The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept (CMFRD) is having a blood drive on Saturday June 15th at the fire department from 8:30am – 12:30pm. Come give the gift of life.
Please join us on Wednesday, June 26th at 2 pm for our Fireside chat. A program about the History of the Cedar Mountain Curb Market, Family Farms, and the Home Demonstration Club will be presented by Beth Owings and Patty Stahl. They plan to serve baked goods made from recipes of the ladies at the Curb Market and show photos of the Market, family farms, and Home Demonstration activities
Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest. Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message!
This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes On June 16th, we welcome Rev. Dr. Pamela Patrick Cole. Pam is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (ECO) and her goal for ministry is to serve Christ and to be conformed to his image. Julianna, Katie Hanna, Margaret, Alexander and Benjamin Stuckey, grandchildren of Barbara Stuckey, will provide the service music this week.
To be held Sunday, June 16th, 4:30pm- 7:30pm, this dinner is a fundraiser for the Transylvania Shares Lending Library.
Join us for a community feast honoring fathers with an Indian dinner prepared by Tanamayi. Dine in or take out your meal for $25.99. Regular, vegan, and gluten-free options are available. This is a zero-waste event, so please bring your own table service. If you would like to order your meal for take-out, please bring your own containers.
Menu: Whole Wheat Naan (GF option available), Chickpea curry, Basmati Jeera Rice, Vegetable Side, Chutney, and Rice pudding. Everything in the menu is gluten-free except the bread. Substitute available.
RSPV here: https://www.originaw.com/service-page/canteen-fundraiser-indian-dinner?referral=service_list_widget
League results for June 10
What a beautiful day for golf on Monday. We welcomed two new players to our league and had 22 golfers play the back nine in a game of Like Handicaps/Low Gross. Winner: Peggy Baldwin. Low net: Marolyn Smith, a new player. Next Monday we play the front nine in a game of Low Putts (only the number of putts will count as the game score for each team). Thanks to everyone for showing up at 8:30 each week so we can start off well at 9 a.m. Please give us a call if you're running late - clubhouse number is 828-884-7825. Watch for emails if it looks like we will be rained out.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

I put a lot into one week: traveled to Waynesville for 1 day of the annual 5-day “Gourd Gathering” show. So much to see and do at those events, which was in its 22nd year! The day I went I taught a class on sculpting a sheep on a mini warty gourd. My grandson Cooper assisted me and was a big hit. The class was all ladies who were determined to master our clay-of-choice “Quikwood”, which is a 2-part, epoxy that, once mixed, hardens in 15 minutes! So I showed how to work in layers. A great thing about Quikwood (no “c” in the name) is that it self-adheres to the gourd. You can see more photos and hear about this show at: gourdgathering.org
This August, right here in Cedar Mountain, will be the annual “Mountain Gourd Gathering” which will be our 16th year. I will teach only 1 class during this 3-day event as I stay busy being the host. My contact is: chris_p_artist@yahoo.com.
Finally back home I visited the nursing home where I work on Sunday and enjoyed a church service from Destiny Church. They come there every 2nd Sunday at 1pm.
School is out now for students but not teachers so on Monday I took my grandson to the nursing home (Sapphire Ridge; old Accordius Health & Brian Center) as his mom’s a teacher. Outside in the beautiful “Alice’s Garden” we weeded, watered & snipped for 2 hours. Cooper loves anything outside and I love having his help! Next week the Transylvania Boys & Girls Club begins their summer camp program and Coop’s will be attending that.
So the summer months are upon us; they’ll fly by. Summer officially begins on June 20th. Actually this whole year feels like it’s flying by! Is it just me? There’s just 168 days left until Thanksgiving, and 195 days until Christmas.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
My honey and I attended the Cedar Mountain Community Center potluck and program last Monday, the food was good, the entertainment even better, and the parking lot was overrun.

Our own hillbilly, Ron Chapman, gave a hilarious and informative talk on The Southern Mountain Dialect. He delved into the origins of our unique way of speaking, how it has evolved over time, and what makes our dialect so special. We learned that hillbillies seem to have an aversion for the letters W and R. For example the word arrow might be pronounced era. More is mo and shower shar. PIC