This version of the news is a combination of news from Christine and Linda. A somewhat different version appears in the TTimes. See below for details.

Dog and handler teams have a unique opportunity to contribute back to their community. This month Candy Gray and her dog “Rain” passed their examinations and are now certified by the National Alliance of Therapy Dogs to go into hospitals, schools, libraries, and the like to bring joy and comfort to individuals in need.
Congratulations Rain & Candy. Thank You for your service!
Cedar Mountain will be welcoming spring this Saturday, April 9th, from 11 am-3 pm at the intersection of Hwy. 276 (Greenville Hwy) & Cascade Lake Road, known as the “Gateway to DuPont Forest”. Enjoy activities at Studio 276, the Moonshine outlet, and The Velvet Cup.
Bring a covered dish to the Cedar Mountain Community Center by 6:15 pm on Monday, April 11th for the first community center meeting of the year! Greet all the neighbors after a long, cold & wet winter. A program will follow the meal, given this month by Wes Sketo.
The next blood drive at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department will be on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 am to noon.
A musical Easter cantata will be performed by the choir at Rocky Hill Baptist Church during the 11 am service on Easter Sunday, April 17th, led by choir director Lenoir Bishop. Following the cantata, the pastor of Rocky Hill church, Dr. Leland Holland, will bring a spiritual message. Everyone is invited to attend.
Rocky Hill Baptist Church will not be performing a Sunrise Service at “Pretty Place” this year. For more information please call Dr. Holland at (828) 862-5611
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
This is Christine Pace reporting that the only thing I know happening around Linda Young’s house this week is what’s not happening: Her computer bit the dust. Tuesday evening, after we both attended the monthly auxiliary meeting at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. She called me, late, and asked me to send in what I had sent her earlier, plus a note about the blood drive and the community center meeting. What I don’t have is news that was sent directly to Linda herself, or to the Cedar Mountain News email. I think Linda is burning her computer keys! If your news isn’t in this week’s column we apologize. Please re-send your news again to Linda for publication next week.
Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News and for your submissions. Enjoy our beautiful community!
Cassi Harris turns 21 on April 2nd! Pam Crosby gains a year on the 3rd. Vaiden Girolamo will be celebrated on April 6th, and Hank Moffitt may get a cake too on the 8th. Jean Dunlap has a birthday on the 9th, and Lauren Taylor Wilkie too on the 10th. Cooper Harris turns 8 on April 10th! Angie Skerrett Beeker gains a year on the 11th, and Cathy Greene does as well on the 13th. There are two birthdays on the 18th: Charleen Smith Galloway and Nira Jones Stake; I believe these gals grew up together here in CedarMountain. Charlene’s mom Gail Smith grows another year older on April 19th. If you see Patty Stahl running hither & thither on the 21st stop her and say "Happy Birthday". Rounding out the last week in April are four more birthdays: Claire Skerrett on the 27th, Cody Brown on the 28th, Odell Owen on the 29th, and Gayle Rich on April 30th. Happy birthday to all!
ANNIVERSARIES: Fred & Gayle Rich celebrate another year of wedded bliss on April 8th, while Shawn & Megan Raines celebrate their wedding anniversary on the 14th. Congratulations & best wishes!
COMING ATTRACTIONS: There are even more birthdays in May! If you had or are having a birthday this month, or next, please contact Christine Pace at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com or call (828)885-2103.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
Last night my computer ceased to function just as I was finishing up the news at about 9 pm. Christine came to the rescue (I got her out of bed) and she sent the news in late Tuesday night. I was able to get the computer fixed by 7:30 am this morning, thanks to Joe at Computer Tech Squad, (he is an early riser), and decided to try to combine the two versions of the news. I apologize for any inconsistencies.
The computer malfunction was due to my sweet cat, Nozee, walking on the F keys when I wasn’t at the computer. I never touch them myself not knowing what they do. Nozee knows?
Thanks, Christine, for coming to bat at such a late hour.
Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please email news and photos to Linda at cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by Monday evening if possible.