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Cedar Mountain News for 8-12-21


Time is running out to reserve tables for this year’s flea market. Tables are running short but we can get more if needed. Please do not leave items in front of the center or on the premises. If you have questions or want to donate to the center table please call Linda at 828-877-5407. All proceeds from items donated to the center table benefit the community center.

The flea market will be held on Friday, August 20th from 5 pm – 7 pm and Saturday, August 21st from 8 am – 11:00 am at the Cedar MountainCommunity Center. No early birds please. Interested parties should contact Linda Young at or call 828- 877-5407 for details and table reservations. If no answer, please leave a message. We still have some tables and there are several outside spaces available as well, including the picnic tables in the pavilion. Please make your reservations now. Tables or spaces are $10 each and must be paid in advance. All proceeds from table/space rental benefit the community center.


On Labor Day weekend - Saturday, Sept 4th, the Cedar Mountain Fire Auxiliary will be doing a BBQ lunch to help buy needed equipment for the fire department. BBQ plates will be $12.00 and includes baked beans, desert and a drink. BBQ meat will also be sold at $12.00 a lb. Please come and make it possible for the fire department to replace old worn-out extrication equipment.


The Red Cross Blood Drive will be Saturday, August 21st. The blood drive is held from 8:30 am – 12:3 pm at the Cedar Mountain Fire-Rescue Department.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


BIRTHDAYS: A big Happy Birthday to Barbara Jones who came into this world many year’s ago on August 1st. She has been a faithful worker and a blessing to many! Making her first appearance is tiny Camryn Mae, born this past Monday, August 2nd. She is the first grandchild for Bob & Margie Smith. Congratulations! Hilda Riddick celebrated another birthday on the 3rd. Lifelong resident Randy Pace gained another year on August 7th, as did his cousin Debbie Pace Bracken. Hilda’s husband John Riddick was born on the 8th, just five day’s after his wife’s birthday. Makes it easy to remember doesn’t it John? Walker Crosby was surrounded by his children and grandchildren at Rocky Hill church this past Sunday, in preparation no doubt for his birthday on the 10th. Chef Don Hayes will probably let wife. Jeanne, bake him a “healthy” cake for his birthday on Friday the 13th! Metal sculptor Chuck Guffey can build his self a 30’ tall cake if he wants for his birthday on the 15th. Mike Gillespie grows a year older on August 18th. Robin Bishop will gain a year on August 23rd. Danielle Youngwolf (Linda Young’s daughter will be a year older on August 24th. Little Sara Raines gets cuter each year; she’ll add another year of cuteness on August 27th. And Margie Rackley will be celebrated on the 30th. Mike Happy birthday to all!

ANNIVERSARIES: Carl & Charleen Galloway were married on August 14th and have since produced several cute children and grandchildren! Walker & Pam Crosby we wed August 21st, the same wedding date as Lee & Lorrie Smith. Wayne & Robin Bishop were married August 31st. No newlyweds in this crowd; congrats & best wishes to all! If you have a “celebration” to announce please contact Christine Pace at (828) 885-2103 or HOMECOMING AUGUST 22ND

Everyone is welcome & invited to “Homecoming” at RockyHill BaptistChurch on Sunday August 22nd. Homecoming begins at 10:30 am and will be followed with a covered-dish lunch in the FamilyLife Center next door. Please leave your dish there prior to services. Special music by the choir and anyone else who wants to participate; please call Dr. Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill, at (828) 862-5611 to voice your interest or with any questions. Dr. Oliver “Butch” Skerrett will bring a special message for Homecoming.


Everyone is invited to visit our 10th annual “Mountain Gourd Gathering” held this year from October 14-16th inside the Family LifeCenter. If you want to take a class though you should sign up soon! You can view the classes and activities, and sign up, at: Contact host, Christine Pace, at (828) 885-2103 or


Sherwood Forest Ladies golf league Aug. 9 results: 17 women played a game of Like Handicaps on the front nine. Winner: Georgia Osterc. Low net: Judith Davis.


Programs sponsored by the Sherwood Forest Friends at the Robin Hood Barn are as follows:

Friday, August 13 at 7 pm Marc Fries will present. “Meteorites: Messengers from Space”.

Following this presentation at 10 pm there will be a Perseid Meteor Shower sky watch at Arrowhead Lake. The Perseids, which often are very bright meteors, are debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle. Every year, the Earth passes near the path of the comet, and the debris left behind by Swift-Tuttle shows up as meteors in our sky. Bring your own blanket and chair and watch the show. The rain date is Saturday the 14th. Linda and Marc Fries will host.

On Saturday August 14th at 7 pm Linda Welzenbach-Fries will present “Collecting Meteorites from Antarctica – Exploring Space on a Shoestring since 1977’’

On Saturday August 21st at 7 pm, Michael Castelaz will discuss “Space; how do we know what we know about it?”

Last Friday at the Robin Hood Barn, Carolyn McIntyre (pictured), in period attire, presented a monolog entitled “A Story of Courage” about a woman’s escape from Indian slavery. Her performance was outstanding. For details please visit


Monday night, my honey and I attended the fundraiser auction for the Cedar Mountain Community Center Scholarship Fund. The silent auction had gobs of cool things. There was something for everyone including me. I bid on and won a manicure at a local salon. I thought it fitting to do my nails up right before our wedding next month.

An open auction preceded the announcement of winners of the silent auction. There were many worthy contributions to the open auction as well. David Brown donated several of his wood creations including a table with a sourwood top. His creations are always a hit.


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