Monday, July 11, 2022 at the Cedar MountainCommunity Center. Please bring a dish or dessert share and have it on the serving table by 6:15 pm. The serving line opens at 6:30 pm.
Following the potluck on Monday, July 11th the CedarMountain Community Center program will feature Didi Salvatierra, fiber artist, and her Quilts of Valor. A Quilt of Valor is a quality, handmade quilt that is machine or hand quilted. It is awarded to a Service Member or Veteran who has been touched by war. The Quilt says, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” Four veterans will be receiving quilts.
Sherwood Forest Friends is sponsoring a family-friendly square dance event and you are invited. Join us for a Shoofly Summers Square dance called by Susan Brown on Saturday, July 2nd from 6-9 pm at the Robin Hood Barn at Sherwood Forest. It’s only $5 per person so dance on down for a great fun evening.
The game was lowest number of putts and 14 women competed on the front nine. Winner: Peggy Baldwin. Low net: Elaine Gerwe. Low gross: Nancy Shoemaker. Next week's game, on the Fourth of July, is a scramble. Join us! Registration at 8:30 a.m. Shotgun start on the back nine at 9 a.m.
The Sparks Studio Vacation Bible School will kick off on Sunday, July 10 at 5 pm with a slip and slide followed by a hot dog meal with our families at 6 pm. VBS classes with craft, music and recreation rotations will begin at 6:30 and end at 8:30. VBS classes will continue Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30. For more information call Patty Stahl at 885-2498. Come and join us!
VBS in the 1950s Vacation Bible School has been held for many years at Rocky Hill Baptist Church as evidenced by the photo from 1959. The schools were held in the mornings, from 9 am to noon, and kicked off on the first day with a parade led by the flag bearers as the entire school marched down Hwy 276 and up the steps to the double doors of the church. Imagine attempting that with today’s traffic. There were far fewer cars, trucks, and motorcycles in Cedar Mountain at that time, especially on weekdays, and only seventy families lived in the community. The roads were our bike paths and playgrounds as they were often quiet and level areas.
Kool-Aid and cookies were served at VBS until the last day when each child brought a sandwich from home and a picnic was held on the grounds with homemade lemonade and cupcakes. The schools were held for two weeks, and a final commencement featured the classes standing in front of the church as they recited the books of the Bible, sang songs, quoted verses, etc. Crafts were cigar boxes with dry pasta shapes attached with white glue and spray-painted gold, wire coat hangers made into bird cages, decoupaged wooden plaques, and Plaster of Paris creations. Each year an anthem song was featured in the worship service, and the younger children learned songs like The B-I-B-L-E and This Little Light Of Mine in class. Many of the children in the photo are now the adult teachers at the church and are from the Skerrett, Jones, Bishop, Lee, Whitson, Seay, and Baynard families.
The clapboard siding on the church building was later covered with a brick veneer, the steps leading to Hwy 276 were covered and a vestibule now contains the double entrance doors seen in the photo. The old clear windows with colored borders were opened on hot summer days and are now replaced with stained glass windows. But the interior of the sanctuary, built in 1896, still contains the original poplar boards on the walls and high ceiling and the benches built from one large tree. The lumber was locally lumbered and processed at the sawmill nearby and the church was built by church members to replace the first building from 1875. Vacation Bible School will take place again this summer, beginning on July 10. We will enjoy the air conditioning, the suppers prepared each night in the comfortable Family Life Center, the media and monitors playing the music and dramas, and the slip and slide with the water provided by the Cedar Mountain Fire Department, the zip line, and, of course, sliding down the huge rock beside the Church.
But we will still remember the “good old days” when we were the children marching on the highway to VBS.

Students and teachers wait for the music to signal the beginning of Vacation Bible School at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in the late 1950s.
To rent the center please contact us well before your event. Please send an email to cmcc28718@gmail.com with your proposed date as soon as possible. You may also apply online at https://www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com/rental.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
There are several family reunions in Cedar Mountain going on this summer. Most missed the last 2 years due to the pandemic. I attended the Heath/Taylor reunion on Saturday where I met Courtney “Bud” Heath, Jr., whose grandfather led the choir at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in 1906! Bud is in his 80’s now but still sang out in a strong bass voice as we gathered around the piano at the community center. Bud and his wife & son Court III live in Easley, SC now.
July is almost here so if you want to be immortalized for a minute please send me your July birth date and/or anniversary, and I will publish it right here in the Cedar Mountain News. You may call me at (828) 885-2103 or email chris_p_artist@yahoo.com
If you want to learn a new gourd craft here in Cedar Mountain please sign up now:
Mountaingourdgathering.weebly.com. The 10th annual “Mountain Gourd Gathering” will be held in the Family Life Center from August 11-13, 2022. Hope to see you there!
Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll so you won’t feel like a guest. Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed also to have great music to accompany the great message!
This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes The Rev. Dr. Steven P. Eason. Steve is a Presbyterian (USA) pastor, author, pastoral counselor, consultant, and coach, and teaches preaching in the Zick Preaching Scholars Program. Ann Marie Bates will provide wonderful selections of music.
Faith Memorial Chapel is located about 1/2 mile up Stone’s Lake Rd. in Cedar Mountain.
NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
We are off on a multi-day trip and it started with a bang Tuesday morning. We had just successfully hooked up the Jeep to the Infirmary (motor home) at the Cedar Mountain Community Center when I realized I didn’t have my hearing aids. We had to unhook everything so I could make a mad dash (10-mile round trip) back home to get them. I could have managed without them if everyone could have stood the number of HUH’s?? they would have endured.
I had to pick up my computer at Joe’s on the way out of town. Joe, The Computer Tech Squad computer wizard usually comes in very early in the morning and I was to pick mine up on the way out of town so I’d have it for the news. We planned to be there around 6 am and it was 8 am when we got there. Thanks to Joe, my computer is working well enough to be able to the news. Thanks, Joe. We still made it to our first stop by 4:30 pm unscathed.
Post note: Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. We are here to make sure you know what is going on in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news. The deadline for submissions this week will be Sunday night, due to the holiday.