Consider joining Sherwood Forest Friends for 2021! We are a 501c3 organization and have enjoyed partnering with Cedar Mountain in activities in the past. We hope that next year we can gather in person and get back to our mission: preserving the culture of this area and conserving land and keeping it undeveloped. Looking ahead, we want to promote the importance of Dark Skies, sponsor a Hike ’n Bike event and offer sessions with a variety of speakers and entertainers. Send a check for $50, $100 or $250 to Sherwood Forest Friends, Box 212, Cedar Mountain, 28718. A
For the holidays, a gift membership is perfect for someone who values the natural world, or someone who has everything else!
The choir of Rocky Hill Baptist Church is practicing this year's Christmas cantata, under the direction of choir leader Lenoir Bishop, and is going very well. The date the cantata will be performed to the public is December 20th AT 6p. This cantata will be a blessing to all who hear it. For more information please call the pastor of Rocky Hill, Dr. Leland Holland, at (828) 862-5611.
The next blood drive will be on December 19th. Blood drives are held between 8:30a and 12:30p at the Cedar Mountains Fire Dept. Those whose lives have been saved by your donations thank you.
Meals on Wheels of Brevard is currently surveying the need for lunch-time weekday meal deliveries in the Cedar Mountain community. If you, or someone you know, might be interested, please contact Meals on Wheels via email at sharynmowbrevard@gmail.com by December 15, 2020, or visit their website at: www.mealsonwheelsbrevard.org
Meals on Wheels of Brevard has been delivering meals since 1978. All meals are prepared at the Transylvania Regional Hospital under the supervision of a registered dietitian. Meals are low in fat & sodium and satisfy 1/3 of the daily nutritional requirements, and meet standards for cardiac & diabetic nutrition.
Fees are arranged on a sliding scale; inability to pay will not disqualify anyone from receiving meals.
Please contact Meals on Wheels if you are interested in receiving these lunches, or if you would like to volunteer to help.
Studio276 in Cedar Mountain is presenting a Christmas Market on December 12th from 11 - 2pm. Some of the participating businesses will be Dog Hair Designs, home décor, Sonne Studios, jewelry/watches, Faith Farm Designs, an arts and crafts studio, Hiker & the Hound, an outdoor equipment Store, and Cedar Mtn Moonshine, founded by Wes Dearbaugh, aka Papa Moonshine. Other Cedar Mtn businesses and organizations are getting into the spirit too! There will be booths full of holiday goodies and you and your family can have your pictures taken with the Appalachian Santa.
Want to be a part of the holiday magic? Email Sarah Dearbaugh at Studio276art@gmail.com
If you have an event or meeting scheduled or need to schedule one, please check with Caroline Chambers regarding reservations. Her number is 828-290-9662 or you can email us at cmcc28718@gmail.com. Our beautiful new pavilion has picnic tables for your enjoyment. It’s a great spot to sit and watch Tennis, basketball, or Pickleball players on the sports court as well.
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Both Dickie Bouye and Joe VanHook gained another year on Tuesday, December 1st. Both Bobby Jones and Pauline Taylor will grow another year older on the 4th as well. Luke Smith will be celebrated on December 5th; a wonderful boy! Lucy Jones (Bobby's wife)will gain a year on the 11th; Mark Burdette on the 13th; and dear Sheila Bayles will gracefully gain another year on Dec. 15th. The oldest member of our church(Rocky Hill), Ruth Whitson, will celebrate her birthday on Dec. 18th. Both Becky McDaris and Toney Murr grow a year older on Dec. 19th. My son, Matthew Jones, was born on Christmas Day, so gets double the presents. Actually he was my best present 46 years ago! Finally, a most wonderful, patient & kind friend, Deb Holland (Pastor Leland's wife), will become my age on December 29th. Happy birthday to all, and God bless you! ANNIVERSARIES: Only one anniversary in December that I am aware of, and that is Jeff & Patricia Smith. Their anniversary is December 21st, just 16 days after their youngest son Luke's birthday! Congrats & Best Wishes my friends. If you are celebrating this month please let me know by email at: chris_p_artist@yahoo.com MY WEEK: My computer caught whatever Linda Young's computer had, and is now awaiting replacement. In the meantime I am lucky to have a church that offers me the use of their computer. I won't give a sermon; I'll leave that up to my pastor Dr, Leland Holland, who, with wife Deb, just returned from a visit "up North" with their children. Hank Moffitt filled in at Rocky Hill Baptist Church this past Sunday and inspired us all to deliver the "Great Commission" to all we meet during these stressful times. Hank is the prison chaplain in Brevard, and his wife leads The Center For Women. Both are great examples, and very fine people. It's my honor to call them "friends". I hope everyone had a wonderful day last Thursday - Thanksgiving Day - even if you needed to stay home. Give thanks for every day! (Oops, I said I wouldn't preach.) The Monday following Thanksgiving I had planned to "waddle" to exercise class, but instead found myself in the ER at Transylvania hospital, to rule out a mini stroke; I even had my head examined. It turns out a new medication I took Sunday morning and at lunch that day caused these scary symptoms. Though she doesn't like being named, I am thankful for a neighbor who took me to the ER and waited 5 long hours to bring me back home! I'm doing great now. So normally I don't drink coffee. But with the extremely cold mornings lately I decided to wash the old coffee pot and make a brew. I added some milk and stevia to sweeten it and still there was a tiny bit of coffee flavor(ahem). I grabbed a coffee cup and only after emptying it did I realize what it said: "All I want is to wake up next to you" (a Valentine's cup). Well, I do not want to wake up next to a coffee cup, so back in the cupboard it went, after washing. A friend told me, this week, that she doesn't have her Christmas decorations up yet. It was on December 1st. I looked around my place and decided that I didn't need to add any Christmas decorations myself, as I have Santa ornaments and little gourd Penguins everywhere! I've been sculpting, carving and painting these for the past few months and, if I leave them on display as they are, they bring out the Christmas season just fine! I'm even wearing a couple mini-gourd Santa necklaces even as I type this! So Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy Hanukkah too! My friend, me, and even Linda Young will all be singing in the Christmas Cantata at Rocky Hill church on the 20th at 6:00pm if you want to come and hear us! My daughter came by and got my "Hey Google" thingy working again, after I got another cell phone & my computer died. I was so happy that I asked it to bring me up -to-date on the local weather report and the national news. After that I was ready for a joke from my Hey Google; here's what she said: "What's a pig's favorite karate move? A pork chop!". I hope you're laughing. AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Young I am so frustrated with my new computer I could scream bad words. I had to resort to my borrowed computer today in order to finish the news. I did have a very nice Thanksgiving and hope you and your families did too. Even though the world is in a mess right now, we can still find things to be thankful for.