BLOOD DRIVE Sponsored by the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Auxiliary, the Red Cross is having a blood drive at the station on Saturday, June 19th from 8:30 am– 12:30 pm. Please come and help save a life. If you couldn’t make an appointment please come anyway. No donor is turned away. MAHJONGG CLASS Start Date: June 29th Tuesday and Thursdays for three weeks. Time: 3-5 pm. Place: Cedar Mountain Community Center Cost: $10 (will go to the Association) Requirements: purchase of a 2021 National Mah Jongg League Mah Jongg card possibly available in town at O P Taylors, or online through the National Mah Jongg League website, eBay, and or Amazon. The large card is $10 Contact Betty Bernz at betybernz@gmail.com 828-483-3171 FLEA MARKET FUNDRAISER At long last, the Cedar Mountain Flea Market is back. This year it will be held on Friday, August 20th from 5 pm – 7 pm and Saturday, August 21st from 8 am – 11:00 am at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Vendors should contact Linda Young at linday28718@gmail.com or call 877-5407 for details and table reservations. Several tables are already reserved so make your table reservations now while they last. All proceeds benefit the community center so donations are also encouraged and welcome.
Construction at the Cedar Mountain Outpost project continues to progress!
Many thanks to Pinnacle Custom Construction crews for their work and friendliness to the community. Over 200 community members have responded to a ‘what would you like to see at the Cedar Mountain Outpost’s survey - it is not too late to contribute your requests and ideas: www.surveymonkey.com/r/CedarMountainOutpost It comes as no surprise that fuel service is the top request in survey results so far. Updated pay-at-the-pump fuel dispensers are being installed and fuel service will likely be the first phase to open this summer. You can follow our progress at www.CedarMountainOutpost.com, on Facebook, and on Instagram.

All I can say is WOW! What a turnout. There was barely a crumb left on the potluck table at the end of the evening. The room was filled with happy chatter. We were seeing folks we hadn’t seen since the pandemic started and had a lot of catching up to do.
Kent Wilcox presented a talk and slide show, “What’s the Reason for Reasonover”. Cedar Mountain residents agree that Reasonover Road was named after Reasonover Creek, but the reason for the name of Reasonover Creek is shrouded in folklore about some hermit or law evader who long ago figured out a reason to cross the creek. An extensive search of historical records going back to 1710 has revealed the true origins of the name of Reasonover Creek. Kent discovered that there was a “Reasonover” family that had a cabin or two in the area in the 1800s. SHERWOOD FOREST LADIES GOLF LEAGUE
June 14 results: 24 women played the back nine in a game in which the score of only the even holes counted. Winner: Carol Mitchell with 17. Loss gross: Nancy Waclawek with 33. Low net: Carol Mitchell. AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Young Busy week in Cedar Mountain! This area is hopping. With Creekside Market, the Cedar Mountain Canteen, and Studio 276 all sponsoring entertainment and activities, this area has become quite a destination. It looked like everyone was having a great time when we drove by. We did stop in at the Sherwood Forest Friends’ Tent/Garage Scholarship benefit sale and learned later that they had made their goal of $1000 for the scholarship fund.
Ann Cleveland A Celebration of the Life of Ann Stone Cleveland will be held on June 26. Family and friends are invited to the casual Drop-In from 2-5 pm at her home, While-A-Way, on Stone’s Lake Road. Parking will be available at Faith Memorial Chapel.
Ann Rivers Stone Cleveland May 5, 1926 – April 3, 2021

In the 1880s Eugene Earle and Floride Lydia Croft Stone traveled in a wagon, pulled by oxen, up the Jones Gap Turnpike from Greenville, SC to Cedar Mountain. They had purchased a summer home in Cedar Mountain that they would name Liberty Lodge. An entry in the Stone family history and recipe book describes those early years. “In those days there were no luxuries-no electricity, no running water, no refrigeration, no bathrooms. Kerosene lamps, a cool fresh spring, and an outdoor privy solved all these needs.” Their eight children spent summers in the mountain community and would eventually build summer homes there. Ann Rivers Stone Cleveland was the granddaughter of this couple and the daughter of Eugene Earle and Harriett Mitchell Stone. She was born in Marietta, SC in May of 1926, a time of change in Cedar Mountain as a new road up to Caesar’s Head, through the community and into Brevard was underway.
Ann and her sister Hallie Stone Maxon shared memories of their childhood summers in Cedar Mountain in a conversation in 2018. Their parents owned two seasonal homes in the community – first, Evergreen, and then later, Chinquapin Hill. The two homes still stand and are located along Hwy 276, near Rich Mountain Road. The sisters recalled swimming in nearby Clear Creek and Little River, walking on the old turnpike road from Chinquapin Hill to visit relatives at Alison Lodge and enjoying orange Nehi sodas, Lance crackers and dill pickles at Boy’s Store. “Boy” was Ted Stone and he operated this small store in the woods across from Rocky Hill Baptist Church. The store also housed a few slot machines, according to Hallie. And the girls occasionally rode in young Ted’s strip down. Square dances were held at the Richard Stone house near the store, at Caesar’s Head and later, at Robin Hood’s Barn in Sherwood Forest. Visits to the Hi Bunyan Store, the Cedar Mountain Post Office and the summer homes of Ann’s aunts, uncles and cousins were highlights of the day. Ann remembered hiking to Corn Mill Shoals in Buck Forest and attending services at Faith Memorial Chapel.
Ann and her brother Buddy were once given the job of returning a cow to Mr. Raxter, below Mill Hill and probably in the Dunn’s Rock community. The story goes that, as they were walking down the road, Boyce Bishop picked them up (cow and all) in his pickup truck by backing into a bank so that the cow could walk onto the truck. Cows were also brought along on the earlier trips on the Jones Gap Turnpike, often led by the boys or tied to the wagons.

Ann graduated from Clearwater High School in Florida and attended UNC Greensboro and the University of SC before marrying Elliott Padgett (Tuttie) Cleveland in 1947. Their wedding was the first held in Faith Memorial Chapel on Stone’s Lake Road in Cedar Mountain. Ann’s maternal grandfather and founder of the chapel, the Rev. Alexander Mitchell, conducted the ceremony. A reception was held at Chinquapin Hill after the wedding.
After raising a family of seven children with her husband in Marietta, SC and other locations, Ann and Tuttie returned in 1994 to live in Cedar Mountain permanently. They acquired the Stone’s Lake home of her uncle, Dr. Theodore Croft Stone and renovated it. Ann discovered her love of gardening and as she cultivated beautiful beds of flowers, she also delighted in sharing cuttings and transplants with others. She loved working in her gardens and often claimed that she lived in paradise, Cedar Mountain. Her children had spent summer days at Chinquapin Hill and would eventually own homes in the community. Ann regularly attended the Cedar Mountain Community Club meetings and events and groomed the flower beds in front of the Center. And she faithfully supported her place of worship, Faith Memorial Chapel, which is just a short walk from her home, While-A-Way. She was a loving, gracious and humble lady and we will miss her.
Thanks for reading the Cedar Mountain News. If you'd like to share your news, please email cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photo 1. Ann Cleveland and grandson Atlas Cleveland Photo 2. Pot luck. In the foreground are Anita and Ken Maurer Photo 3. Ann's wedding at Faith Chapel in 1947