Cedar Mountain News for Thursday 6-25-21
Following the Annual Meeting last Thursday, firefighters gathered for a demonstration of extrication equipment. A donated car was a completely dismantled pile of rubble when the demonstration was over. The fire department's equipment is severely outdated and parts are no longer available. Broken parts have to be fabricated. The firefighters were amazed at how much more efficient and easier to use these tools were. Injured persons could be extricated much faster with this modern equipment and make it possible to save more lives.
The blood drive was a success. 28 donations were made. Thanks to all who donated. If you missed this blood drive please contact the Red Cross for an upcoming drive. There is a critical blood supply shortage nationwide. According to the Red Cross a single-car accident victim can require up to 100 units of blood. An article in Reader’s Digest described a victim who required 78 units of blood before she was stable. You could make the difference between life and death for someone. With this in mind please contact the Red Cross to make an appointment at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). You may also register online at https://www.redcrossblood.org/
From Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day you are invited to worship at an old rock & timber chapel just 3/10 mile on Stone’s Lake Road (across from the Cedar Mountain Fire Department). Each week there is a different denomination behind the pulpit. An open-sided building, it allows views to a lush garden surrounding, while bird’s songs filter in. It’s an amazing experience! The Reverend Shelly Webb of Sharing House (Brevard) will bring the message at Faith Memorial Chapel this Sunday, June 27th. Service begins at 11:00 am.
Start Date: June 29th Tuesday and Thursdays for three weeks. Time: 3-5 pm. Place: Cedar Mountain Community Center Cost: $10 (will go to the Association) Requirements: purchase of a 2021 National Mah Jongg League Mah Jongg card possibly available in town at O P Taylors, or online through the National Mah Jongg League website, eBay, and or Amazon. The large card is $10 Contact Betty Bernz at betybernz@gmail.com 828-483-3171
Are you ready for this? The Cedar Mountain Flea Market is back. This year it will be held on Friday, August 20th from 5 pm – 7 pm and Saturday, August 21st from 8 am – 11:00 am at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Venders need to set up prior to the 5 pm opening on Friday the 20th. Interested parties should contact Linda Young at linday28718@gmail.com or call 877-5407 for details and table reservations. Several tables are already reserved so make your table reservations now while they last. All proceeds benefit the community center. Donations are encouraged and welcome.
Sherwood Ladies League results for June 21: The game on the front nine was an individual game of low-gross score. Twenty-two women played. Winner: Nancy Waclawek. Low net: Pat Dearbaugh.
Try as I might I attempted to include a couple of photos from the fire department extrication demo but was unsuccessful. I’ll try again next week. Off to get my wedding dress shortened Wednesday. It’s either that or stand on a stool. September 18th is inching its way ever closer.
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