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Cedar Mountain News for 5-2-24


Join us at Cedar Mountain Fire Department for our monthly Bingo fundraiser on May 3rd.  Doors open at 6, Bingo is from 7-8:00 pm. Snacks are available for $. Hope to see you there.


Fireside Chat May 22nd at 2:00.

In the late 1940s efforts began to improve life for those living in rural Western North Carolina. The people of these communities worked together to bring needed improvements like running water, sanitation, providing food, clothes, and other support to needy families, and generally creating a sense of neighborliness. The Community Centers that you see in our area arose from this effort and are supported by WNC Communities.  

Susan Garrett, Community Programs Manager for WNC Communities will present on the fascinating history of Communities, the programs and services that they offer, and what the future might hold.

Cedar Mountain Community Center PotLuck

This month's potluck will be held on Monday, May 20th due to a conflict.  Please have your dish to share on the serving tables by 6:15 p.m. so we can begin serving at 6:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.

The presentation will be by Transylvania County Agriculture Agent Bart Renner.

Many ecologists measure the health of an ecosystem by the diversity of species it can maintain. From that perspective, we live in an incredible ecosystem here in Cedar Mountain! While the health of our ecosystem might be at risk due to a variety of factors including invasive species, habitat loss, and changing climates, it's important to learn about what we have before we can understand how to protect it. I'll go over some important woodland botanicals and even some native bog species, their history, and how they have impacted Western NC, including right here in Cedar Mountain.


Richie Wilkinson, our artist-friend, our special pal, and our spontaneous party planner took her leave from us to become a heavenly hostess to the many friends and family members who have left our midst.  What will we do without our social butterfly? Richie shared her hearth and home with old friends, new acquaintances, and anyone she encountered in her antique shop, at the Music Center, or in the moment! If you met Richie, you became her fan.  Her life was fully engaged.

She traveled and lived in many places, but Greenville, California, and Cedar Mountain were her favorite spots. Keep her husband John, her son, John Fabio, and her sisters, Mary Ellen and Happy in your thoughts and prayers.  If you want to learn more about her interesting life, call her friends and family.  We like talking about Richie! Shared by Sue Russell.

Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League results for April 29.

Twenty-four women played the back 9 on April 29 in a team game of Pink Ball Rotates. Winners: Georgia Osterc, Marcia Bryant, Sue Bach, and Joan Grant. Low net: Tina Nutty. Low gross: Nancy Waclawek. Next week's game on the front nine will be a team game called "1, 2, 3, Waltz." Note this change: We tee off at 9 a.m. next week. Please be at the course by 8:30 a.m. so that the starters can get everyone at the tees on time. If you're running late, call the clubhouse at 828-884-7825 and let us know. And join us after golf next week for lunch at the Cedar Mountain Outpost across the street from Sherwood. If you want to stay on top of all that's happening with the league, follow us on Facebook. We're "Sherwood Ladies Golf." (For those who didn't see it: Last week's winners of the "2 Best Balls" game were Marcia Bryant, Susan Ryerson, Nancy Waclawek, and Nanci Ziegler. Low net: Tina Nutty. Low gross: Nancy Waclawek.) See you Monday, May 6.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

     My arms are aching from hauling two thick, heavy garden hoses at the nursing home in Brevard where I work.  I’m not the gardener there, though I go in a couple of hours early on warm sunny days(off the clock) to ensure new plantings and old ones are getting off to a great season.  The Japanese Snowballs are shedding their petals now, making it look like snow!  PIC

    Within 2 weeks our residents will help to plant the shade-loving annual flowers “Impatiens”.  We’re working steadily to have everything done by May 12th when “National Nursing Home Week “ begins.  It goes through May 18th.  There is still mulch to spread, er, once we get some.  And we’re still looking for a birdbath to go in our rose garden.  If you want to help please let me know.  My email is:

     It’s so important to have a calm & inviting outdoor area for our residents to enjoy!  Very often their visitors spend time in the garden with them.  The activities director even has “Garden Bingo” and other games outdoors.  Just last week I counted 18 in all, enjoying eating freezer pops and filling the air with joy & laughter!

     Thanks to one special volunteer who regularly helps with weeding and supplying (4) new rose bushes plus a white butterfly bush, our new “Rose Garden” is off to a great start!  She has inspired me & others to give more of our time, talent, and treasures.  I hope soon to show what a treasure we have here!

     Can you guess where this amazing garden is?  Let me know.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Thanks again to Christine for covering the news in my absence.  The campground had WiFi but I could not access it.  Bummer.

Trip News

Our next favorite stop was Galveston, TX, and Galveston Island.  We enjoyed downtown Galveston but the area is flood-prone and all businesses have at least 10 steps to ascend before reaching the shop and few railings.  We bought really nice pretty souvenir hooded sweatshirts at a bargain price. They were needed because the stiff wind was cold.  We were camped at a campground directly across the road from the Gulf of Mexico so we made a brief trip to the beach.  People were swimming but they were hardier than we were.  It was too cold for my honey so he stayed in the car.  I picked up a single tiny seashell for my collection.

So glad to be home again.  So far I've had 4 loads of laundry and still have to do bedding and rugs. Phew!

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