SPRING CLEAN OUT! Bring old documents and unwanted or expired medication to Cedar Mtn. Fire Rescue on Saturday May 18th from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Shred America will be on site for document disposal and a member of the Sheriff's dept will be on site for medication disposal. Also, please support our community by brining a canned food item.
This month's potluck will be held on Monday, May 20th due to a conflict for the regular date. Please place your dish to share on the serving tables by 6:15 p.m. so we can begin serving at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Transylvania County Agriculture Agent, Bart Renner, will give us a presentation at about 7 pm. Many ecologists measure the health of an ecosystem by the diversity of species it can maintain. From that perspective, we live in an incredible ecosystem here in Cedar Mountain! While the health of our ecosystem might be at risk due to a variety of factors including invasive species, habitat loss, and changing climates, it's important to learn about what we have before we can understand how to protect it. I'll go over some important woodland botanicals and even some native bog species, their history, and how they have impacted Western NC, including right here in Cedar Mountain.
Wednesday May 22nd at 2 p.m. Susan Garrett, Community Programs Manager for WNC Communities will present on the fascinating history of Communities, the programs and services that they offer, and what the future might hold. This will be held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. In the late 1940s efforts began to improve life for those living in rural Western North Carolina. The people of these communities worked together to bring needed improvements like running water, sanitation, providing food, clothes, and other support to needy families, and generally creating a sense of neighborliness. The Community Centers that you see in our area arose from this effort and are supported by WNC Communities.
Saturday, June 1st at 2:30 - Please mark your calendars for the McGaha Chapel Summer Sing-along from 2:30 - 3:15. Watermelon will be served on the grounds after we sing. Shuttles to the Chapel and parking will be available at the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center. More information will be shared in next week's column. Get ready to sing!
The Cedar Mountain Rotary Club is one of 33,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide. We are in Rotary District 7670 just south of Brevard, NC. We are a satellite club of the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest. Their next meeting in Cedar Mountain is June 3rd at 5:30 p.m. at the Cedar Mountain Community Center.
Join the Cedar Mountain Canteen as they welcome back Daniel, owner of Perra Loca Produce (A local, small farm located in Happy Acres, Brevard). They will have free-range eggs, fresh fruits and veggies every week on Mondays! Daniel is bringing his farm stand back and his partner is joining him with artwork and small crafts. A few other vendors have asked if they can join from time to time, and you will see them on occasion. The stand will be open Memorial Day, June 1st and then on Mondays starting June 10th
The Canteen is also distributing dried beans for free, thanks to a donation. All are welcome to pick up a bag or two or three.
Saturday May 25. 11 am - 2 pm at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department. The menu includes pulled pork or beef brisket, baked beans, coleslaw, a cookie and a drink. Suggested donation - Pork plate $15 or brisket plate $18.

THE HEART OF THE HAMLET by Sarah Dearbaugh
The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a stunning natural phenomenon usually associated with regions that are found more on people’s “bucket lists” rather than WNC.
Yet, last Friday night around 11pm, the heavens decided to put on an unexpected show right here in Cedar Mountain! The sky ignited with vibrant hues of green, purples, and reds — too much for the human eye to distinguish but through the lens of just the phones and cameras in our hands, we got to take in the awe of this rare occurrence. I was able to capture auroral coronas, which looked like winged angels and bright pink walls of flares called aurora beams. Pic by Sarah Dearbaugh.
How lucky are we to live in such a magical area of the world? One month it’s the eclipse, one month it’s a rare geomagnetic storm, and coming up, the forest floor will be alive with Blue Ghosts!
by Nancy Waclawek
Under overcast skies, 22 women played the back nine in a game of closest to the pin on number 13. Winner: Joy Seelinger. Low net: Louise Stroup. Low gross: Nancy Waclawek. Next week's game is Drop One Hole played on the front nine. Please be at the course by 8:30 a.m. for our 9 a.m. start. If you're running late, call the clubhouse at 828-884-7825 to let us know you're on your way. Also, if rain threatens, watch for emails from Sue Wojcik or another board member about whether the course is open (or call the clubhouse). Follow us on Facebook (Sherwood Ladies Golf) to see photos and more information about our league.
SEE OFF NEWS by Doug Poad President & Secretary
Greetings, neighbors and friends,
Our May Potluck is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th. Bring your dish at 5:30 pm and we’ll socialize for a bit before eating at 6:00 pm. Susan Hindman and Watt McCain are our hosts (thanks, folks). Bring your own utensils if you are of a mind to do so – it reduces our contributions to the landfill. Our program speaker after dinner will present information about co-existing safely and responsibly with the bears in our shared community.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
Our newly remodeled bathroom by Joyce Windows, Sunrooms & Baths, has a two-year full warranty. We didn’t think we’d ever use it but while cleaning the door last Friday, it came off its track and we could not get it back up. My honey had to shower in the guest bath Saturday and it is smaller than the one in our motorhome. I heard his elbows hitting the walls. We were glad that Joyce came Monday afternoon and fixed it.
NOTE: All news must be sent to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com
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