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USPS will return putting mail back in the PO Boxes not in the temporary truck.



The Annual CMCC Thanksgiving Potluck is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Since the Community Center is being restored from damage from the hurricane the potluck will be held at Rocky Hill Baptist Church Life Center. Food on the table by 6:15p.   Food will be served at 6:30p. Turkey and Ham and Gravy will be supplied by CMCC. Please bring your" Must Have Thanksgiving Dish" to share with the community. It is a time of fellowship and thanksgiving and wonderful food. Everyone is welcome.


The lights went out in Cedar Mountain in the very early morning hours of Friday, September 27th and all

other things electrical, as well. Many of us had prepared in the time-honored ways. We filled our bathtubs, buckets, pitchers and pots with water from our faucets and put new batteries in our flashlights and lanterns. Candles and matches were made handy. Gasoline powered generators were topped off and propane tanks filled. Losing “power” in Cedar Mountain is not an unusual event but doing without it for one to two weeks is. Not since the blizzard of March 1993, a storm of the century with its high winds, downed trees, blocked roads and 18 to 24 inches of snow, had Cedar Mountain been in thef   dark for so long.


The utility trucks pictured in the photo began working to restore power in our community within a week. Some residents along Highway 276 had electricity restored at that time while many others waited for another five to seven days. Soon the parking lots at Rocky Hill Baptist Church were completely filled with large bucket trucks, crane borers and others with new poles. The electricity at the church and Family Life Center was back on after the first week and the doors were opened in both buildings. Bathrooms, coffee, and iced tea were available for the men and women repairing our lines and working from a temporary office in the church garage. Food was offered throughout the community. Repairs were made in Cedar Mountain but also beyond the state line and out to Caesar’s Head and down US Hwy 276. Hwy 276 South from Caesar’s Head to the foot of the mountain was badly damaged and is still a one lane road in sections. Thank you to everyone involved for getting us back “on the grid!’


If you have photos of Cedar Mountain’s damage and recovery from Helene or photos of experiences and

gatherings that you would like to share, please contact Patty Stahl at 828 553-5967 or 828 885-2498.



Located at 3232 Hendersonville Hwy. in Pisgah Forest


Please verify what donations are needed BEFORE taking donations. If one place isn't taking what you have collected, other locations may need those items. Anchor is NOT taking used clothes, only new, and certain types. Call them before buying and bringing.   (828) 884-7610


Anchor serves as a key distribution point for relief supplies such as food and clothing. They are scaling back on accepting supply donations. They have a massive warehouse onsite, and it's full to the rafters. Pickups are in front on Hwy 64 and drop-offs are in back off Old Hwy 64 for donations, volunteer signups, etc:



The Cedar Mountain Kids Club and Connestee Kids Club is presenting a Spooktacular Truck or Treat event at the Cedar Mountain Moonshine Distillery on October 31 from 5pm-8pm. Come enjoy DJ music, spooky trunks, contests, pet costume parade, candy, games and more!  To donate candy or bring a spooky trunk RSVP to Sarah Dearbaugh at



The season came to a close on Oct. 14 with competition on the front nine. We were all grateful for the chance to play golf just 18 days after Hurricane Helene inflicted extensive damage in our area, especially in Cedar Mountain. Bright sun and a brisk breeze greeted the women who came out to play on a morning when we felt the first chill of fall. Competitors for the club championship - Diane Garvey, Tina Nutty and 2023 club champion Nancy Waclawek - teed off first on the front. The rest of the field followed them, playing a three-club tournament. The club championship was a tight contest resulting in a one-hole playoff. Diane Garvey defeated Tina Nutty and won $50 and possession of the official championship sweater and vest. Her name will be added to the league trophy. Peggy Baldwin was the winner of the three-club tourney. After the round, players gathered for a picnic by the 10th tee and for the distribution of awards. The league welcomed nine new players this year for a total of 44 members. We had a record turn-out of 30 golfers one Monday. Here are other statistics from the 28-week season: Through all rounds played, there were 167 birdies, 3 eagles, 21 chip-ins, 57 game winners and 19 low-net winners. For each win, a $2-3 cash prize was awarded. Achievement Award recipients: Most Eagles, $20 award: Marcia Bryant; Most Birdies, $20 award: Georgia Osterc, Nancy Waclawek; Most Chip Ins, $20 Award: Roz Banks, Sandy Gollnick; Most Improved, Front, $15 Award: Lois Bollini; Most Improved back, $15 Award: Sandra Eidson. This year each member also received a $5 participation gift. Diane Garvey, league vice president, announced that a $250 donation would be made to the Hunger Coalition of Transylvania County from cash reserves. The Hunger Coalition hosts monthly mobile food distributions in Brevard, Cedar Mountain, Rosman and Quebec and supports eight local pantries with fresh produce, milk, eggs, cheese and canned goods. In 2025, Kathy Harris will be league treasurer, taking over from Nancy Waclawek, who has served five years in that role. Weather permitting, play will continue through the winter on Mondays starting at 10 a.m., or at 11 in case of frost. Join us, no matter where you live in the county or whether you have played with our league before. If winter golf isn't your thing, we will see you in April 2025. 


AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Whew!  You don’t appreciate what you have until you don’t have it.  In our case it was just power, phone (cell and landline), and water. We have a spring but no easy access for water.  I’m not complaining because we are much luckier than others.  Thanks to the thousands of responses to this disaster be it people or services for what has been accomplished so far. 


Note:  The deadline to submit articles for the news is Monday night.  If you think your contribution will be later than that you need to let me know.  Email with all news.  Photos need to be 900kb or more to be used in the paper.


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