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On October 22 there will be a blood drive held at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Station starting at 8:30 am and ending at 12:30 pm. It is recommended that you make an appointment with the Red Cross now. Appointments can be made at


The Cedar Mountain Trunk or Treat will be held in the Studio276/CMM parking field on Sunday, October 30th from 5-7 pm. All kiddos are encouraged to dress up in their costumes!

Want to Trunk with us? Please send an email to Donating Treats? Kindly drop contributions in the back of the Willy Honka truck under the carport. Thank you!


The Cedar Mountain Community Center, 10635 Greenville Highway, Cedar Mountain, NC, is hosting its second annual Handcrafted Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, November 5th from 9 am to 3 pm. A wonderful assortment of handcrafted items by skilled local artisans will be available for purchase. Christmas is just around the corner! Come and enjoy all of our local businesses and everything that Cedar Mountain has to offer! Plan to make a day of it. Grab a bite to eat and drink, check out our local businesses, and see all that Cedar Mountain has to offer.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace There’s not enough of me to go around; seriously! Besides the year seeming to fly by way too fast, I now have to postpone appointments I won’t be able to get to this year. Hopefully January & February will have enough decent weather so I can reschedule some of these things. I’ve been told I need cataracts removed from both eyes. That’s one thing I need to put off until after the first of the year. Though I tried to postpone starting my ENTYVIO infusions I’ve been talked into starting them later this month, right between two classes I’m committed to teach; one in Georgia and one in Raleigh. These are gourd sculpting classes. You can imagine me trying to get samples ready with two bad eyes! I’ve had to give up my water aerobics classes while preparing for these classes, which I miss greatly. Volunteering at SAFE has been put on hold too. Hopefully I’ll be back there as the Christmas rush heightens. In between doctor appointments I was able to visit the Library Book Sale on its last day last Friday. That same evening I took a sandwich to the Oaks and ate my dinner with residents Gail & Helen. What a wonderful visit we had! They traded their flavored sherbets, as they often do. “We’re still full from a delicious lunch” they said. My grandson will miss me picking him up from his elementary school on the days I’m out of town. I’ll miss one or two of his flag football games too. See, I need two of me! I was able to get my flu shot, and the last (?) Covid booster vaccine. So though I feel pulled in way too many directions, I’m thankful for my health. Speaking of being “thankful”, as of this Thursday there are exactly 5 weeks until Thanksgiving! Are you ready for the season?

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Murphy's Law – “if something can go wrong, something will go wrong, and at the worst possible time!” Well I guess it’s not the worst thing that can happen, but our over-the-stove microwave let me heat water for my cup of coffee just before dying. My honey had to heat water for his coffee in a pan. Also our pickup and SUV sat the whole summer without use and are both moldy inside. We will have the SUV detailed and maybe try to clean up the pickup ourselves.

We enjoyed a trip to the parkway last week. The colors are (were) breathtaking. The best we’ve seen in many years. They were still in peak in Cedar Mountain Sunday but our trees are shedding their leaves like mad now.

Yard work is something we are mostly unable to do anymore because of balance issues and the front yard is steep. We hired a guy to weed eat and he did an incredible job. He left without asking for payment but I’m sure we will hear from him.

Housework is something else that needs more attention than it gets so I hired a couple of ladies to do a deep cleaning. They even washed all the windows on the inside. Their version of deep cleaning is not quite as intense as mine but they did a good job and I would use them again. When I get really serious about cleaning something it may involve Q-tips.

Halloween decorated mailbox photo by Richard Packer aka “Honey”


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