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The White Squirrel Festival will no longer be held over Memorial weekend so that the community can shift focus back to honoring those who have served and sacrificed for our freedoms. Looking forward to the parade and service!

The White Squirrel festivities are morphing into something pretty amazing called the White Squirrel Weekend which will take place over the first weekend in JUNE! Mark your calendars for the weekend of June 3rd for music, local businesses perks, vendors and family fun all in the heart of Brevard!


The Pancake breakfast fundraiser at Cedar Mountain Fire was a huge success with over 90 hungry pancake lovers in attendance. We ran out of everything but pancakes before 11a. Thanks to all who came to help support CMFD and to help pay for needed equipment. Your participation and donations are greatly appreciated.


Authors Doug Pace, Charles Burden, and Patty Stahl will be at the CedarMountain Community Center on Saturday, April 2 at 3 pm to share some of their favorite and unique photos from the book and the stories behind them. A question and answer time will follow. And there will be homemade desserts for all! Please join us on April 2. There will be more info in next week's Cedar Mountain News



Scheduled for Monday, April 11th is, Wesley Sketo, Wildfire Mitigation Forester. A native of South Carolina, Wesley attended Clemson University after an enlistment in the US Navy. He earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in forestry before beginning to establish his career, working primarily for federal land management agencies. In 2017, he made the decision to join the NC Forest Service and move to the mountains. He is excited to increase public awareness of the threat of wildfires and available mitigation strategies.

Please have your food to share on the serving tables by 6:15 pm so serving can begin at 6:30 pm. The program will begin at about 7 pm.

In May, Kalen Lawson of the Brevard Music Center will give a presentation. June will host Carl Newman of the Veterans Museum. July will feature Didi Salvator’s,(sp?) Quilts of Valor. In August, the Community Center Annual Auction will be held. Kim Corman and John Wiseman will discuss “Eliminating Waste” in September. October will be our Barbecue Dinner Annual Fundraiser. Last but not least, The November meeting will be our annual Thanksgiving Potluck.


The Elves of Brevard are collecting personal care items and candy to make Easter Bags for all of the residents in the assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in the county. Items can be dropped off at Telco Bank. We also provide cards every month to each of these residents if anyone would like to become a card maker. Visit The Elves of Brevard Facebook Page for more details about either project.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


As we are now into spring, several college students returned home for their “Spring Break”; some last week, and others this week. Sorry for such cold weather! We should be back to normal by Saint Patrick’s Day Thursday.


Soccer has begun through the Transylvania Youth Soccer Association. Dodge ball, through the Transylvania County Recreation Department, is halfway over. I know because my grandson is in both!


Cantata practice continues twice a week at Rocky HillBaptist Church under the leadership of Lenoir Bishop. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration on Sunday, April 17th at 11 am inside Rocky Hill church. There will not be a Sunrise Service at Pretty Place once again this year; maybe next? The pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist Church is Dr. Leland Holland, who can be reached at (828)862-5611


We have new residents who are interested in playing Pickleball. Do you have information to share on groups or others wanting to play? Please share with me at (Christine) or call me at (828) 885-2103. Thank you!


I was one who wore Shamrock Green to church Sunday. I was also one who forgot to set my clock ahead, so was 15 minutes late to Sunday school. I have a forgiving Sunday school teacher: Deb Holland.


A new canine obedience session begins this Thursday, March 17th, in Hendersonville, NC through the Hendersonville Kennel Club.

My puppy isn’t finished with his vaccinations yet so he can’t go to this Thursday’s new obedience class in Hendersonville; however, he is being trained on the basics while awaiting the start of the next obedience class in mid-June. Thank you Candy for helping “Rockefeller” learn these important early training necessities!


Many of you know I’ll be teaching free art classes to school children of any age this summer, at Creekside Market (thank you, Wendy). In the meantime, I decided to “give back” in Brevard, at Safe’s Attic. I started volunteering there last Thursday afternoon and really enjoy helping such a worthy organization. You’ll see me there now & then!


This week my oldest granddaughter Cassi Harris is home for spring break. She looks beautiful! (Always) She will graduate from LibertyUniversity this May. In the fall she begins further college studies.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Well, the “Infirmary” (our motor home) is outfitted to go but the gas prices are giving us pause for going very far. I think we will end up “testing” it in our own yard. We have to find out how our kitty kids are going to react before leaving on a trip too.

We are also having a problem getting the front end to self-level as well. My honey is also upset that the camping seller in Winston-Salem has not returned several calls for help with it.

BTW it’s called the Infirmary because of the elderly, possibly “infirm” buyers who thought this was a good idea.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d love to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please respond by Monday evening.


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