groceries and decided to sate my overwhelming desire to visit Taco Bell. I now have been relieved of my taco tension.
Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by Monday evening.
Take care of yourselves.