The Sherwood Forest Women’s Workshop announces that their famous Barn Sale will be held on Saturday, September 24th, from 9 AM to 3 PM. There will be a posted sign directing you to the Barn Sale at the Robin Hood Road entrance to the Sherwood Forest Community in Cedar Mountain, NC, off US Route 276 south. (Greenville Hwy)
This huge event will be held rain or shine and will feature household items, jewelry, furniture, tools, sporting equipment, and much more. Proceeds benefit area nonprofit organizations.
Cash or checks only.
The Cedar Mountain Fire Department Auxiliary will offer delicious lunch items at the Barn Sale.
The Cedar Mountain Community Center will host its 2nd annual Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 9 am-3 pm. Skilled local artisans will showcase a variety of wares for sale. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up some beautiful and unique items for those on your Christmas and gift shopping list! Plan to make a day of it. Grab a bite to eat and drink, check out our local businesses, and see all that Cedar Mountain has to offer. There are a few vendor spaces available. If interested, please contact Suzanne Lawson at 864-414-4417.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
The annual Book Sale in the large Rogow Room at the Transylvania County Library in Brevard (212 South Gaston Street) starts at 10am on Saturday, October 8th. Hours are 10am - 5pm every day through Friday, Oct. 14th; closed Sunday. The Book Sale is put on by the “Friends of the Library”, and is a big deal!
Members of the Friends of the Library (FOL) are invited to the pre-sale from 4-6pm on Friday, Oct. 7th. To become a member costs $15.00 per year and you can join online here: library.transylvaniacounty.org/fol
The many books offered in the upcoming sale are grouped together in categories, with overflow in boxes under the table. It has always amazed me (Christine) how very many good & versified books there are in this sale!
For those looking for even greater bargains know that on Thursday (Oct. 13th) all books are now half-priced the already low price penciled in. And on Friday (Oct. 14) their last day, you pay only $5. for as many books as you can stuff onto an Ingles box!
I’ll probably see you there. I’ve found terrific ideas, how-to’s, and even Christmas gifts at these sales. Come out and support your Library while benefiting yourself too!
The phone number of the Transylvania County Library in Brevard is: (828)884-3151
Sherwood Forest Ladies golf league results for Sept. 19: Thirteen women played the front nine in a game of Tee to Green. Winner: Karen Gleasman. Low net: Kathy Harris. Low gross: Nancy Waclawek. Only three more weeks left in the season. Join us next Monday to play the back nine. Registration at 9:30 a.m. Shotgun start at 10 am.
NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
It’s been a good trip so far. The weather was gorgeous until Sunday when it started raining in the afternoons about 3 pm. Tuesday was cloudy and cool. Glad we brought layers of clothing. We bought souvenir sweatshirts and that helped. On the first night here in Bar Harbor we stopped at a lobster shack and were amazed at the low price. The lobsters were $8.95 each. Delicious! Every other place they were double that and more. On Tuesday the bargain lobster shack was closed so we tried another place. The lobsters were much bigger than the $8.95 version and I actually liked the taste of the tomalley this time. I was grossed out with it in 2015.
We spent nearly all day in Bar Harbor on Monday. I managed to trip over a step to one of the jillions shops there and crashed. Luckily some very kind people lifted me to my feet as though I weighed mere ounces. A whole crowd gathered as I was guided to a bench to sit for a bit. I have a bruised knee but am otherwise fine. It’s amazing how many wonderful people there are in a world full of evil people and where shootings are everyday occurrences.
On Tuesday we went exploring and found a lobster buoy with the name Young on it. The proprietor said it belonged to a lobsterman named Manuel Young (Lucky) who had recently closed his business and retired. He knew something about nearly everything in his shack. Funny thing is that he recognized us. We had stopped at a beach on Mt. Desert Island and were crossing back across the road. He was in one of the vehicles that stopped at the crosswalk for us. He said our canes were the giveaway. Anyway, I now have a personalized buoy for my nautical-themed guest bedroom.
Post note: Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. We are here to ensure you know what is happening in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news. The deadline for submissions is Monday night or early Tuesday.