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Saturday, August 23, 2020

Drop off of entries between 9:30-10:30 am at the Cedar Mountain Community Center.

Judging 10:45 AM to noon (Closed to the public)

Announcement of awards will be at noon – Pickup of entries until 1:00 p.m.

Entries judged on craftsmanship, aesthetics, and imagination.

Separate entry levels for youth, families, and adults.

This contest is sponsored by Sherwood Forest Friends, Nature Nuts, and the Cedar Mountain Community. All attendees should wear masks and practice physical distancing during drop off and pick up.


If you have an event or meeting scheduled or need to schedule one, please check with Caroline Chambers regarding your reservation. Her number is 828-290-9662.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


In their Phase Three opening our Transylvania County Library is now open to the public Mondays through Saturdays from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can now go in and check out books, CDs, etc. You are welcome to use their computers for one hour, with a possible extension of time if needed. There is a limit to the number of patrons allowed at any one time, though that should not present a problem. I myself (Christine) am so pleased with the services our library offered even while they were closed. They would pull items you requested then deliver them outdoors near your vehicle. They kept me in many books! Their phone number is (828)884-3151.


Many churches have reopened with varying steps to protect attendees. Some ask that you wear a mask, providing one if you arrive without. And the songbooks have been removed from the pews in some also. Others still have songbooks and do not ask that you wear a mask, but do suggest distancing from others who are not in your immediate family. And of course, if you still want to distance yourself from any contact at church, most still post services in live-time on Facebook; some on the radio too. Please call your church for their policy.


The Creekside Market on Hwy. 276 in Cedar Mountain is having its popular "Live after Five" on Saturday evenings, with tables & chairs placed comfortably distant outdoors. Bring your own if you wish, and enjoy local live singing from various performers. Wave at your neighbor across the green grass!


There are three options the state of North Carolina is considering in reference to the re-opening of our public schools. Option "A" allows schools to resume as usual, with everyone going back in August, the same as they were before COVID-19. Option "B" offers half the students to go one day and the other half the next, etc. Option "C" has students staying at home. Transylvania's school superintendent, Jeff McDaris, favors option "A" though it will be the state's decision, not his. If students are able to return to school as normal, they will return on August 17th.


Monday we played the Front 9, the game of "Low Putts". Game Winner - Eileen Orisak – 13, Low Net Winner - Georgia Osterc – 26, Low Gross Winner - Nancy Waclawak, and Georgia Osterc - 34



By Tony Hemphill

We spent the week of March 15 with Diane’s family (and some friends) at Garden City. We had a really good week enjoying each other’s company and some excellent food. This was the week that restaurants closed, but the entrees Don, Patty and Beth cooked were better than any take out we could have gotten. We didn’t realize then that we would be quarantined and not see anyone once we left the Grand Strand.

Though we were locked down, not much changed for us on Edisto. We live in a fairly isolated community on the north end of the island with only 15 full-time residents. Once we found a reliable supply of toilet paper, we knew we would be fine. The Lord blessed us with the most beautiful spring we’ve had in ten years of living here full time. Unlike most seasons, there has been very gradual warming. We actually used the fireplace to knock off the chill in the mornings until the first week of May.

We’ve spent a lot of time outside enjoying the creek, walking on the beach and catching some fish. There is a large sandbar at the mouth of the creek. Three weeks ago, we pulled our little boat up on the bar and fished a muddy slough. We caught six nice flounder and a lot of smaller ones that we threw back. The next day, we went back to the same place to try it again. There was already an elderly gentleman fishing but he had not caught anything. On our first casts, both Diane and I caught a flounder. The other man was on his cell phone and didn’t see us catch the fish. So, we crept up behind him and dropped the fish in his bucket. We definitely made a new friend that day.

There is a deep hole just off our dock and I’ve caught some very large reds (channel bass or spot tails) this spring, many of which were too big to keep. We’re required to throw back any fish 23 inches or larger. We gave one of these large reds to an elderly couple at the head of the road. She said that she and her husband ate three meals off of it. (photo)

We’ve also had an abundance of mating pairs of birds including laughing gulls, osprey, and bald eagles. We’re seeing more eagles and wood storks every year. We followed a pair of eagles up the creek for about thirty minutes and they “courted.”

So far, we’ve had only one case of Covid-19 in our zip code, but now that the tourists are back, that number will probably increase. We trust everyone in Cedar Mountain is virus-free. We’ll probably make a trip to the mountains later in the summer and hopefully see everyone at Rocky Hill. Blessings to all, Tony Hemphill


I’ve been busy plucking weeds from my mossery, enjoying the weather, and ignoring my “to-do list”.

I did get a nice air purifier from a vacuum cleaner salesman just for listening to his sales pitch. It was worth my time and the purifier works very well next to the litter box in the basement. The vacuum cleaner was way out of my price range and I already have 3 vacuum cleaners.

My Electrolux canister vac is over 70 years old and works like a charm. My mother had one just like it when I was a kid so when I saw one at a garage sale I snapped it up. They said the suction wouldn’t work anymore. I discovered the hose had holes in it. When I had it cleaned and the hose replaced worked like new.

My Hoover upright is probably 50 years old. I had the Hoover upright repaired maybe 20 years ago. The repairman said it would be better to fix it than replace it because “they don’t make’ um this good anymore”.

Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.

Take care of yourselves.

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