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Plan ahead. The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Auxiliary is planning a Baked Spaghetti Supper drive-through fundraiser at the Cedar Mountain Community Center Saturday October 10th from 5pm to 7pm. The menu will be baked spaghetti, salad, bread, and a cookie. Suggested donation is $10.

It was necessary to do the drive-though at the community center so as not to block any doors at the fire station.


Upcoming blood drives will be on October 17th not the 24th as reported in last week’s news. There will also be a blood drive on December 19th. Blood drives are held between 8:30a and 12:30p at the Cedar Mountains Fire Dept. Those whose lives have been saved by your donations thank you.


If you have an event or meeting scheduled or need to schedule one, please check with Caroline Chambers regarding your reservation. Her number is 828-290-9662 or you can email us at Come see our beautiful new pavilion with picnic tables for your enjoyment.


Our community center website is It features upcoming events, current and past issues of the Cedar Mountain News, and much more. Check it out.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER ANOTHER SEPTEMBER CELEBRATION: I learned of yet another birthday happening this month; it is Don Patrick, who will be celebrating on September 22nd. Don & Judy Patrick celebrated their wedding anniversary on the 8th of this month. Congratulations you two. If I miss listing your birthday or anniversary in the month it happens please email me with the information: These "celebrations" only come along once a year! MY PASTOR LOVES MOVIES Dr. Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist Church, loves movies. Luckily for those of us in his "flock", we reap the rewards of his passion by being invited to watch many great movies on the big screen in the church sanctuary. We have been enjoying what I consider to be the best movie ever, in the past 7 weeks, from the production company VidAngel; the movie is titled "The Chosen". I understand anyone can watch these on Youtube too, but there is something to be said about sharing a great movie with friends (and church family) on a big screen. When the next series begins I'll be sure to let you know about it, as everyone is welcome. We are social distancing. I even dragged Linda Young to one such movie, bringing her an extra cushion to relax on. She was thrilled to see there were closed captions too. Thank you pastor Leland for sharing these movies you so love. I must say I am missing being able to go to movie theaters anymore. I didn't go often, and too often the movies I paid to see weren't what I had hoped for. Of course I always bought popcorn there and did enjoy that (OK, the popcorn couldn't compare to the free popcorn from ACE hardware next door; even ACE has had to stop offering popcorn during this pandemic). More often than not, if there was a superhero movie playing, such as Superman, you'd see my pastor in the audience as well, ha-ha! GOOD NEIGHBORS I am blessed now with such good neighbors. I've visited Linda Young at home more in the past 4 weeks then I ever had in a year, with her living less than a half mile from me now. Candy Gray walks her dog, and sometimes some other dogs too, "up" to my cabin twice a day. She pops in to check on me and often helps me with one thing or another; especially if there is a bug slowly walking across the floor. She kindly picks it up and releases it back outdoors. Or she brings me things; a 3-way light bulb the other day, to replace the one I needed in my 3-way reading lamp. Thank you Candy! One day last week I decided to drive to Pretty Place to see how far it was from where I'm staying, and in just 7/10 mile I saw my friend Sheila Bayles at the road checking her mail! We chatted a good 30 minutes and I never made it to my destination. But Sheila told me the distance, saving me the trip. It's not far. With so many living so close, I imagine they will seem miles away this winter if we get deep "snow"! Uh oh, preacher says that's a bad word! Stay well everyone, and tell me or Linda what you are doing during these changing times. Thank you!

IN YOUR KITCHEN (A TRICK AWAITS): I have a friend whose puppy got stuck onto one of those mouse stick-on pads. These pads are placed in areas where a mouse may come inside your home as the weather turns colder. When a mouse steps onto the pad the mouse can not escape; it is caught. My friend was frantic, as was her puppy! It took hours for her to cut her pup's fur away from the stick-on pad and finally ended in a trip to the dog groomer. What a mess! But there's an easy solution: Look in your kitchen fridge or pantry and find something with oil in it. Butter, mayonnaise, or olive oil will work. Smear some oil onto whatever is stuck to the stick-on pad and the pad will "slip" away! I learned this from a professional exterminator. He has released many things from these pads, including snakes, a bird, a 10-year-old girl’s hair (who of course was afraid she'd have to have her beautiful locks cut off!). "I don't like snakes" the professional said "But I had a packet of mayonnaise from a to-go eating joint, and I squirted the mayo along the stuck snake, went indoors for just a moment and when I came back out I saw the snake slithering away, minus the pad." As the weather turns cooler outdoor critters may try to come inside, so if you use stick-on pads to stop them, and someone else gets stuck on it, I hope you'll find an easy solution right in your kitchen.


League results for Sept. 14: Eighteen players competed on the back nine in a game of low net. Winner: Pat Dearbaugh with 25. Low gross: Georgia Osterc with 35.


I finally finished attaching quarter round to the front of the treads on my basement stairs. Each step had to be individually measured due to the rock wall of my fireplace. No two steps were precisely the same width. Now I need to “finish” the knotholes with resin. Not looking forward to that because of the problem keeping my cats off them.

It’s nice having my co-writer, Christine, living so close. We get to see each other more often and compare “notes”.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.


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