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Join us in celebrating Easter this Sunday at Rocky Hill Baptist Church. A musical cantata lead by Lenoir Bishop will be performed at 11 am followed by an Easter message by Dr. Leland Holland.

This is only the 2nd year the Rocky Hill choir has missed doing the sunrise service at “Pretty Place”, and hopefully things will be back to normal next year. Last year was the 1st year missing Easter sunrise at Pretty Place, due to Covid-19, in over 60 years!

If you're comfortable attending services at Rocky Hill church this Sunday, April 4th, we'd love to see you. Both Linda Young & I will be singing in the tenor section! Or you can catch the whole service afterward on Facebook on Pastor Leland Holland’s page. Or, you can listen live from the parking lot by tuning to FM 87.9 on your radio. Please call pastor Holland with any questions at (828)862-5611. Happy Easter!



Christine's granddaughter Cassi Harris is leaving her teenage years behind on April 2nd. Hopefully, her college roommates will celebrate her turning 20.

Two will celebrate their birthdays on April 3rd: Brandon Bandhauer and Pam Crosby. Jean Dunlap gains a year on the 9th. My grandson Cooper will turn 7 on April 10th (my pup BoBo turns 2 on the 4th)! Angie Beeker will be celebrated on April 11th. Charleen Galloway gains a year on the 18th, followed the very next day (19th) by her mom Gail Smith! Patty Stahl’s birthday is April 21st, Claire Skerrett’s is the 27th; Cody Brown’s is the 28th, and rounding out the month is Gayle Rich who will turn “another year younger” on the 30th. Happy birthday to all!

ANNIVERSARIES: Bob & Barbara Streeper celebrate another year of marriage on April 1st; Fred & Gayle Rich celebrate on the 8th and Shawn & Megan Raines on the 14th. Congratulations & best wishes!


Bob Smith thought he could slip by without any fanfare on his birthday which was on March 29th! Jim-Bob, you don’t look a day older. Did I miss your birthday or anniversary? Please let me know at

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

Everything is a “corner” as I get used to my new bifocal glasses. Trying to catch a ball with my grandson is almost impossible! I’m sure I’m not the first to find myself with two glasses on my head at the same time either, ha-ha. I just can’t see a thing when wearing glasses!

I read something fun a couple of days ago, and want to share what I read: By going online to www.Lowe’ on April 1st you can sign up to receive a different (free) Garden Kit at Lowes each Thursday in April.

As everyone probably knows, the Brevard Tag Office across from the Fish Camp is now closed. Tag offices are “contracted” out, so hopefully one will open locally again in the near future. For those not wanting to drive to Hendersonville or Asheville most services can be done online or by mail now.

Have you had your Covid-19 vaccine? I’ve had both of mine (Moderna) and feel a sense of relief. I’ll keep wearing a mask in public as long as needed. I miss our community gatherings and seeing everyone though! Linda & I depend on you to send us your news; thank you and please stay safe.


League play starts Monday, April 5 with a Best Ball Scramble. The first tee time is at 9:30 a.m. Participation is open to all women golfers in the area who are looking for a fun way to start the week with a friendly 9-hole round.

The league plays a scramble game the first Monday of every month through October. Other Monday rounds feature a variety of games that allow for friendships to develop while improving your golf game.

Because of Covid restrictions, tee times will be required for the start of this season along with social distancing and masks. Annual league dues are $20, with $1 per game collected for year-end prizes (most improved, most eagles, most birdies, hole-in-one, etc.). The season runs through Oct. 11. As is our custom, a luncheon will follow the opening round on April 5.

All current and previous members of the league are invited to gather at the Cedar Mountain Cafe. For more information and to get on the league's email list, contact league president Gloria Clouse at or treasurer Nancy Waclawek at See you on the first tee!


Thank you to the local businesses and community for our Easter Egg Hunt donations! We have over 500 eggs to fill & hide for the kids! Extra hands are needed if you'd like to swing by Studio276 and fill eggs Friday, April 2nd at 3 pm for about an hour.

Don't forget to hop over Saturday, April 3rd at 3 pm for our Easter Egg Hunt & pictures with McFuzzy, the Easter Bunny ($5 donation per family, take as many as you like!) Bring your own baskets for the race. All ages welcome and will be finding eggs at the same time. Happy Easter!

Mountain Living Realty, a family-owned realty business since 2004, has found a home once again in Cedar Mountain at Studio276. Adam Dearbaugh, Broker-In-Charge, and Son-in-Law of Ellen Yarborough Lee, bonded with the mountain when he was 16 years old while visiting and has been a resident of the area with his wife and two kids since 2016. Schedule an appointment with Adam for a complimentary market evaluation on your home or land. Keep it local! Commission discounts are offered to Cedar Mountain residents. Visit our website for more information and to view our prime vacation rentals. Thank you for your continued business. Let her

The hint of spring last week is getting us excited for Music & Moonshine nights at Studio276! Come and enjoy live music on the Front Porch at the studio every Friday from 6-8 pm starting in May. Bring your own chair, kick back and enjoy tasting our new flavors of moonshine, distilled on-site at Cedar Mountain Moonshine (also at Studio276). 3Amigos BBQ will be back along with our newest business on the mountain, Velvet Cup (coffee and mini donuts!).

The Cedar Mountain Spring Market is May 1st from 11-3. Enjoy live music while shopping around at our vendor booths. Grab some lunch at Cedar Mountain Cafe, enjoy a cold beer by the river at the Canteen, and don't forget to pop in and say hello to Murphy at Hiker and the Hound while gearing up for your outdoor adventures this season! Follow event updates and vendor highlights on Facebook at Studio276 or on the website, Want to be a vendor? Email

Are you a crafty kid? We will have a junior vendor section just for 16 and under to set up and sell! Parent or caregiver must accompany the market event. Email to get your spot! Create every day!



As promised, the Warrior video will air in our UUTC service on April 18th at 10 am. They will go up on YouTube that same day at 11 am. The service was designed around the music to celebrate the power of women. Tune in.


I shudder to think that the Springy weather will turn Wintry Thursday night. I will have to cover some of my plants that just won’t tolerate the 20’s. Hopefully the weather experts are wrong.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.


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